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Everything posted by Malika

  1. *As I walked in the local Tesco, the security guard smiled at me - I walked to him and said "brother, your fly is open" - walked away. ..He couldnt stop saying 'thank you, thank you'.. woow@ the hot weather...I pray it last for the next few weeks..I know, I know..wishful thinking.
  2. I had no doubt on Ibti - iyadu waa reer miyi asal ah, tough cookie but Alpha hmmm, jury is still out there...CL was a total suprise, a good one one must add. Juxa - Eton like school, sounds good but nah! I care less for the well to do. My life ambition is with the vulnerable - raising their profile and life expentancy is what I wish to do - hadhuu illahi iidmo.
  3. ^Xamar, would suit me just fine. I want to run a school in one of the jasiraas - anigu shaqo iyo long holiday resort sort of life baan I can already see myself - during the day, I run a centre for vulnerable children, by evening - I sit by the sea shores watching the tides come in, while the sun sets ...barbequed fish and fruit salad by my side. Oh boy, Oh
  4. Lol@ call me susan. Just so, I can call you that - I shall make the journey before end of the year...lool. ps. Adigu did you imagine CL in the lands of Somalis? hmm dont underestimate us sijuis baan kuu
  5. ^ I look forward - couple of people I know have been out there , came back excited about all sort of possibilities. I definetly see my future in Somalia at some point - insha'allah.
  6. ^Morning lovely! It's a lovely friday morning - alhamdulillah. I shall be the supplier, adigu do the farming, aniga iga iibi and I supply to shops/hotels etc. Now gorma adeena?
  7. Sounds like she had a moment of temporary insanity when she beheaded him - the rest - waa istahiil.
  8. It's been years since I watched an indian movie - anyone with a good link.
  9. Lol@ Raamsade - adigi ba islaa dace, maa istirii? baal marmar dulka laa eega, to avoid tripping on ones own ego. Ha ha @ Xalimo's are dull, haye - did you expect them to hang on chandelier while they cook you feasts and engage with you on matters of the universe? ps.It sounds like you have issues with women all together - nothing to do with Xalimos and their clitorises.
  10. ^I wonder , how it tastes the boiled caano geel...Jac, iska daa - qarxiis alshabab style baan organise gareneyaa for him. Am off - have a blessed and merry day all.
  11. Juxa, maa aragtee wuu iis dega tireya..xaal inu bixiyo weyaan. Jac - maandeey leh sugeya, as he is rageedi rag dale wayeyan - miyaad arkiin sidhuu ragaa iska celiyo here?...isaga leh adigu iga soo sari xaalka aan kugu
  12. ^Jac - kiis baa noo furan anigu iyo adigu - Maandeey baa tol ii ah, isaga ayaan sugeyaa , gogool ba kuu digeya. Juxa - igu hale, amba saas baan ahay, I will not rest if I dont deal with her..
  13. Oh Somalia! How you have been abused, torn, raped, bombarded, neglected,tormented, humiliated, disregarded,exploited,mismanaged , corrupted etc etc by not only your sons and daughters but by everyone that sees the opportunity to do so..Oh Somalia! *sigh*
  14. Ngonge, smile yet crushing her - I can do. Juxa, stop and shout @ her - cant do...I will need to practice shouting, the problem being am too soft spoken..[off to the toilets to practice shouting] We've been having beautiful days! love the sun.
  15. Juxa, mac mac kor iyo side ways [ missing CL here] I have hinted that she is getting annoying - my Somali temper should soon rise its ugly head, markasee oyii I pray never to get that desparate, to committ suicide - subhanallah.
  16. Sabax Kheyr all! Juxa - wishing life away with these friday is near Oh dear, Islaan baa ii wale, ale never to work with perfectionists waa belayo!
  17. ^Lol@waan ku arkay waan ku Indeed, that would be tragic. Abaaye, life is too short for all that calculations on a farax - sometimes one has to let go and experience moments of pure madness aka for
  18. ^He is lucky am back at work, during the day...but definetly gogool baan uu digeyaa this saturday. Yaa ii tol aa? Maandeey baal soo
  19. This is what is wrong with clannism - you start looking at people you love and care for as 'clans' instead of your beloved abti iyo habaryar. Do I care for my mothers clan? NO - but I love my abti.
  20. ^Lol..good job! From your quf quf I have found out Jac slandering me....way iyo way!
  21. Malika

    Abdi Jama

    Fantastic! Masha'allah good on him.
  22. Malika

    Online Dating

    Jacaylbaro;190123 wrote: U want Malika to be online-shisha-addict then ,,, Jac - You better, come forward and explain yourself here!! It matters not its few years ago you took my name in vain - You are still to explain yourself pronto!!!!! *pssst* - the jamaican style.
  23. Salaam sis, maa illa aragtee - its beyond annoying sometimes, to borrow Daqane's words its boring..Lol @ Blessed