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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^I feel bad for biting your head off,actually I must have been holding a grudge from a previous encounter with you[which isnt healty tsk,tsk],...Apology accepted.
  2. LOL..Ngonge,am glad you were moved.. hearing violins kulaha!
  3. *Waves back@CL and Ibti! Lol..The censored site was simply- somali, I dont know why they censored it.. :confused: Anywho, what's new? I was gonna quit this place,but am so darn attached,it will require me to attend some counselling..So to save myself some money,I am staying!
  4. ^You forgot to mention simply********..Lol,waryaa Jac in all honest how many hours do you dedicate to actually doing some real work? *Hello Everybody!
  5. Brother Cadaan, Your doing well there Cadaan, Our deen has taught humanity the value of intellect, the importance of reflection and the role of the mind in attaining faith. Faith is the fruit of reason, as Brother Abu Salman had advised you my brother, increase your knowledge of the deen...And Insha’allah through enhancing your Imaan, you will find your answers. One thing that concerns me my brother is your attachment to the Somali Community...Alhamdulillah through your Somali brothers and sisters you had found the true calling, but my brother being a Muslim had opened up a door for you to join a larger family one that isn’t only of one race, ethnicity nor language, rejoice my brother for your not an only child anymore!!. You’re among the Ummah, the chosen Ummah the beauty of this chosen Ummah is it’s in its diversity of race, ethnicity and languages. As for the culture there should only be one culture among Muslims and that is the Islamic culture, which is based on the Quran and Sunah of the prophet Mohamed [saw]. So the opportunity of marriage shouldn’t be only based on you finding someone within the Somali community; your aim has for most to find a good Muslimah which ever race she might be. The odds aren’t stacked against you, but quite contrary the world is your oyster, it just requires a different out look . Divorce tends to make us feel as failures, either we were in the wrong or we were wrong done. It can take a toll on ones confidence, and ability to move on. But one should learn from their mistakes, take the good out of the bad scenario and thrive to a better future. Your children my brother will appreciate you living the life you deserved to, whether you’re in Calgary or Toronto or London. You will definitely offer them a lot more if you’re happy, content and positive. You have been complaining a lot about Calgary of recent. Perhaps its time to move, while still keeping in contact with your children OR seek and search for a Muslimah that will move to Calgary. Don’t be afraid of change, struggle and involvement that will be required to bringing that change...Insha’allah. Try and contact the Imams in Toronto, you never know there might be a few Muslimah sisters also in search of a Muslim brother.. One thing you should remember, “Our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear”.
  6. ^ I almost felt like I had deceived him somewhere along the line in our communication which never existed..
  7. ^That is what I call an honest answer!
  8. Malika


    Lily,the thought of starting all over is quite appealing to me,but currently responsibilities are holding me down,but one day!! I shall set sail to far away lands! I'A. I am not home yet!
  9. God! this kind of talk makes one feel like a piece of meat! hunting,iyo madax isku tuur iyo what else the old men had been on about..jeez!! poor women Waryareen dareeka iska tirtiraa..bisinka!
  10. ^Erm,horta!do you know at what age children start speaking? Second,did you assume I was a 15yr old like you? :rolleyes: Issssssh! talk about being stalked!
  11. Malika

