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Everything posted by Malika

  1. waaw @the time difference,we are about to retire for the day, you guys is only just starting.. Ibti,I have probably eaten food that I would have eaten a whole week yesterday..I like Zanzibari weddings they do know how to cater..Masha'allah. The Somali one is tonight,so I have made sure I have eaten my basto and hilib,just in case I dont even get nibbles..Lol The dinner and a walk sounds perfect for this kind of weather! enjoy!!
  2. It's a sunny sunday evening,what is Ibti doing indoors? Hello folks!
  3. That was a beautiful read yaa A&T..keep them coming!
  4. LOL..Waryaaren,you all paint me as this hippy lady who sings "kumbaya my lord" with daisy chain on my hair,wearing a pink flowing dress.. Emperor,you better take that fanta back,you will be wearing it.. :mad: Geel-jire,LOL@being scared,actually I tend to enjoy Old men's company..You should see me in our meetings,I sit with 15 old men in our board of governors of our Somali Community and I usually have a blast.. :cool: ps.xiin,I would like a big mug of shaax,bigeeys aa!
  5. LOL..Nephthys,I actually cant picture my life without my daughter,so am so enjoying being the Dictator! I could add to that list,creating fear of God.Oh boy,do I lay the guilt trip on the poor child. I dont know if being raise by strong independent women had influence the thinking within that there is nothing that is too hard about being a woman.I learned from an early age,one can be whatever one wants to be,lead whatever life one wants to lead.So sometimes,I become intolerant of friends whom have a different view of themselves as women and how they limit themselves. The sky is the limit for many of us,whom have opportunities to lead fulfilling lives.So hold your head up WOMEN! and walk like you own this darn earth..Heh I like the way Maya Angelou describes herself in one of her poems; Phenomenal Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. I say, It's the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can't touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them They say they still can't see. I say, It's in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. Now you understand Just why my head's not bowed. I don't shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing It ought to make you proud. I say, It's in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need of my care, 'Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. Maya Angelou :cool:
  6. Malika

    Office people

    It's the weekend for Jac today,he said yesterday he was knocking himself off with some sleeping pills for the weekend....,or he probably had struggled his collegue over that report and now is in jail..heh Ibti,Heh
  7. Malika

    Office people

    Oh Yeah,Now we know how Ngonge looks,thanks to Cadaan! How shattered where my images of the guys!! [ Lol].I am kidding brothers,you all looked fab! :cool:
  8. ^Dont you just wish you were Michelle..
  9. ^A long those lines..but am guessing something else,like A&T I shall keep it to myself. Okay,I dont know the answer,am just using my sometimes over working
  10. ^ Your a mad man wallahi!Looooooool,thanks for the laughts! I needed that.
  11. Northerner, It doesnt take a little effort dear,its bloody hard work to engage Somalis in anything positive.They will try at every possible opportunity to subortage you and your aim.I have seen and had experienced first hand.I was very active a few years ago,and being the only Somali within the education authority where I live,I had all the information they needed.But heck did they see past my qabiil..oh no,everything that I adviced them they took it with a pinch of salt,not because I lacked knowledge,but I was the wrong qabiil. Anywho moving from my emotions,as Lily had mentioned there are so many organisations that are milking the system for the sake of bettering the community,but again if my inaa adeer is a corrupt community worker,I will support him despite me and my child not benefitting from his fraud..Honestly we are our own worst enemies! Northerner,I had a meeting with a parent just last week,after informing her of her sons disruptive behaviour,which is hindering his learning..she only turn around to ask me and his form tutor if we can be tolerant..iska duulqadaa kulaha,if I could slap her I would have..Lol and the boy was sitting right there..What a message is sent to this boy,he can cause havoc and we his teachers are supposed to tolerate him...arg Alright,I will approach this topic later when am not fumming..Heh :mad: I have just been informed they[somalis]had refused to join the local Muslim community to fund raise for our first Mosque,which requires at least 2 million pounds..Now,these are the wadaads,their excuse is,they wont be the leaders of the mosque!!..
  12. ^Hello Lily Long time no see!
  13. LOL,..sawa mrembo!,but if she was somewhat clever today she could have had a share of the HOUSE..heh.She need'nt be homeless today if she trully was a clever girl..I hope you getting my drift[hajachuna buzi vizuri]..Ha ha Plenty of dancing this weekend,a Zanzibari friend is getting married this Saturday and on Sunday another Somali girl I know is getting pleanty of free food and music.. whoa!! What about yourself?
  14. The man was innocent yakhii,she went out on a prawl, lied and pretended to care for him.. What did she get out of those deciteful years? what a gucci bag? a trip to milan? What my dear girl did this girl achieved in these 8yrs? Is'nt she homeless now? Wasnt she crying yesterday outside his HOUSE? Naa igaa daa,she didnt fool no body but herself! Morning Love
  15. ^LOL@decent person aa?,brother that show is a true reflection of the decaying social morals of the west,it's aim is to entertain those in similar mind set... So this Somali dude,only got through because he is singing their tune. LOL@NG, he sure resembles Caano Geels avitar!
  16. CL,then she deserve everything she got and plus some more,what a heartless woman!
  17. CL,Now 8yrs of engagement,living in a house owned by the man,the girl need a slap! am sorry the days when you are at a mercy of a man is over.She should have realised he wasnt going to marry her after a year of being engaged,let alone wait around for 8yrs!! And why didnt she make sure she had her own nest to fall to,if things didnt work out!..Oh,am feeling for her on being made redudant.
  18. ^Now,A&T's story of the short man comes to mind,when you look at those two.. Astagfirullah!
  19. LOL@FB..Dont tell me your that dude? ,so how did you feel holding his hand? It's the London Metro.
  20. ^That image is sad wallahi,I never understand groupie mentality..What's the big deal if you touch or dont touch a famous person.. :rolleyes: LOL.the adoration in the eyes of the Somali dude,with the wider grin,baa igaa yabiyee..Subnahallah!
  21. I so wish I found a million pound laying is so overated! am so bored,somebody rescue me..
  22. A&T Charming! So,your saying while you were tending to the camels yesterday..Another Geel-jire logged on as you..Oh look,a pig just flew by my window!