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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^With books you creat your own movie with your own images of how you have interpreted the contexts and contects of the book..Where in a movie its the interpretation of the producer[movie maker].. Give me a book anytime,and my thoughts wonder through the amazing world of imagination. Jac,I read the day of the jackal as a teenager and I grew to have a special fascination with Carlos the jackal.
  2. Masha'allah! Congratulations and the warmest of wishes to your baby girl. Wishing your wife and you a wonderful new world of happiness to share with your baby girl….
  3. ^You my dear never seize to amaze me,you sound irritated today.Hmmm trouble in paradise miya?
  4. ^What majority,most of those I know whom are SLanders supporters are disgusted at this move by Riyaale.. Then again Jac, how closely related are you to Riyale?
  5. ^Yep..note was taken there Serenity..Lol,these sea blue eyes huh!,apart from the one with alpha ego[Rael?].. I never had a thing for white men,but there were some mashaallah ones..
  6. ^I cant wait to see ,how the girls are going to get along already you can see there is trouble ahead..The black girl was a tab bit in your face..dont you think?
  7. I am a fan of Apprentice,watched it since it started.I like the way he gives them simple tasks and they fail,the combination of all their degrees today they couldnt sell the bloody fish at a profit that it should have fetched...
  8. Even though I dont suffer from tokophobia,everytime I see a heavly pregnant woman meel baa idaamqata..oh men! just the thought of what awaits her,makes me cringe! but yet that doesnt stop me from getting broody every time I see a baby..
  9. I am currently reading this book ;Provisions for the Hearafter[Mukhtasar Zad Al-Ma'ad] by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah. I must be aging,I cant stand fiction anymore just like the way I cant stand Indian Movies nowdays..Lol
  10. Ibti,i think the brothers have ignored it,choose to close their eyes..Lol It was rather obvious hun.
  11. Italian furniture,Chinese furniture,Syrian furniture..heck any furniture as long as two other xalimos have them. fake plants Bariis Basta Tall,light skinned,tima dheer women. Tall,just tall men[unfortunately for they women,the arent spoiled for choice.] Multiple Nationalities..[max 5 citizenships]
  12. ^Its grey and raining here!... Are you at Uni?
  13. *Hi everyone* Surely its supposed to be spring now, I can no longer tolerate this grey sky,rain and cold..
  14. ^No Comment! Ah,Aaliyah sis its all about preference,his is not a woman in Hijaab in bed..
  15. ^Could it be Jac finds the hijaab a turn off..LOL,and am sure he meant dont wear anything that is revealing,appealing or attractive..such as a dircaa or guntino.. "- Never allow him to sleep in peace ,,, once you see he is ready to sleep, start counting his money from the first day he took the salary and ask him to explain each cent and where it is spent." ^Ha Ha...Lol,that sounds so familiar..Lol
  16. Ibti,keeping someone on a leash,will destroy even the little ounce of respect you have for them,markaa why be with someone you dont even respect.
  17. Originally posted by NGONGE: When talking about the availability or lack of eligible Somali men, I have to say that this problem only exists in your head and not real life. My dear, as I always tell all the single girls: if you go to Somalia, you will see Somali taag taagan! ^Loooooooool..that made me laugh,waar niimaan iskaa taag taagan yaa waax kufaleyaa..Halkan baa weey taag taagyhiin..have you not been in neighbourhoods Somalidu kuu badaynhiin?
  18. Ibti,all that energy spent of keeping him keen the girl could have found herself another faraax..Lol Firstlady,you dont want to be in a relationship that consists of plotting and munipulating...all that negativity tends to take a toll on the relationship,either he finds himself "someone that understands him" or you end up a miserable,loud mouthed woman. So if he isnt treating you right,girl there are pleanty of fishes in the sea..illahi baa umadisaa baad badiyee..My ayeyos matra!
  19. Originally posted by sheherazade: for those of you that cover their hair regularly, do you find the hair that comes into contact with the cover is of a worse quality than the rest? Any idea what kind of head cover material is best for hair? I'm bored and can't stop fiddling with my hair trying to work out if I have a couple of different hair types or if the top level is being destroyed by the hijab. :confused: ^Scarf doesnt damage hair,actually does the opposite it preserves it from exposure to elements that might cause hair damage. Try wearing silk materials,they say even at night if you want to wake up with emaculate hair,wrap your hair in a silk scarf[or silk stockings],it helps containing the hair moist.
  20. ^Read the first paragraph,through negotiation and compromising between the couple,it enable them to achieve what they had achieve... *high five* Noah Arre.
  21. May you,me,and our brothers and sisters be among those whom get to enter Jannah..Amiin ^This video made me cry..subhanallah,one can image being among those whom meet Allah...Oh boy! may Allah forgive us for wronging ourselves..Amiin
  22. Lol..clever man, Avoiding to answer the question..never mind though.