    Ceebey tacaal

    ^ Now what will she do with that vast some of money in Cabudwaq.
  12. ^I worry about you sometimes,how many sisters do you have? way too much insight into women's psychic's..
  13. ^Another degoratory word for good looking girls.It means hot girls just like how hot a bowl of soup is..I mean what is the connection between a good looking girl and a bowl of soup? Men! :confused:
  14. LOL..Delilah,is that why my daughter and I were stalked around Toronto..Lol,we even got free Ice Cream,just because we had a British accent,well more so my daughter,mine has a twinge of Nigerian accent too.. As long as we can understand each other,the better..Used to have difficulties,with Irish accents and scousers!
  15. Salaam Nur, Gossiping isnt my thing,but being human one has days of weakness,and today was one of them. I was talking on the phone with a friend,the conversation had been about a going on's of some sisters in the community..I actually had a outer body experience,I could see myself yapping away all these negative things,although conscious of what I was doing I didnt stop. So this evening while standing on the prayer mat during Maghrib,I tend to close my eyes while praying[helps me focus] I could see image of me as I was standing in prayers but I was getting smaller and smaller as I read surati Fatha,tears started rolling down my cheeks.My heart knew of my crimes,me growing increasingly smaller while praying in front of Allah,I interpreted that as a sign..Of how insigificant I was,and how I have belittled myself in front of my Creator, by backstabbing,gossiping and being malicious against folks that I had no business discussing their affairs..Subhannallah! After prayers, I called my friends and asked them that we should be reminding each other to stop if one of us starts to gossip. I have learned,I hope I continue being among those when they do wrong they repeant and when they do good they rejoice! Backstabbing,gossiping is damaging not only to the one that people are gossiping about but more so to those doing the deeds.. ps..Tonight browzing through SOL,here is a topic about gossiping..A sign or what? Allahu Akbar!!
  16. ^Were'nt you taught manners of addressing those older then you young man! I dont see what Ngonge wrote that would deserve such a pathetic response..Grow up lad! :rolleyes:
  17. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: And for all the efforts to complicate your analysis, I found it elementary and parochial. maybe, I will have to down my argument to fathom yours! But that is quite characterstic of people who lived in East Africa (K,T,U) and are later day converts! I have a Sijuu friend of mine (a born again Somalilander) and history in Somalia has started in 1980s for him. Ngonge reminds me of him. Of course, my assumptions on your origins are based on your name and method of analysis. LOL..How typical reer Somaliya!! Horta what is this assumption inaa nagaa xigtaan the Somali Affairs??? For your information, the somali affairs and governance isnt a new phenomenal in our midst,in the 70's and 80's all our highly educated went to Somalia and hold prestigious posts in all sects..So,we are not new converts at all my dear,actually we could be an answer to your dilemas.. :cool: ps.Ngonge is not sijui[xaal inaad bixiisi weyaan] Now as you were!
  18. First Lady,your not still trying to tame the other one..Remember your other topic,where you asked ,if you treat them mean can you keep them keen??..Heh. Now you have this seemingly "Mr Right Material" but he doest make you go weak on the knees,no faintly spell when you see him...Aye!definetly you shouldnt marry him.. Am Joking,hunno when push comes to shove,this decision will have to come from within you, it all depends on your principles,values and what you view as a good marriage! Saying that,there must be a certain element of attraction,hadhii kale there will be trouble ahead. LOZ..I agree,even family members will have their own agenda,surely their advice will reflect from their own experiences e.g insecurities,failures etc
  19. The programme wasnt for the likes of you Emperor,as you said it was for the British audience and believe you it has been noted by the British citizens. I cant believe you come here and disregard the programme as hot air and what else you blah blah about!Jeezzz You say,somalia kulaha! indeed Somalia's so called goverment he was mocking about..Isnt the darn tfg a SOMALI transitional Goverment??????.. He showed the reality,these ministers couldnt move a muscle without being told to by the Ethiopian General..who cares about PL and SL aad sheegeysoo! If the capital,the core centre of Governance is under occupation the whole of Somalia is under occupation.. As Ibti,said they are not rented but owned..bloody owned! [pardon my lingo folks!]
  20. ^Hear Hear,just because we dont report back on all the recitals,gallery visitation or nights out at theaters when we log on SOL doesnt necessary mean we dont indulge in the western form of entertainment.. Baal yaa irii to listen to a classic,gabaay recited by xaji faraax at the local mafrish isnt cultured enough?
  21. ^Erm,through research.. ,but honestly short men have to work extra hard on charming a girl then a tall,dark and handsome man..Dee ninkaa dheer can be seen as soon as he walks through the room,the short one will have to shout out loud to be heard and noticed....Heh So all those men whom responded are short men?..Hmmm,kinda of obvious you all too loud!..
  22. L.G, I still dont understand your point really sis,what is it you found so unacceptable of this documentary?
  23. ^LOL..A classic short man's sydrome! It's just in all cultures,tall men had the advantage of being adorned...Tall,dark and handsome!! Short men tend to make up for the loss of height on charms..
  24. ^Why are you so worried about their families,am sure they know darn well what their fathers are up to?? Adhaa iguu daaran,had you seen the mayhem in Mogadishu and how these peoples lives are so cushy?? :confused: :rolleyes: