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Everything posted by Malika

  1. JAC are you an animal? xayaawan baa waax fula,subhanallah..Your so ungentleman like! :rolleyes:
  2. ^Do you mean the site doesnt agree with or the word Oneens means doesnt agree with..?[too much time on my hands ] me,I like your signature,how true!
  3. Malika


    ^LOL..Oz got ya! Jac,they say a thief assumes every body is a lets leave it there
  4. Malika


    ^And these are?? Come on,do tell.. adaa waar haya,guntaa dadkaa oog!
  5. ^Ouch..thats below the belt yakhii@me am out!
  6. Malika


    Jac,try again..that wasnt a good enough answer!
  7. Zola..I hear Carrie will be finally marrying Mr Big in this feature length Sex and the City...finally iga dhe! I used to watch it regularly,most women can relate to the women on the series,ofcourse not to the exact extent but the disappointments/joys of being in relationships,the ups and downs of singledom etc etc..
  8. Malika


    ^Kalee adiguu maxaa lagubataa when Somalinimo is mentioned..cajib!
  9. Second day back at work,all I can think about is to when the next holiday will be... Where are the trollers?
  10. ^Tell me about it,its too painful to observe this madness..Subhanallah! See layeela ya rabbi.. :confused: it breaks my heart,the worse is the oblivious state of many Somalis in diaspora.I was at a Somali meeting yesterday instead on focusing on issues at hand,the dire need of the ppl they started to point fingures and ofcourse arguments and slundering starts..oh well we left without a plan on how to tackle any issue we were meant to be discussing..Umaad cajiib alla!
  11. Malika

    Islam Inside?

    ^ Don’t be held captive by fear, my brother.. Indeed brother, we should never be fatalistic. Despite knowing only Allah has control and has decreed all things. I believe we each have responsible for making the right choices and doing the things what ever situation we find ourselves in, one must take action and work hard to alleviate the hardships. Your classmate might have come across as one at peace, but that isn’t being at peace within that I call laziness. On the other hand you took the bull by its horns and created opportunities for yourself… Peace can be obtained when your happy with yourself with what Allah has given you and confident that your on the right path. Appreciating and seeing how Allah has protected us from harm by minimizing our failures and opened doors for our successes. We are all human beings and do have those moments of self doubts, so I make the habit of counting my successes, blessings and with that I rebuke sheytan for causing doubt and thank Allah for his mercy. Staying in a state of alertness is healthy I believe but only when your being mindful of not drifting into those dark alleys of self doubt, doubting Allah and his ability to deliver you from darkness to light. I don’t know about worrying though, I find it to be a negative form of being conscious of ones affairs. Allahu Ya Callam. Sorry Nur for going off topic.
  12. "Allah will build a palace in Jannah for those who build a Masjid".(Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h) Imagine, a palace in Jannah,for just a few pounds,dollars to this worthy course.Sadaqah Jaria,the donor will reap its benefit of the contribution as long as the masjid stands,subhanallah may it stand and benefit its local community until the day of the judgement! May Allah reward us with Jannah Inshaallah. BOB..Jazakhallah khery..You have done your bit,its up to us to do our bit..Inshaallah
  13. Malika

    Islam Inside?

    ^To obtain peace is to fully submit,to the will of Allah.Peace my brother is when you can stay calm,collected within, during those shaky moments.Remember to submit one has to accept and understand the full concept of what Qadr Allah means... Rebuke that sheytan! Back to the topic: 1. Do we have Islam Inside? If Yes, How do we know it? I believe we do, as an individual I know due to my dealings and interaction with the world around me. How does that translate into having Islam within, only if you understand the full meaning of the word Islam then one can understand what I mean by dealings and interactions. I always had an amazing awareness of Allah, his creations, I wish I could explain it, but its difficult to as its just something you have or you don’t have. I see my relationship with Allah as very personal . Even though I share the knowledge of Allah, his prophets and books with millions of other Muslims, to me its such a personal quest. I hope that made sense.. 2. What have we learned from the relay of Divine messages throughout the ages, trans-nations up until the torch of true faith has reached us? I will skip this one for another time. 3. Do we have the right understanding of Islam today? Indeed we do, or shall I say I do. I no longer base my faith on hear say, if confronted with a matter I will look it up in the Quran and authentic hadeeths. If I still cant find the answer [perhaps due to limited knowledge] I ask those whom have far more scholastic knowledge to direct me to the right sources. I believe the knowledge is no longer only for a small minority, its been open to the masses.
  14. ^Hello Handsome Long time no see. Now lets not troll on Nepththys thread..Lol
  15. Adam thats a good solution. What happened to the saying..Beauty is within the eye of the beholder? Again it all depends if your looking for a superficial relationship or your actually seeking a life partner...
  16. ^Good Question,perhaps Suldanka should listen to the song he suggested himself,pass tape to Jac too..
  17. Malika

    french kiss

    ^Jac..of all the pictures of chinese kiss,you had to find one of a baby?..
  18. It must have been Ibti that kept this place the poor girl is stuck behind a dest from 9-5..all together Aaaaaaaaaw! Hello any life forms out there..
  19. Originally posted by SCORPION_SISTA: You know speaking about children with disabilities, are the number of Somali children being diagnosed with Autism increasing? ^Yes,among many other learning disabilities.The hardest task in explaining the process that will require to assess the individual child and the kind of support that child will need to an adamant parent.Due to lack of understanding and accepting many that had moved from other European countries tend to hide the facts that their children had been attending special schools.Which leads to teachers and schools that arent speciallist,to have to cope with a pupil that has significant needs instead of that child going to a school that could have catered for his/her needs. The stigma attached with having a disability need to be addressed in our community in and out of Somalia
  20. Lol Nephthys....Actually,one should not be doing cibaado day and night,there are times for prayers,times to sleep ,to work and times to play.. It makes the whole experience 'wholly'dee..Lol,astagfirullah. This reminds me of a question asked by a dugsi macaalim[Zanzibari]after being driven mad by the nutty Somali kids,she asked do you people start with rebuking the sheytan and saying bismillah before you do the 'shebang'thingy..waxaan aad dasheen,they are not normal..Lol
  21. Malika

    french kiss

    ^In details abee usoo sharaxdee..Lol
  22. Dabshid,am good Walaal.. I guess that's what poverty does to some people!
  23. Ameen,that sounds ideal.Only happens when the two involved share the same outlook in life.. Aaliyah,I see your sticking to your guns..Lol,girl just be wise with that much money.A girl I know had one hell of a lavish wedding,later on while on holiday I visited her at her new home[she migrated to be with hubby]and to find them living in a studio flat[tiny]..common sense would have been for them to use those thousands of pounds they wasted on that one night in Hilton to buy even a two bedroom house..oh well they have the wedding DVD to show their children how the blew up almost 60 thousand dollars for one night...
  24. ^Gee..Ngonge arent you supposed to be on holiday? Enjoying the sunshine and whatnot's of Dubai/Hargeysa/Burco..?
  25. ^The pain on that child faces..Subhanallah how cruel is that man and those spectators abaa igaa daraan..Laa illaha illahu.