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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Jac - have you heard of poems written by a Xashi Maweel to his father, after he has left the land to far away lands? I know its a long shot but worth a try..
  2. ^Lol. adna maa intaa ayaa fahmiid weydee : " Waa wada socdeen, isku siyaasadna ma ahayn, waa iskhilaafsanaayeen" ps. Lets not spoil the thread. Xagaa 'Somaliland singer thread nage, I have a question for you.
  3. ^ Adna intaa haa kuu qancisoo Lol. "Soomaalileynkii xagga wadajir bay kaga yimaadeen, iyagana markii hore sidaasay isku khilaafsanaayeen beelaha Boorama (**********), Seylac (*****), Ceerigaabo (*******), iyo Laascaanood (***********) isku meel bay ahaayeen, beesha kale ee ***** ee Hargaysa iyo meelaha kale degtana meel bay ahayd. Waa wada socdeen, isku siyaasadna ma ahayn, waa iskhilaafsanaayeen" History continues.. ps. The late Sheikh sounded like a gentle being- Illahi haa uu naxaristoo.
  4. Malika

    Hello all

    ^Masha'allah, kijana - May Allah continue to bless you with faith, love and kindness - indeed, those are secret weapons Allah bestows upon us to conquer all sort for ourselves and others in this duniya. Thanks for remembering us.[very touching] ps. May Allah bless your forcoming marriage - May the marriage be a source of untold blessings,happiness and joy!...Amiiiiiiiin
  5. I think it will be worth a documentary interviewing these young men - to what lead them to the path of self destruct, to their lives in chaos , to ending being the wife of Tyrone [just to scare any potential little gangster wannabe out there] in some American jail for the next 20yrs..Nin Yaaban care to do this job?
  6. Hi all! reporting from little india aka southall... Juxa, one of these days - I shall let my anti-social grip off to meet you. I am sure it will be a delight![am here on a serious and time consuming mission, little time to even go shopping/socialise etc - insha'allah one day I will come all the way just to see] Ngonge - I got harrased by some bengali woman, she thought I was rich - kulaha are you rich, give me I just stopped to ask her which mosque had women facility so I could go in and pray..eyaduu naa wexee iistiri this lady looks likes free money socota!
  7. ^Lol@ hope family knows.. Congratulations Ms Moons - May Allah bless your union, shower your new life/home with barakah! ...Patiences/kindness and tolerance will serve you well with your husband and new family. ps.Learn your man [somalis have this thing about just blindly wanting someone to be something they might not be - learn him, you might not find all pleasing thats when the tolerance come in and understanding] Wishing you a happy and fun wedding!!
  8. And someone follows SOL on twitter? ..Lool Baal warama! I think am in Ngonge's neighbourhood - west ham...cant wait to get back to my tuulo.
  9. ^ Wanagsan walaal. Haye adaa war hayo..ehm ehm waa maxay?
  10. Alhamdulillah - Ramadan went smoothly and quickly [ sad face]...Eid was quiet at my end - enjoyed lamb biriyani and lots of mango lassi for lunch, still Ps. I hope you all had a lovely Eid today and that Allah accepted our fast and answered our prayers..insha'allah
  11. ^ remember to Indeed, Mogadishu experienced a peaceful ramadan and more so vibrant and lively Eid. Watched clips on enews africa - it was good to see some sense of normality. Illahi ummadisa kaa qabo spoilers of any sort..
