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Everything posted by Malika

  1. hiding away from MSN..there is a wanted sign for [joke] I have been great, with a possible redundancy looming over everyone at work you can imagine how the miserable so and so are.The interesting thing is the back bitting that goes around..Lol humans!! Yeah,Work is overated wallahi!..Lol we miss you here..
  2. Malika


    "How do you feel about men with guns?" They are scary things these guns,nothing xaax about it at all..,For his own sake he should'nt have one laying around..
  3. Hello Ibti, I know your out there,seeing you trolling all over Marc's thread.. How is working life??
  4. Subhanallah! What a strange ritual,hindigu waa daad cajiib leh. Buuxo,.LoL@I could never look at her the same..eeeew!
  5. Hello!!!!, anyone out there?
  6. Abtigiis, As we stand divided by our minute differences,unable to see the truth or have the ability to actual understand,their art of war. Why are the Ethiopian in complete accord with their president in this matter,its because of their belief and utter contempt for Islam.They believe there is a serious threat that is coming from Arabs [saudis]disguised as Somali Islamists.They believe that the Saudis have always declared that "the land of the first hijra should be a muslim land". They believe they are vulnerable to be attacked in all angles,they fear the Nile could be used as a tool to get to them..For them its a matter of survival,to keep their heritage and faith intact.And now this brigde linking they feel extremely vulnurable. The sad thing is,we have become our own worst enemy and cant see who is the real enemy,some actually see them as liberators from their own brethern..If Ethiopians belief is so strong, why is our weak? Why arent we standing together to defend our faith,we are a long way from standing together but surely if the issue is our faith are we trully going to stand on the sides and compromise with the enemy? Someone I know said this to me, awhile ago...what you somalis have to understand as long as there is a territorial ambition of Somalis and their recent association with Islamists,we[Ethiopians] will never settle relations...[interesting huh!] I definetly am getting off the fence,for awhile with a desire to see peace in our country I was blind enough to believe perhaps perhaps..but I am ashamed of that thought..peace at what cost? Especially when its no longer about somali civil war, but war of terror on Islam..
  7. I must have been a little thief in my past life,why do I fear the police.I am saying I dont fear them as I fear Allah but there is something about Police that just scares me..Lol Why is it that we get somewhat nervous when a police car is behind us? Last night driving home from a friend's house,music blasting my fav Saado Cali song. I must have looked odd to them as I passed them parked on a lay in singing my heart out. The next thing I see them behind me, automatically,I started doing all the right things..Lol like signaling when leaving the round- about,which I do spontenously every other time,but this time I was so concsious of doing so.Lol..Anyway what puzzled me more was how I felt, I was having a panic attack, Alla maxaa ayati kursi aqriyee!! .Now you would think I don’t have a license or insurance.. Nah!! I have all that plus the darn car just coasted me an arm and a leg to have it serviced. By the way I don’t drive a flashy car either...Lol Anyway after tailgating me for a while they decided to overtake me and get on their way…But why did I feel like that, do any of you get that same feeling when a police car tailgate you or when they stop you? Do you feel this overwhelming nervousness?
  8. LOL..KK,your forgetting the gentlemanly of our faraaxs as well,intaa duudo ayaa set dhahab laa ikeena,beats flowers anytime baan kuleyahay.. We expect the faraaxs to act and behave like cadaan brothers,one has to note the difference of upbringing these two men had.One had seen his father doing house work,fixing things around the house,kick a ball around a park,having romantic dinners with mother etc ..To the faraax,if lucky Abe guriguu kuu hoyaan jiire[i know am generalising]but how many somali fathers spend their time around the house fixing things,doing chores etc?..Markaa lets just appreciate them..see yeelna dee!
  9. Can this thread be moved to the Islamic section there might be those who dont venture into the women section be more able to shed some light into this interesting topic.
  10. ^Woow,being a snob there Emperor,at what standard do you catagories others as unpopular characters? Abtigiis& tolka,welcome to the boards! A new blood is definetly needed to make the likes of Emperor think on their feet..
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: The soon-to-be-the-husband has the right to see everywhere in the woman's body. He doesn't have to ask though ,,, it is allowed him to sneak and do some Khaawisaad in her private room or the shower ,,,, .... She is allowed to show him her hair if he asks ,,,, but there are other parts he has to see for himself without asking. ^^Your joking!!! Is he marrying the hair or the person? In Islam,[if we are talking in strictly Islamic stance]There should not be a meeting without supervision,the meeting should be more focused on their compatibility[personality,ideas,views and principals]..No touching,using seductive language etc, anything that would cause fitna.The conduct of Haya,should be observed too... I know it sounds alien to our generations,whom had learned a different way of courting.But dont you agree that one should marry someone based on their compatibility of mind,personality and principles then based it purely on looks?
  12. There must be something wrong with the wife, like most of other women married to serial killers,peadophiles and so on..waax baa ka si aah.. A man like that should be tortured slowly until death.
  13. Lily,after testing couple of days of warm sunny days,one only wishes summer comes sooner.. ps they had turned off the heating,and its darn cold in my office.Should I add,I didnt dress approprietly too for winter,as i was deluded by the bright sunlight..
  14. Hello folks! It just so cold,what happened to Summer???
  15. ^Is that all why you watch tv?
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Again the children are innocent, but ask thsoe who arm children as young as 9 to stop doing it and come out and fight, no dignity in supporting so0mething and then crying foul. ^OMG! :eek: Duke,these children are not different to the children of the Palestines resistance...Do you want to say the children in Palastine armed with stones are sent by Hamas and the likes? I am using Palastine as an example as they too are people under occupation.
  17. ^Can that mental conditions be one based on your assumption that the TFG is a clan organisation and its determination is to dominate other tribes? That will be the same,mental condition of those opposing SL see the adminstration as..a clan based administration..get it North? The interesting fact is we dont see things black and white or grey and red..we see things and analyse them with our tribal prejudices...dont ya all think??
  18. Malika


