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Everything posted by Malika

  1. North, watch le miserable I guess..Heh At the end of the month am usually a working class,beggining of the month am definetly a middle class..when around my ayeyo,am definetly an aristrocat then..oh well,like you North I fit in all classes..
  2. Ngonge,Indeed there was some goodness..May Allah reward that man and his assistant for working so hard..and yet some imbicile wanted him dead?? Alright,I need to have a kit-kat.
  3. ^The obviousness of ownership was so openly protrayed by the Ethiopian General..I would suggest the Somali minister's to start wearing guuntinoo's maxaa uu haree,they can comfortable entertain the killing,starving of their people to please the bloody Ethiopian General and his allies!! If I could bslap,a person to oblivion would have been that Police cheif..who bloody cared what he did in UK,the question was what was he and his staff doing to the citizen..breaching their human right!
  4. Allah! Caalol xuumo weynaa,am so pissed off! Did you see when they [tfg ministers]were not allowed to speak to the press until the Ethiopian General gives them permission..How bloody hell did these men reach that level..xaayawaan foqol xayaawan! :mad: The other imbicile stopping Food Aid,due to reasons like they might have passed their sell by date..WTF!!!!! Oh lord,that was hard to digest! subhanallah!
  5. Cadaan ,welcome to London! the city that never sleeps[or was that New York] ..Anyway,enjoy your trip! Morning Jac!
  6. Originally posted by Afromantic GirL: There was an urban camper with a big shades begging for money i hope it wasn't you :eek: :eek: :eek: ^Hahahaha..Loooooooooooooool,that was funny.. Marc,how did you come to such a conclusion?
  7. ^God,that made me teary yaa Abtigiis.. Its so unfortunate that many here at SOL,try to brush your passion,determination and sincerity as a mad man,with nick names thrown at you from left to right..Which kind of took me by suprised at this group mentality that had been displayed here on our boards of late...But dont be feased by them,majority of us here lead comfortable lives in the west..What do we know about the real struggles of our people where ever they are.. As for the brothers in Somaligalbeed..May Allah ease their struggles,one day, one day they shall be free from the shackles of Ethiopian rulers..Amiin
  8. Delilah sis, Is he genuinely wanting to learn more about Islam or is it a coy to try and gain your he sounds as someone interested in more with you..If he is genuine then pass his details[phone number or email] to your local Imam so he can arrange to offer him guidance in the matters of our deen. My paranoia aside,here my sis is an opportunity to save a Brother Nur,said within the limits of our deen. Insha'allah,kheyr! ps.Nothing to do with the topic,just excited that this evening there will be two weddings of two of our recently new brothers from Poland..Mashaallah,its beautiful to see the whole community working together to embrace the brothers and sisters whom had joined us recently..The beauty of Islam's brotherhood!
  9. Malika


    ^Now Abtigiis,you werent expecting anyone to come to your rescue yesterday did you?I believe you did rather well,BRAVO! to you for standing up for what you believe in. Oh..back to topic!I didnt know Somali's did the whole White people engagement shananigan's? :confused:
  10. Malika


