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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Chubacka, I had some plans but recent events had resulted in changes to the plans..So am around,will try to finish redecorating my house. You better plan something girl,Sept will be upon us before we know it,then back to routines!
  2. Alright,A&T you dont want me to quote BB Kings lyrics here..Come back! ps.Ngonge its all your fault! :mad:
  3. ^Pole na siku ndefu! Morning folks,a lovely sunnny day! cant wait for the summer holidays to roll in, no one should be expected to work in such a lovely day!..
  4. We have feelings,imagination and down right dirty minds.. Oh,well we are not aliens after all! pheew..
  5. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^LooooooooooooooL@proud secessionist. Did I miss the welcome out party. I thought the flag was still under the joodari. Oh dear,he jumped fence few months ago!..waar mahesatiid.
  6. Welcome back, Mansa Munsa! Interesting read,thanks for sharing.
  7. ^LOL..Woman must you be so difficult!,its just after Ishaa,you can tune in while trying to sleep.. While we are on the subject of fund raising,does anyone have contact of trustworthy active people/Organisations on the ground[somalia] whom funds could be sent to?
  8. ^LOL@When is your funeral... Slavery aa!..Lol,darling its called,a one woman show!!
  9. You were singing too?..hmmm you didnt attend a Somali wedding did ya?..Hehe Mine was a typical motherly weekend,Saturday was shopping with tantrums thrown in,Sunday was hair pulling and car washing,lawn mowing,cooking and dozing on the sofa the rest of the day!..bliss!
  10. The little princess[madam]is growing too fast for my liking,nevertheless she is fine..[thanks] Now tell Eedo,what you got up to?
  11. Morning Mpendwa! Indeed its a beautiful day,the sun is shining the wind is blowing and am feeling marvelous! How was your weekend dear?
  12. Originally posted by Ms DD: Bisinka iyo Burdahoow money..War inoo kaadi walaalo. It is maghrib time here Malika...I think that is best. Take it to ladies with Looooooooool..dee adiguu Ms DD,maxaa qolkaani kudigee..
  13. Well done to Che and sure is a hard job trying to organise anything Somali!..Well done!
  14. ^LOL..the translation is so gheto! ps.I will keep the darn phone next to me all the time@Ms DD
  15. KK,none of the above just a spicies of my own!
  16. ^Well,the obsession of the geeljires and their she-camels is kind of worrying to say the least..Lol
  17. DD,its called the initiating process,A&T is doing just fine..
  18. Originally posted by Paragon: Malika that's unfair ukhtii lool. Malika I really envy Ngonge. I think he is brilliant. Is it not fair if I try to catch up with him? How long ayaa la isku bartaa here? Or perhaps meelo kalaa jira? What do I know? I feel so bad now!@Paragon A&T, I am coming to an understanding,after 20yrs living in the West,one has got used to the political correctness "mumbo jambos" of the gender equalities,hence finding your raw sense of humour in regard to your perception of SOL women hard to swallow.. So African!! You actually remind me of my trips back home,lool people are so different to the zombie like people in the west,waxaa niyaada kuhayaan bee miskaa kudigeyaan..Now for those of us whom have gotten used to the fake smiles and then back bites we find the honesty very very difficult to accept. Now enough of apologising,chill out!
  19. LOL..I have a few A&T in my class,but these kids have been diagnoised with ADHD.. A&T,hortaa let people get to know you then you can joke around,laakin adigoo lagugaraan baa kaftan iyo buuq latimiid..take it easy! and you shall soon be another Ngonge[i know you envie him]..
  20. I dont like this thread, odayguu waa bila shaqoo.. :mad: MMA,I too want someone to write the Somali men stereo typicalities.. Where is KK,when you need her!..
  21. ^Who are you talking about? Dabshid?
  22. ^Hey,dee you need a big sister to tell you off when you slip..dont you? Tell me without being patronising,what is your view and opinion of Educated,Intelligent,Independent women? NG,I know he wasnt refering to me,hadhii kale he knows I know where he is and will hunt him down like a lioness hunting in the savannah..
  23. ^Idhaa dheerid..Lol,Indeed laakin waad iska badbadisee adhigu..
  24. ^ @ waking up looking for something to offend them...Lol Oh,well at least they dont wake up every morning apologising like A&T.