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Everything posted by Malika

  1. A Friday Khutbah on Dhikr Allah by Dr Ahmad Shafaat.
  2. ^Are you from Dar es Salaam?
  3. ^Intee joogtee when the memo for new trends for Nomads was passing around... Jimcaale,that could be a profitable business in a few years to come,all these little fish and chips,flight 13's will want to go back home to experience the ultimate experience of sleeping under the stars,milk camels and walk for miles seeking water..
  4. Roll back few years ago,reminancing on those friday nights filled with excitment..darn old age!Lol
  5. The brother asked a simple question,he didnt ask for your fantasies..Bisinka! :rolleyes:
  6. ^Lol..poor him,he felt insecured,he probably wanted to dazzle her with his vast knowledge of information only to find the sister knows more and probably in detail..Lol Are guys spoilt for choice? Having the luxury to choose,whilst girls wait until approached by the desirable kind,then and only then to make the choice..Whilst men,can mix and match until their heart desire..[just thinking out loud]..
  7. Poster, Accepting such a man will require alot of patients,humbleness and acceptance..I dont know what will be the excuse for him not knowing how to read nor write...Can he read Somali? Arabic? he totally illiterate in every sense?? Personally,I wouldnt want to end up being unjust to the man due to the lack of tolerance..
  8. ^LOL. Caadan,if the brother is a God fearing ,practises his deen and is down with my intrusive/crazy/demanding family then by all means I dont see why not! But its a matter of preference and attraction too,I for one love caramel filled chocolates.. and also its too late to go all creamy white now!..
  9. ^^ Xasiid saniid..Lol,but truth be told education isnt for everyone..huh? Lil_Sister, What are your strong points? Which subjects do you find interesting?,What level of education have you got now? What extra curricullar interests have you got?..intaasi soo jawaab then we can continue. What inspired me,were the people around me as a child,I wanted to be a diplomat but I have ended up in education..which is cool :cool: . Now I want to become an explorer to the vast universe..[in other words am ready to retire and potter in my garden]..Lol
  10. The stereotypical question would be do men prefer dumb,sexy women to brainy plain Xalimo? Do men marry down? meaning do they marry women whom are not their equals,in education,salary etc? The above are stereotypicals,some hiden truth here and there..but in honest things have changed..Unless you meet a guy with an oversized ego,but majority of educated brothers now days would prefer to be with an educated sister.The benefits of this is evidently obvious. I believe that any smart man/woman is looking for a best friend who will share his/her dreams for the future. In a smart people's ideal world, he/she'd be able to have dinner with his/her husband or wife and talk about what's going in at the office-his/her projects, his career-and ask her about hers in return. He/she is looking for some back-and-forth discussion, some advice, and a real sense of mutual engagement. Now smart Xalimos can take hope - Scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Pittsburgh have released a zany study on the zaftig, positing that men are drawn to hourglass figures not only because they look alluring, but because hips plumped up by omega-3 fatty acids could mean smarter women bearing smarter kids.....Halleluya! for those hips..[a joke!!]
  11. Malika


    The young man has talent,very creative indeed..
  12. Rudy,you were so off the topic, but so funny..walle you made me laught..Lol...astagfirullah! Maxaa sheeko aa isku dartee..
  13. I see this obsession is a shared one among Nomads around the world huh? Lol subhanallah!
  14. Lol..@Geel Jire, your on the right path brother,just eat and shut up is a good policy. Yaa Ibtisam,macaaney is there anyone greater then ALLAH? No so mahaan and just look at the dua's we do,how we praise and appreciate his greatness,his magnificancy and all the others praises he has revealed in his books and those he has taught to the invisibles,Subhanallah!..So darling praising one you love for the little wordly things they do for you isnt something one should shy away from.. Nephthys,I agree sometime people tend to misuse the love they receive from those whom love them and end up abusing the giver..oh,humans arent we special..Lol
  15. ^Caar,hadhaa niin tahay go do your reseach in Burco and Lascanood,maxaad ujeeda by "what kind of people to approach" then add these towns? :mad: Jac needs not to join tabliq but to be tied outside on a tree and karbash him for posting sometimes strange and silly posts..Lol
  16. ^Oh well!! we are all a bunch of children,let the play times beggin...
  17. Lol..Ibti,surely when praised at doing a great job at works make you feel all appreciated and valued so mahaa? It makes cooking such an effort less tasks if hubby goes out of his way to praise and brag about my culinary skills..Lol I believe when I praise him for a job well done in and out of the house he feels appreciated and valued as a contributing member of the family.. Appreciating each others isnt a bad thing,its actually something many couple forget and tend to focus on the negative aspects of their partners hence the bickering,argueing and so forth. Ibti,its been a proven theory that men behave like children,and expects their wives to play the role of their mothers[freud might had something there]..Lol
  18. ^I dont drink coffee,but tea and atleast 4 cups in the mornings.. Why do you post,strange posts on the boards?[a question just for Jac]..Lol
  19. Isseh,that beach look too touristy and dirty....must be Mombasa. Naxar, Seychelles is beautiful,had been one of my fav places of all times.I would love to see those small island on the coast of Somalia..How do they look toloow?
  20. LoL..Ngonge your addicted to SOL.. Have a pleasant vacation..
  21. ^So you guys only eat and eat some more while in Karachi huh?...Lol Good News on the release of the brothers!
  22. Lol..Marc,when I saw the Dear Soler thread,I thought you were leaving for good or about to committ suicide..What a relief to find out your just taking time out to study harder for exams.. Goodluck!
  23. ^What if the rich man is a good man,a God fearing man and has some of the qualities you look for in a man wouldnt that be like winning a jackpot in the lottery..huh! We all have our own way of looking at life,some go through life never fully grasping the whole point of their existance some lucky ones go through life knowing too well what they are here for and what they got to do to sustain that quality living. Having money isnt an easy thing,you see many rich people who are confused and unhappy. Marry a person because you want to add a certain wealth into your already rich life,which doesnt necessary mean a monetary wealth..
  24. ^Lol,I was in London since friday night,and had alot of catching up to do with family.Then escape back home last night,I have a bad habit of only sleeping well in my own bed..Next time am around will give you a buzz. must be qosool gariir,your not panicking about the interview are you? or you found the secret of eternal youth in your dreams last night?