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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Lol..Ngonge there is a saying in swahili for this kind of scenerio.."Usicheze na umbwa atakufata msikitini"..
  2. Lol..CL, I can just imagine the madness this wedding Jac organised was!! Jac, hayee this is wifey number ? OZ,I believe the whole nation would be on a stand still tonight! Interesting though the champion league is played in Russia, hortaa do the russians participate in these games..I have never heard of a russian team.. :confused: [i know spoken like a true not so interested in football female..Lol]
  3. So What have I been missing here??..Lol. Am so looking forward to half term next week..whoa!
  4. ^Morning CL & Jac! You should have told him if he wants money he needs to get his skinny backside off the street pavements and work for it..the sheer audacity!!
  5. LOL..You lot! I just see faraaxyaal wearing suits..they who again?..Somalis! Aha!!
  6. Originally posted by -Lily-: What about all the sisters who wear their jilbabs, abayas and hijabs in the scortching heat? I have a lot of respect for them. I mean surely it has to be harder than just turning your bloody head. ^Are women immune to these thoughts triggered by human nature[desire for the opposite sex]? Should attractive men cover up during summer,..all these buffed up dudes are causing nuisance too!..Lol What am trying to say is, the restraining of ones desire[sexual]doesnt only stop at men,even we women need to lower our gazes when out and about...
  7. ^Kem che bayaa,Che? So you two are on a marathon huh?
  8. Malika

    First car

    ^Aaw..your first car huh!..bless,welcome to freedom sister!! I got mine,at an auction but you can also look into the Autotrade magazine..but only if you have someone that knows cars inside out, you dont want to get ripped off! Where I live, there is a weekly newspaper which also features second hand cars,look in your local news paper! or if you can get yourself in Scotland,there you can get cheap,clean second hand cars..but the journey up there would require also someone who knows cars inside out.. its worth be friending a mechanic.. Goodluck!
  9. Lol..Geel-jire Maths is already an enemy of mine with those big somali words it sure would have been next to impossible to learn maths in Somali.. Hello you two!!
  10. Malika

    A Second Wifey?

    Salaam Nur, This post was triggered by a convesation with a sister in a polygamy marriage.This is what I left with after a long discussion... To accept a polygynous marriage one will have to be at a peak of their iman, it requires a great deal of selflessness, since we are mere human beings and are basically selfish, one tend to not be inclined to participate in such an arrangement. This has risen a question within, if I have submitted to the laws and wills of Allah, why would I refuse my husband to take another wife if he has the means to support both of us [not only financially, but also emotionally and spiritually]? What happened to my belief , am I taking actions according to my belief or am I fulfilling a selfish and self-centred option……hmmm…I understand polygamy isn’t a mandatory act for the man nor for the woman, it’s a matter of choice and self sacrifices… All in all it has made me question my motives of never even contemplating that option, am I being selfish? The answer is no,but what will be the reason I refuse him to do so, one will be jealousy,envy..then arent those negative emotions and one whom is patient,with Iman will not allow such a feeling and the whispers of Sheytan enter her thoughts to cause fitna..?..Oh boy!..there is some soul searching to do! Allah knows best!
  11. Afternoon trollerholics! It's Monday Jac,you cant expect us to be trolling early in the morning..meetings to attend,finishing up left over work from friday and plannings for week ahead...blah blah
  12. Lol..Cara,what a romantic notion you have of London.
  13. ^Ibti hunno,they offer some fantastic course on weekends too[i have since joined their mailing list]...just email them,they will add you on their mailing list,so you will be receiving information of new events and course.. The more reason,for wanting to move to London,if only I can get past leaving the beautiful country side views and quietness..
  14. Welcome back if its the real imposters plz..Lol
  15. ^Indeed a treasure,so inspiring! I was much aware of the parental role in their sucess..Masha'allah
  16. ^Lol..werent the same international community serious about Iraq? xagee gareen hee,no where! So Duke,what is their plan again?
  17. The clouds of uncertanity was looming over Jac's head yesterday..In the troll thread he mentioned something about there being tensions in SL..hmmm could it have been his way of coping with this anxiety he was feeling yesterday..hence his posting this thread while under stress..
  18. These kid's have no other experience but war,mayhem and more war.Naturally they will imitate what goes around them..They will require a great deal of rehabilitation to normality if and when there is peace.. so folks,better equip ourselves to deal with the aftermath of these traumatic times.
  19. ^Aree ba'yaa Che,belated birthday wishes yakhii!
  20. Geel-jire,so Cadeey is equvilent to Sweetie?..baal suug,let me go rip someones head in the political section..Lol
  21. LOL[qosool gaarii]..Death! How ever will one escape from that reality,alla naaf macanaa! I havent been feeling too well the last couple of days,so thoughts of death occupied my mind..Not that am afraid of dying,but more concern for those I leave behind.. Oh Lord,better go pray Asaar!
  22. ^ cleanse the evil eye,astagfirullah! I would have pulled a sickie this morning,but thought let me reserve that for when am trully ill,but coming to the end of the day I wish I did..
  23. Nah,he is just venting his frustration with exams on SOL..self opinioneted biles kinaa makadaysaan wilka!
  24. Hello folks! Someone jinxed me yesterday,am not feeling good today!...must throw salt around myself later!
  25. How disappointing! Understandably there are differences of opinion by both groups, but surely these meetings aim is addressing these differences and for the groups to work hard to overcome them. Sulking and throwing tantrums isn’t going to take us anywhere. Bloody 17yrs of negotiating for peace!! Why is it the Somali peace talks always end in shambles, ragaani waabee nawareeriyen! They couldn’t gather the courage to face their differences, address those differences and chart a future that will accommodate all? . Well if they don’t have enough courage then their better off, abandoning these talks, if they cant acknowledge the legitimates, aspirations and concerns of each others they are not seeking unity and peace, but they seeking to dominate and subjugate each other. Anywho!