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Everything posted by Malika

  1. CL Am doing great mpendwa,but got a dilema! I have been invited to this big do and I havent got an escort! Good on ya to revenge!
  2. Abtiigis,summaries that in English for me,I know I will loose the context of it in translations..
  3. ^Hello CL,so how did you handle that sneaky collegue? It's censored because its a qabiil name,but they forgot its also a whole region too!
  4. ^It's not short sighted,because its what the purpose of Hijab is all about,so that "men" that are not mahram,to not look at you and for you not to cause fitna! Why would I want to go to details explaining,why one should pull their shawl,over their bossoms when men approach,to a 3yrs old.The poor thing doesnt even have bossoms to cover,nor does she have those rounded hips to not swing.. You get my drift! I am all for hijab my dear,but not on a 2,3 or 6yr old.But as soon as girls are approaching puberty,then any mother should be preparing their daughters of the reality that comes with the process of growth,they should also introduce Hijab at this time,thats my belief!
  5. ^My point too Ngonge,why would a 3yrs old made to wear a Hijab? Isnt Hijab worn so to not cause fitna in the society?What fitna would a 5yr old cause unless we live in peadophile societies! Ibti,I know kids are not stup*d but they also inqusitive,how would you explain the reason of Hijab without going to details about its purpose?
  6. Originally posted by Ibtisam: WHy would your teenage daughter suddenly decide to make herself a stranger among her friends by putting a hijab on. It saves them the painful process of trying to make new friends and explain themselves to everyone who they've run around with since childhood. Where as if they wear it from a young age, it just because part of them and they do not see as something which makes them an outsider, nor will they have to explain to the other little kids of a sudden change. * ducks… ^No need for you to duck dear! I believe from young age you monitor the friends your child have, those she interacts with should be those that compliment her upbringing..You raise a confident,self loving child they will have no problem standing out amongst their peers when the time comes for them to start wearing Hijab.What a parent should do is instill the importance of worshipping Allah,emphasise on what is halaal and what isnt halaal,teaching them about the ultimate blessings that have been bestowed upon them.The main task is to instill Islam within their hearts. The Hijab is one of the two most important Qur’anic terminologies that define the jurisdiction and the condition for “matured” women to follow while at home or going outside.Key word I would say is “matured” woman,not a mere child whom doesnt have the understanding of the concept of Hijab..
  7. Hijab should be worn after puberty,during this time young girls start developing and I believe by then they are old enough to understand the reasons behind wearing a hijab.But a 5yrs old in hijab is just a tad bit too much!There more important aspects of our religion to teach them at that stage,like good mannners,reading quraan,praying etc.
  8. ^Aha!,thats better..Let the fun and adventure begin of tracking you down.. ps..I have been in UK for 17yrs,lived and visits London so often but I have never been to East London..It looks like meel shiidhaan,if you lot live there..
  9. ^LOL.. Now Ngonge they have spoiled the fun of stalking you..I know where you live[neighbourhood],what train you take to work and how you look!.. :mad: Sue them for me!!
  10. ^I did deliberately,hence using the word "wife" just so Urban can detect there is something a miss,with the sitution in the first place.Well am hoping,he knows one can not live with a fiance..
  11. Buuxo,Layziyiin iyo nuus iga dhe!... LOL@oo kaa feera weyn..Heh Ibti,dont start me on these poor women in Miyi,their lives are extremely tough.Even I with my "big bones" excuse will be a size zero if I had to endure their hardship. Ibti,true..My brother is among those fine men,but that is only through years of my mother not allowing him to get off his resposibilities,just for being a boy/man.
  12. Wasalaam Aleykum. First to live with a husband and wife will effect their privacy and relationship,second if you are going to be alone with your friend's wife that will be haram,even is she was your brothers wife its still haram..Your better off finding another place to live.
  13. Well, am assuming the lot of you whom had responded have not experience child birth, right? Well, come closer and let me tell you lot something. Giving birth is no bloody joke, and after the whole process of pregnancy, giving birth, your body goes through another re-adjustment. From pregnancy when every part of your body has expands beyond belief, the body is now retracting and going through the process of recuperating which takes at least 6-8 weeks. Now you tell me during this vital process when one should be recovering, one should hit the gym and starve her self? I think it requires a real man to appreciate what his wife has been through, and to accept the reality of the natural process that will take place once their wife has had a baby. Women are not just object of beauty and satisfactions’ of your desires, they are human beings whom endure a lot more for these children husbands boast about.. Dabshid, what is wrong with the new mum having a mug of shah? Actually the six weeks following birth, a new mother should eat well, rest a lot more. She should be looked after and supported not only physically but mentally too. Just like our old time traditions of looking after the Umuul. I see how much we are being influenced by the societies we live in but even more worrying is how much the media is influencing us on how one should appear, should dress, behave etc..Now can you leave the girl alone with her mug of shah.. *News Alert* Even women like Halle Berry and the likes have been dumped, cheated on and so forth…So its not how a woman should look like, its about MEN and their Hungurii!!
