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Everything posted by Malika

  1. One of my favourite surahs! Masha'allah appreciated the calmness of his voice. JZK@Aaliyah
  2. This is why Somalis will never move forward - when those whom brought Somalia to its knees cant be condemned for what they have done without it turning to 'your uncle, my uncle, your atheero , my atheero...for Godsake - waa pathetic arguments!
  3. ^Heh.maa A&T ama Xiin baad moodeey..
  4. ^Lol. What have you done to Chimera? Bruised his ego at some point recently?..Lol
  5. ^Indeed...Life/Living is not a rehearsal - so live, go time does not stand still for no man/woman. Learned that sometimes life throws stuff at you. If you can change the condition you find yourself in do so if not accept and be content [talking about illness, diseases etc]
  6. *Blessed;856612 wrote: I suppose the thought that Somali girls in the west prefer other men helps some deal with rejection. How does one explain rejection in his own back yard, laakin? Alpha? Ouch! ka nax waa bil ramadaan eeh..Lol.
  7. Lol.astagfirullah - kuwa calool kusaan need loving too abaaye..maxaa tirii Mr Kuuso need not apply huh?
  8. BNS - Dont worry too much, am sure you will meet/find that special person that will overlook your bidaar. Honestly, when you find the one, they always look good no matter if they have bidaar or have put on is blind they
  9. ^Pst. I think I saw your old man on a bus in the neighbourhood - wanted to say hi, but wasnt sure though. The selfish me, says Zamzam and co need not apply asylum - just to prove that the tides back home are that is my wishful thinking..wishful thinking. Samia AUN.
  10. Malika

    Would you?

    ^ War iga leexo shekaduu saas haa uu dafiin hee..what if the friend actually had some feelings for the widow? and opportunity came knocking on the door - Allah ya raxiimu for the friend...she sees an opportunity to be with 'assuming' a good man with all the qualities she has been seeking..maa qof kale uu tilmamii ninkii ama eyada boska qabsani? Anywho, horta anuu sugnoo the 'single ladies' - we the Mrs club need not project our 'fears'..Lol.
  11. ^Lol.aniga! besteey ayaa Honestly, its been great just sad its about to leave us. ii waraan abaaaye? Hope all is honky dory... shaleytoo was in Southall, eat at some African restaurant, the food was like I was in Dar es salaam...masha'allah...[done my bit of advertising]
  12. Dr.Osman, dont tell nin yabaan where your house is - ninkan he knows all Che - why you hating on the multi coloured roofs,walls houses?
  13. Asalaam Aleikum folks! Juxa, mac mac...
  14. Malika

    Would you?

    Hmmm... depends nooh? Are there children involved? Did you secretly fancy them? Is he rich?[LOL] Is he tall..ha ha - anywho, the answer is No. the few friends I have I know far too much about their husbands - it will be too weird.
  15. Fabulous stuff Chimera! Thanks alot!! I second Norf.
  16. Carafaat;853993 wrote: How does one get 14 houses in a Socialist country. Mise 'hanti wadaag' waxa mooday 'hanti boob'. Somalis all over poured all their resources into Hamar - 14house is nothing compare to some whom owned whole streets. Siad's socialist wasnt similar to the likes of Nyerere whom his socialist ideas was modelled from the likes of Mao were a bit extreme although had its benefits too. Whereby no one could afford to even eat at some point iska baa daa build houses.
  17. Check this out ladies -!/KaftCouture
  18. ^masha'allah well done. I look forward to reading them..I would like info on the scholars, the merchants, the Somali empires and kingdoms ..emr throw in the historic cities too.. heck the whole lot...ta! On Eid this year in my town, there will be an exihibition of photos never seen of Somalia from the archieves of the British Museums [apparently] looking forward to that too.
  19. Illen wexee swahiligu uu tiradaa ' usicheze na mbwa atakufata msikitini - it literally translate to 'dont play with a dog, it will follow you to the mosque' - responding to your nacnac will literally mean am entertaining your nonsense, thus you being ignored - adigu meel naga fadisoo, whilst we wait for Adam to educated us. ps.Sheydan haigu noqoon, need to keep my fast going smoothly, cheers!
  20. ^ May I be a pain and ask for sources of your claims - it would make a good presentation for my up and coming 'Somali Day' in Autumn.. Thanks in advance.
  21. Ramadan Kareem @ sis Blessed - here you are : This website has some other coastal dishes If on facebook visit the Swahili Recipes page ... Lool@Che - Habo, told you come with me to Zanzibar aad kaa soo deeregtiid this sort of Alpunto - I know!! but am grateful to them for being adventerous and go far and beyond their watering holes - today my culinary world has extended beyond my geeljire great great grandfather
  22. Today - am making the ultimate coastal cassava cooked till tender in coconut cream, spiced up fish sauces - okay, am about to break my fast with drooling.
  23. ^Masha'allah - yani mambo mengi ya kula I am making katlesi na kalmati leo - samaki na mhogo wa nazi...cant wait!..lool Shukran sis, alhamdulillah siye wazima, tunashukuru mungu - naku ombea kila la kheri mwezi huu na mingi zaidi.