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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^LOL..Now,whats next? Am envious of that freedom! *Subhaax Kheyr Ibti and the others! Pheew! it feels good to delete unwanted,and down right a waste of one time emails..Heh
  2. ^Yeah man! a trendy geel-jire boy.. Obama looks right at home..bless!
  3. Shaggy's "It wasnt me" song comes to mind,when I read this post... So A&T you feeling better this morning?
  4. Why do you think we should appreciate being women? What is good about being women? Maybe even: What advantages do we have over men, if any? I'll kick start;for me being a woman means strenght,indurance and ofcourse the experience of a human growing within..ah,those kicks! .The once a month right to be a b-itch..
  5. ^LOL,instead of rejoicing at the opportunity to wipe clean the slate of all your dambiis..You are complaining the month comes too fast!..Heh 3 months to go folks! Inshaallah!
  6. Unfortunately it does@Ibti A&T,I wasnt disappointed but just concerned for you,as the contents of your post this morning reveal something else[mating season miyaa meshaa aad joogti?]..
  7. ^I know,but it was work related so I had to put my managerial hat on and sort them out..Heh Now,back to trolling.. I am so hungry,I could eat my own arm..
  8. Originally posted by *BOB: Malika...its all yours...go ahead and hijack it and don't 4get to ask for the highest ransom in the history of mankind. Peace,Love & Unity. ^Oh,how tempting! will the ransom come gift wrapped? OZ,huyo mmanga koko,husikii mipigo ya kimanga! LOL..Underdog,that cartoon is hilarious!
  9. ^Lol...@rock and troll..Heh Ibti,people can be so insecure and feel the need to b.itch about others behind their back,then they feel the need to tell you so and so was talking about you,but I was an innocent by stander,only until I confronted the so and so,for her to look a complete fool...Heh
  10. Waryahee A&T,what side of the bed did you wake up this morning? Caadi maatihiid!
  11. Hello people! Why,are women so b.itchy!!!.. :mad:
  12. LOL@Isseh. A joke! This is a Conversation between a Kenyan Policeman and Shar'marke who simply happens to be walking home from work late at night. Gijana Untatoga wabi? Jina yago nani? Baba yago nani? Unataga nini? Gan you Broduce your ID? Basi if you gannot broduce your ID Wapi Gitambulisho? If you gannot broduce Gitambulisho Wapi drivers licence If you gannot broduce the three gavament tocuments Twende mbele! (But I am innocent….) Innocent gitu gani? Haguna mutu innozent Genya We gan charge you with anything Unataga gani? Smoking with violence Looging at a female gender with breach of gontract Looging at a government building zuzbiciously With indend to gommit murder Unataga gani? Unaweza gujitetea? Gitu gani hii? Ati fifty bob Hata haiwezi gununua jwing gum Toa besa gijana (…nibakishie bus fare) Ogay, You are a law abiding zitizen Unataga tuguzindikishe? ps..Sorry BOB for hijacking your thread.
  13. ^Baba,nilikuwa natania sawa? hamna noma, you can tell us about your lasting memorable trip through TZ.. CL,mpe zake huyo Shar marke..
  14. ^Now you will need to translate,waxaad soo qortee.."damiin dabakadhuus" *am good,so is the family[thanks]
  15. LOL..Stoic,you holding on to some grudges there!! ps..Ngonge's question was addressing all Kenyans,either from Nai or Mabonde kuinama,vichakani etc etc..Now you have proven Ngonge's theory of Kenyans..Heh! * walks off, with a smug feeling about the humbleness of being a Somali-Tanzanian..*
  16. ^Like me.. *Hello KK,long time no see abaayo,all is well?
  17. Ibti,bless your edo,she reminds me of myself! Geeljire,the faraaxs'now days prefer to watch footy at the mafrish anyway! or is that only my faraax..
  18. Salale!! Stoic,mbona kelele nyingi,ulienda Nai na viatu vya mpira nini,ukakataliwa na msichana wa jijini.. CL,that reminds me of an incident, one day at a meeting,I met this Somali guy after a brief conversation he asked if I was from Nairobi.I said no,and told him where I came from,his response was oh! I didnt know Somali-Tanzanians' can speak good English..Lol.I am sure the look on my face told him,what I was thinking..heh
  19. ^LOL..What a sight that would be,fighting over English vocabulary..Heh Anyway,try to explain in calm manner and use a dictionary to back you up.. folks,waynoo markaale am out!
  20. CL,bado tu unasubiri jibu.. Ngonge,Nai was known as little London so most sijuis' that grew up in Nai assumed they were also English aristrocats..
  21. Jac,dont tell me,finally they asked you where the darn report that was meant to be submitted last year is? Hello Mrembo@CL
  22. LOL..You lot need to define what ugly is,the dude wasnt ugly,maybe strange.He made me laught when he said,you think because you speak English without an accent you have made it..Heh..Lol LOL@Nephthys..,my kind of girl, you saw the lips too..heh
  23. Morning trollers! I am in a good mood today, God bless friends!!
  24. Originally posted by Isseh: Educated women should be married for only the purposes of amusement and self-humour. ^Words of a wounded man,hayee a tornedo of a brilliant educated sister kicked you to the curb miyaa yaa Isseh!
  25. Well,Ngonge aside the intelligence which is very obvious your blessed with,the somalis also believe fanax is darn you! what a lucky so and so..brains and looks too!!