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Everything posted by Malika

  1. *waves*..Lol@having fridges,just the image of Jac drinking from the bottle then keeping on the side of his desk came to mind[yes am bored enough to even go there]..then this morning drinking the remaining milk..eew!..Lol Goodluck with the interview,just use your usual charms..but dont laught out too hard that might just freak them..Lol How is the weather in London today,yesterday it was cold,and I had to walk for some distance in North London..I was cursing all the way to where I was going..
  2. *Morning trollers! Jac, it must have gone off by now.. waax shaleytoo laaceysee.
  3. ^Did MMA get you her details,he said he would if you ask nicely..Lol Adam,are you trying to make,the first most beautiful woman in your life jealous?
  4. Naxaar those pictures are almost too pain ful to look at.. FB and Haneefah, LoL..just reminancing a once upon a time!..
  5. FB,if only you knew seeing those images does to a girl from the coast..[depression just kicked in] The first picture,you can almost feel the warm sea water,or imagine sitting in the shade drinking madafu[coconut juice]..Or laying in bed in one of those cottages,with the door and window open,the sea breeze blowing in,hearing the soothing sounds of the waves crashing into the beach,smelling that sweet smell of the ocean..HEAVEN!
  6. MMA, Please dont insult my intelligence by making assumption my knowledge and opinion of Mugabe is based on what the Western Media report.This isnt the first time you have made those assumption brother,I understand you might think some of us are that shallow..but we arent!! Dont underestimate us please. I believe we had discuss this last year on this link below; The west this,the white man this..I find this kind of thinking rather limited[there my assumption of people]..Lol
  7. Faraax,was there a pirate series of tin tin? I too was a fun,those twin detectives were just so cute..Oh and his cute little dog. North,when is the movie coming out?I shall drag my daughter to watch it,although kids now days havent got a clue of the pleasures of comic books and their characters.
  8. CL,I will be re decorating my house,plant some flowers in the garden a total homebody ayaa iskaa digii this two weeks,no travelling for me.You just make your way to my place,you will have chapati,mandazi,katlesi,vitumbua,mdizi za nazi etc etc cooked for you. GJ,am a regular mother theresa,xanaaq isnt something I recognise..Jac iyo CL yenee nawaliin aboowe.
  9. Lol..CL,Jac wilka sotaa shakii geliseen[sorry afsomali],now he will think I had an ulterior motives with my Aboowe..Lol Ibti,one has just to appear confident,ambitious and can bluf well,that all they sometimes want to hear. out,a begining of two weeks holiday! so hadaa halkaan iguu argtaan 24/7 hailaa yabinaa..
  10. Sanboor baa wilka hayaa, he either has allergic reaction to something[YOU]..Lol am kidding hadee.. Just ask him politely if he is allergic to something,what causes the constant need to blow his nose,has he seen anyone about it..and its up to him how he deals with those questions,its not like your insulting his manhood[God forbide]..
  11. ^Looooooool...You had to point my Aboowe moment..He he..Jalatoo maraabta abaaye CL
  12. ^Thats the begining of things falling apart,tommorrow it will be shortage of water,food etc etc I so want to see South Africa,must find friends there.I am a cheap skate,only goes to places where one can have free accomodation...
  13. Ibti,interviews are about selling yourself,so a bit of a lie here and there wont hurt. Geel_jire, you just woke up? intee joogta aboowe
  14. Ibti,I withdraw my application for consideration of my brother,we were looking for a woman we can slap about hadee..Lol North,careful now with the Southerner jab!..
  15. Lol..from Jac,Zafir and now Ibti,where is this free Swahili tutorial happening in SOL.. Ibti,habari yangu nzuri CL,Loooooooool..maskiin the poor man.
  16. CL Lol,tena sana! What else do weak/insecure men do,but push a woman too far. Ibti,Lol@own sanity, I hear you on that.Sometimes you just have to leave them to it. Hello*
  17. CL,sijasika hiyo tarab..I will try find the song on youtube tonight. How will a man ever raise his head up again after receiving a beating from his wife..
  18. Hello Jac,CL.. CL,sabah kheri mpenzi waonaje hali yako? I know its afternoon but that tarab has been lingering in my head all morning.
  19. ^Fake comments,were they meant as a dig at some people on the opposition side? Either you have amazing sight,and see things other then what they are, but I dont see Hablaha aad sheegeysa in that picture but old women. :rolleyes:
  20. ^Lol@Ms DD waniis.. Oh my god! its 12 midnight,I didnt even pray ishaa yet..caudhubillahi,argueing about mugabe janoo imageneysoo.. Goodnight folks ps..Nice to see you to see you Ms DD..
  21. ^He was a silly arrogant old man...Lol You all remind me of those special assemblies we do during Black history month.. Geel jire there is no question about the influence of the west in the deterioration of the economy of Zimbabwe. But the buck stops at Mugabe when push come to shove.Zimbabwe's economy rested on three pillars: commercial agriculture, tourism and mining. With the land reform policy of his, he wrecked the commercial agriculture of Zimbabwe. He handed the white-owned farms to Black Zimbabweans without troubling to provide them with finance, farming equipment, training and so forth. He unleashed violence against his political opponents, thus that frightened away tourists. By passing a policy that allows the seizure of 51 per cent of their shares, he forced the mining companies to abandon all exploration and investment. Dont even start me on the waves of skilled people leaving Zimbabwe because the standard of living and life in general has deteriorated.Lack of medication and equipments in hospitals.. :mad:
  22. ^How do you compare Mandela and Mugabe? Mugabe is arrogant,proud and will take this fall too hard.It will be interesting to see how he goes..
  23. ^And by only those mere words they make him a great man?? He has ruined the once self sufficient country,brought it down to its knees just like all the other useless African leaders.Zimbabwe was miles ahead of many other African countries,instead of thinking strategically at how he could continue to enhance the economy he did what? Introduce land reform,handing a whole plantation that requires skills to run to a poor farmer that was only used to farm in small scales. He ruined Zimbabwe..Period! Look at Mbeki now, how can a country like South Africa have shortage of electricity? These African leaders wallahi make such a shamble of anything they undertake..
  24. Stoic,all is well alxamdulillah! Is it spring we all getting ready for summer,I too had been on the run,but added climbing a 4 storey building flight of stairs too..which has left me in so much pain,places I didnt know muscles existed.. Lol@CL,unapenda umbeya wewe!