  14. Hayat,I agree indeed some or even majority of men are insensitive,down right selfish.Its all about them,and their needs.I think its unrealistic of men to expect their wives to stay as they were when they met,people grow and change as time goes by.Womens body change as they have babies,their roles change.As their time is consumed to looking after the children,house etc they havent got much time for themselves..Unless everyone expects all women to be like the Stamford Wives[anyone see this movie?]A perfect size 10 with boobs to match,a sex slave,a cleaner,driver,educator,chef,entertainer etc etc..please give women a break!! Men will be Men always,for them everything is about them,their wants,their needs..Its unfortunately women are viewed and seen as only objects to satisfy these mens needs and wants. I know men whom left their wives because,she wasnt keeping the house clean enough, or she isnt entertaining enough,they are not sexy enough blah blah..I have never heard a woman say I want divorce because my husband has a residing hair line,has grey hair,or has a pot belly..Lol Men are simple creatures really,and very very very spoilt!! Now CL,can you please drop that membership on your way out..
  15. Why is everyone making out this woman to be a nut case,why not ask Red Sea[lugooyo .com] how he got this poor girl in such a state,despite his claims he hasnt done anything to make her love him to the extent she is contemplating suicide blah blah..No one just falls in love,am sure Red Sea had done his share of promises,seductions and all the BS men tend to throw at women.. I see this girl as a victim,a countless victim of Somali men lies and deception..Heh Red Sea,unless this woman is a complete nutter even so you must have given her some indication you were interested in her plus more! Now you want to act as the victim? You want us to feel you..oh please! :rolleyes: I trully feel sorry for the poor soul aa lugoysee.. ps..Oh,I was meant to give advice not rant,but what the heck! Now,stay away from her,you have done enough already..
  16. Oh,What a day,What a revelation.Today I received a letter from a former student,whom I had helped moved to a special school..She used to have a hard time here,due to her specialness.I used to allow her to sit in my office during lunch hour and break,as the other kids gave her hell. She wrote;"I just want to say to you to be happy and God will not let you down.I pray God will keep you for me,your like mother to me,please look into the bible John 3:16 what does it say? "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son,that whoever believes in him should not perish but have an eternal life".God is great,and he will look after you! Bless her! I think thats my que to quit trolling and concentrate on my calling!...
  17. It's sad really! but am with Isseh,why not go back home and fight for a cause,rather then die aimlessly for a land that isnt even yours!!
  18. ^LOL..Indeed,there need to be some sort of intervention before I find my self declaring all sort of things.. Thanks,Macaalin Isseh! but you did get my drift yaa? Folks,see ya all around!
  19. LOL@Ibti,now you have made me ps..I will need very powerful binoculars to visually stalk Ng from my tuloow..
  20. ^So thats were to find him at lunch time's,if one is going to stalk the man huh?
  21. ^Now CL is speaking from experience adiguu naa@Ibti So Ibti,you look like a Bengali miyaa?
  22. LOL..North,I wish I did do the war paint..but I didnt want to outstand the bride.. ..It was bad enough half of the pupils from the school were there.. CL..The zenjy wedding went according to plan,with pleanty to eat.Oh I hate that circle dance,so boring! I am gonna quit going to weddings,but will attend Ibti's. and CL's..
  23. ^LOL..You dont want to know the details,I tell ya.If you have been to a mad,disorganised Somali wedding you will know how things happen..The wedding didnt start untill 10pm[theY bloody knew it was sunday too!]by the time the music and people started turning up it was already late..Now the mad dancing circles,with the women singing as loud as possible to the songs...The show offs doing their bits in the middle. The bride apparenty was late because she didnt have a car to collect her,hadhaa meshaa waxaa jooge almost her entire clan..Lol with a car park full of cars the poor girl was brung by a seven seater at a mercy of neighbour.By the time food was distributed it was midnight,who is going to eat chicken,sambusa at midnight..anyway that was the time I left,to catch up on my beauty sleep.This morning my friend called to tell me it went even madder when I left,a fight broke up between two rivary women groups in our town..Heh[Women!!] They had to be thrown out of the hall by the caretaker..
  24. Morning,Afternoon people! Its been a while since I had been to a Mad Somali Wedding..madaax xanuun! I think,someone should open a ladies only disco for the Somali ladies,islamihii iyo gabdhii mexee iswaleen xalee.. They absolutely went crazy...