  12. Bisinka! isagaa laga cadhubileystoo weeyaan intu dadka kale galo iyo sheydaan uugu yeero.
  13. ^Lol..I grew up with Eid mornings being hectic with all sorts of activities in the home - Eid preparations started the night before, from Henna, anjeera qoyiis,buur dubiis, to onion and veg preparation - with a goat or two tied at the back. The curtains changed, house cleaned from top to bottom - the day before Eid was all about preparation. The morning of Eid, started before dawn - food preparation, baths, dressing up for masjid - the house gets another go through - new bed covers on, uunsi on of all sort spreaded on the table..plates to give to neighbours prepared, waiting for us kids to start our Eid morning ritual of taking plates of food to neighbours,w hilst ofcourse collecting our Eid pay...When we come from the masjid the eating starts, house full of people... - the goat gets slaughtered - half of the meat is given to the poor , some to the neighbours, the rest is lunch for the elders as us kids by that time we are full of the rubbish our Eid money can afford...we would be off to the cinema or beach...Marka I cant have a quiet Eid, it depresses me honestly. I have tried to recreate same Eid in my home, but its not the same.. I dont mind the cooking or the cleaning as long as Eid is not quiet...looool
  14. Lol@Ayoub - allahu ya allam of the many fridays to come - yesterdays friday I was alive, kuwa soo socdaa illahi uun baa oog..nevertheless, May the strength of eeman we had during ramadaan stay with us always..amiin. Ibti - I hear you, laakiin ajaarka aad helisiid eeg. Instead of paying individuals why not hold a lunch feast for the poor - one or two camel alabarii uu samee dee..I miss Eid in Africa, halka you beg folks to come to yours for Eid breakfast, I would be by the masjid door tomorrow morning Insha'allah grabbing relatives/friends by their cabayaas to at least come for a cuppa! ..Lool
  15. ^Why dear? Eid Mubarak! - May the blessing of Allah fill your heart with peace..amiin Vitamin D , Vitamin D...or intee qoraxduu jirto, folks need to soak as much sun as possible. I keep hearing it being recommended to many people now days..illeen we were not meant to be in 'frozen lands'
  16. Ibti, indeed. She gained the daughters trust at that point - this would have been the time to raise the bar abit by talking to her daughter about her concerns and listen to her daughters views. I dont know - the mother seemed overwhelmed with fear and as you know unfortunately 'marriage' in Somali for a girl is the answer to all ills of the world. Gabadha niin uu guuri leh loo laa taliyee mamadu..
  17. ^You would be suprised at the amount of such cases dear. I am anticipating come Sept. of this case, I was involved in at the end of term. I pray the mother came to her senses. Teenagehood is the most challenging times for parents and teenagers. In this case the mother made one mistake, after the girl finished secondary school their relationship was relaxed , this was her opportunity to bond with her, thus to be able to influence her daughter's life choices. It should always not be my way or the high way - parenting like any other relationship it requires a certain amount of compromise, understanding, negotiations, compassion and respect. For those whom are raising pre-teens or teens - I would recommend this book called. "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen& Listen So Kids Will Talk" To raise self worth young women will require mothers to change their tone.their language etc. The former talk of - anigu markaa adiga kuu leeg, I was cooking, cleaning, carrying three of my sibling on my back whilst caltivating the land, caring for my abo,hoyo, praying 5 salah including all sunnah, read the quraan from cover to cover 100 times, wore clothes that were hand me down from aunties/cousins etc, never watched a movie, iska baa daa listen to music, I was known in the neighbourhood as 'saint Khadija' adigu naa waxaa rabta inaad ii cebeysiid - the whole neighbourhood is talking about you, you went our wearing jeans?? adigo madax qawaan?? alla baa ayee!! ..You say what, you want to join the school debate team - naa yaa caruutaa laa jogeyaa whilst I am at heblayo's house huh? naa jogsoo anigu debate team iyo waxaas maa aqaan. Guriga joog, sidhii Xalimo maa noqootiid - gabadh wanagsaan oo xeshmad leh noqoo - anigu tolow xagee inkartuu iga racdee - gabadh iis qawisaa oo music degesataa oo rabta inee kolbaa meel ado - naa degeysoo...Iskulan baas marka aad dameysiin, wad gursani doontaa anigu caruur garac marabo...Illahi naa astuur..Lol
  18. ^, whoosh!!! huh? [honestly didnt get it] Hey, Habo!
  19. ^Explain - maxaa camalka kaa qaade? ps.Have you done all your Eid shopping for the kids?
  20. Morning all! Jummah Mubarak - May the strength of Eeman stays in our heart this last friday of Ramadan!...amiin Lol@Ngonge, the wretched women have the right to make as much noise as possible especially when it comes to Khat - after all they are supposed to love the unloveable druggies with green stuff ouzing from their rotten blackned/broken teeth in their psychotic states of mind..
  21. ^Lol. Why not? You havent seen an uncle and his niece that are similar age?