    ^Lol..oh well you got my drift.
  19. Malika


    waves back eagerly @CL..hun,ulijificha wapi? Abtigiis,its common for reer Somalia to assume every Somali must read and write afsomali perfectly..dee some of us had not been in Somali schools nooqaleya. Back to the topic, Adam by your description it already puts me off the drink..Nothing beats a cold can of coconut juice with bits in..Yummy!
  20. Malika


    ^Lol..Kadaa gabadha,..She probably can speak afsomali rather well but,find it hard to write and read.It's typical with those whom had learned a language only orally.
  21. Xoogsade , Wouldnt you say that Ayah isnt only for the supporters of A/Y but for all Somali on Somali wars? You’re seeing emotional detachment and you assume it’s got to do with lack of patriotism but what you need is to look at it psychologically. You got to understand the psychological make up of our people as of how we have become after years of enduring traumas of war.People will adapt a certain mechanism in order to cope with the overwhelming stresses of our reality... There is work to be done,there will have to be transparent and open discussion of what really is causing this rejection side to ourselves.What is this thing that we've pushed into the dark of ourselves? Which isnt allowing us to move on... Abti/tolka ,your reasoning is rather worrying..You would forgive those whom have put us in this position,whom advocated for death,destruction of our nation and its people. Tell me,is death and destruction rather more tolerable if its among ourselves?
  22. ^I see you have become the newbie of trolling..Lol
  23. The rice stocks have gradually declined in the rice surplus countries, the markets did not react until it got to a critical low level, and it’s not helped by the US financial markets driven investors- in their search for high returns. The investors have moved away from stock and bond markets and toward commodities hence the rises in food prices and fuel. The world major exporters are relatively few and these countries have banned rice export or placed tougher export restrictions in a bid to keep their domestic prices affordable for their own population. The American economy is declining loosing its credibility being a major player in the global economy anymore.. Its time to move to China I say..Lol LS,they say those who climb up,will eventually come down..[a swahili saying]
  24. ^I am sure as much as Riyaale did when he was doing his tour... Oh your not a Riyaale supporter,when will Silanyo do his world tour yaa Northerner?.. [in the mood for qabiyalistee talk]
  25. ^Now this obsession with Duke is a tad bit worrying,he hasnt even posted in this thread... Duke,dude you need to go swim in the deepest ocean,to cleanse all this evil thoughts folks have for you.. This thread is almost funny,not in a HA HA HA way but kind of reminds me of when a White person is accused of racism..He goes,my best best friend is Black...Lol Ms Cali Warsame's baaqweyne rocked,me would like one!