    No comment..
  11. ^LooooooooooooooooooooL..Ha Ha..oh my that made me laugh!! Naag Walaan,girl you got some jokes! ps.I can see the lips Serenity mentioned..
  12. ^LOL..Your looking for trouble!..LOL@ CL from Garrisa,that you got it right,the girl has never been to a city before London.. It could be her you saw! Haaye,Whats good in India..a dude I know has just ditched his family for a long trip to India..Maxaa India jiraa hee?? Catch up with you lot laterz!
  13. ^Oh,I missed it, am sure they will repeat on those plus channels. I am planning to visit family[across UK],this life in the west wallahi can isoLate you from the ummah! geez!! before you know it you havent seen your loved ones for months! What about you?
  14. Morning Mrembo! It's Friday! pheeeeew!! what a week,they trully got their salary worth this week..Lol
  15. "disciple of the DEVIL." ^LOL..Ouch!!! carry on boys!..Interesting discussion.
  16. Jummah Mubaraak Brothers and Sisters! Wanted to share a Khutba I found fascinating. Jumaah Khutba on Fikr [Thinking] and ‘Aql [Reasoning] By: Dr. Ahmad Shafaat Quote; The Book of Allah says: It is he who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a clot; then he brings you out as a child for you to reach your age of full strength, then to become old -- though some of you die before that -- then to reach a time (of death) appointed and in order that you may reason. (40:67) The concluding words of this verse, “in order that you may reason” show that just as a human being, starting from a sperm-drop, should normally develop into a child, then reach the age of full strength, then to become old, and then die, so also he should become a thinking/reasoning person.
  17. Don't Miss!!! Monday 26 May 2008 Channel 4 - 8:00pm In Warlords Next Door, Dispatches reveals how key politicians at the heart of the vicious fighting in Somalia - described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis - enjoy incredibly close links to Britain.They have British or EU passports, their families live here and they commute between Somalia and homes in English cities. British taxpayersare financing them in the name of democracy - yet in Somalia they arelinked to allegations of mass murder, torture, extortion and corruption. In this edition of Dispatches, reporter Aidan Hartley sets off on thetrail of four senior figures in Somalia's Western-backed government -an investigation which takes him from Leicester and Birmingham to Mogadishu - a city so dangerous that he and director Jim Foster arethe only Western journalists on the ground. The leaders of the current government, installed 17 months ago when Ethiopian forces seized Mogadishu from Islamic militants, were expected to restore peace after years of civil war, but also to destroy Al Qaeda and its allies in the Horn of Africa. The investigation begins in Britain. Among the British-Somali community,Hartley finds anger and frustration that taxpayers are sponsoring politicians who they claim are ruling by the gun and profit from conflict. In Leicester, one British-Somali tells Hartley he was recently told to pay ransoms for the release of several relatives languishing in a dungeon controlled by a senior official in the Somali government who has a house in the same Leicester neighbourhood. To find out more, Hartley and Foster travel to Mogadishu where theyfind a city descending into chaos and extreme violence. Vicious fighting between insurgents and the government forces has killed morethan 7,000 civilians and produced the largest exodus from a capitalcity since Pol Pot's Cambodia. The immediate horrors of the fighting are captured on film when a roadside bomb hits a vehicle escorting the Dispatches team while they're driving in convoy with armed security guards, used to fend off kidnappers and bandits. Three people are killed and three others wounded. Attacks like this are a daily occurrence, together with indiscriminate artillery shelling,assassinations and street skirmishes. Hartley investigates allegations that the government's National Security Agency (NSA), the counterpart to MI6 and the CIA incounter-terrorism operations, is operating with extreme methods. He hears first-hand claims of false imprisonment, torture and extortionfrom prisoners who are only freed when ransoms are paid. Dispatches heads to the outskirts of Mogadishu where hundreds of thousands of terrified civilians from the city have fled to live insqualid camps. They live in huts of plastic and sticks among the sand dunes. They all rely on humanitarian aid from Britain and other donor countries, but they're already starving and falling sick. Hartley investigates why aid workers rarely set foot in Mogadishu and why the desperate victims of war are not receiving the food and medical aid they so badly need. And finally, the investigation examines claims of indiscriminate bombardment of civilian districts where insurgents are thought to live. Back in the UK Hartley interviews Minister for Africa Lord MarkMalloch-Brown about British support for this Somali government that is presiding over the worst phase of conflict in 17 years of vicious civil war in Somalia. Press Contact: Marion Bentley: 020 7306 3747/ Publicity: Nathalie Mohoboob 020 7306 8761/***: Jim FosterExec Prods: Eamonn MatthewsComm Ed: Ed BramanProd Co: Quicksilver Media
  18. WooW..Nuune you were tabqaan in 2004!..Lol
  19. Lol....[edited after the Irish police corrected me] Ireland was an absolute joke! I liked the fusion of music Holland had..good stuff!
  20. Lol..Alright Ms DD maanta I must have appeared on your tea leaves..Hayee! Raef got carried away with his arty farty directoring of an adv, only to leave out the important part..mentioning what the product they were advertising was..Ha! but nevertheless he looked yummy![astagfirullah, must lower my gaze when watching tv] It was obvious Man was going to win, the way they played the Chelsea team around the field like amatures,..Lol one almost felt sorry for Chelsea..aaw!
  21. ^ an Ouch! Nevertheless its so peaceful in SL that it need not be on the list..
  22. LOL@Potential to being a WAG, gabaryahay I take offence..I associate WAG's with bimbo's, now tell me how do I fit with that image? :mad: Oh who won? I was busy drolling over the men in suits in the Apprentice, my fav Raef was sacked tonight..
  23. Malika


    ^Qarxiiska daa..the dude is expecting his PM to be swamped with application forms.. Guurdon, maa saas baa waax laguu helaa? Where is your CV?..
  24. For many years they were third class citizen and only were used for hard labour,when freedom reign they assumed they will have a share of the apple pie only I believe to have half of Africa running in to claim the gold on the street pavements..I am not making excuses for their barberic actions, just trying to understand their mentality. Could this be why the goverment too turned a blind eye?..Hmmmm
  25. Ha Ha Ha..Ngonge touche' Emperor,Ngonge was Ugandan in his former life..Lol