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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Are you still at the mosque?..You need to go to Hyde Park for the eye candies.. Then report back! ..Heh
  2. Thank the lord its FRIDAY!!
  3. A young Somali queen Malika aa?[*note to self*; not to miss the facial and body botox session the whole of next month] Waryareen, iska sijui brother FB odyaal naa utagii mayoo,wuxuu utagii islamihii ciida.Sijui wexee isku gartaan,dinacaa hoyo! Wewe mtoto wa mama nani[hoyadhaa yee eheed] uun baa laa isweydiya.
  4. ^LOL.. Check,Che at aged 10 terrorising young Ms DD from UK..
  5. ^There is a difference,the money asked of female relatives tend to be for living expenses rather then for maagta or xaal.That responsiblity lies solely on men in the family.
  6. ^Ya Xiinfaniin,Classic as Ha Ha Ha,or classic as your right on the money Malika!
  7. ^Sheydankaa iska naar,take a deep breath and count your blessings.. ps.Who has dare upset you?..let address yake,nitamtuma CL aka mfundishe adabu..
  8. Malika

    QA with Norf

    "You all live in the west. You all pay taxes to Uncle Sam and Her Majesty respectively. Though you’re paying for the war in Iraq, the weaponry sent to Israel to bomb Palestine and her people, does that mean you’re in agreement with such actions? Does that make you a hypocrite? Should you move out? If you don’t want to pay just quit working! Hehe." ^LOL,the dole looks much more attractive now..Heh I think,it has'nt sunk in quite yet that SL's ambition to sessesion from Somalia to many of us,hence the anger toward the administration befriending our current enemy and not extending a helping hand in this distastrous times.We as Somalis are customery known for helping and standing up for one another,so it is a painful reality to the realisation that their determination means they will and wont get involved.. ps.Northerner,refrain from personalising your argument.."simpletons"..walaaga fican yahay! Yours simpleton Malika..
  9. ^ I havent been outside per say,just a dash across the campus every now and then, but somehow that was enough to burn me.. Anywho,whats new?
  10. ^Mwaah! have they been working you hard this morning? ps.I got sunburnt,me ms dhuxuul got sun burnt!! :confused: I should dollop sun cream from now on.
  11. Malika


    LOL@MMA,kamaan fileniin taasi! AbayO123,Welcome dear.
  12. ^Are you sure that is a lullaby? Sidii mid an aabbe korinnin [Like one abandoned by his father] Ayeeyoyin isu dhiibin[one his ayeeyos didnt bother with] Abaartii subag la siinin[ one whom wasnt bothered to be fattened during draught] Ameer dhalay loo lisaynin[one no one bother milking a new goat mother's milk for him] :cool: [am out]
  13. Morning lovely people.. Are the trollers on strike today? or finally they are focused on actually working Oh,well am gonna have myself a one woman show here in General maanta..whoooooa!
  14. Che scrowl back to page 539,the task is for you to decipher the Swahili. CL,I know..bless! but now would we have reacted the same if A was a little xalimo?
  15. ^Party poppers! Stoic,have you noticed Che has replaced Jac with the Looooooooools.. ps.oh,why did I pass through the lab,little Ahmed was busy snogging Jade cooper,alla muxuu naxee...poor lad.
  16. The dude looks so cultured..A cowboy geel-jire!
  17. Usitie shaka,hutafutwi na mgambo..Heh,bali niko na jamaa mitaa hiyo. You have seen Jac huko?...
  18. ^ Uko Atlanta siyo?..
  19. Lol..@salaam za rambi rambi..wasnt salaam za rambi rambi had to do with bad news?.. You will find him on rahisi Somali,just simply!.. sowie Jac, baan noqdee!
  20. Insha'allah,natumaini Oct..nasubiri offer,ikija nitakwenda sasa. ps.There is 2000 and something people on line,somewhere browzing through SOL,scary!
  21. ^Unakwenda Nyumbani summer hii?
  22. Afternoon,mpendwa CL! Al Burcaawi,JB is boycotting SOL but I have seen him somewhere else,doing his usually Loooooool's..
  23. ^That was hilarious!!Lol. Re-childlessness, reminds me of this old Somali woman that used to live by her own,she never had any children and the only relative she had was her brother whom also never had any children.After her brother passed away the local Imam took her under his wing,he offered her a place to live near the mosque.She was looked after by the local Muslim community,Masha'allah.One of my Saturday chores set by my mother was to go and clean her room,after I had cleaned her room,fetch her drinking water to keep in her little room..She would kiss me and make dua, "May allah never make you experience gooblaniimoo iyo gaajoo"..[well in somali],she died when I was 13,but I can still remember her,how lonely she looked!
  24. ^LOL..Heh,true! Sometimes one wonders if men trully do like having children, do they get in the way of their pleasured plans..Lol. Are children another extension of their male ego..waryahee dee ninkii hebeel wuxuu leyahay labataan ciyaal aa..bless! Anywho,Maryan welcome to SOL.