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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^But ladies dont wear gorgorad outside the house on its own, do they? Macawiis requires a skill to wear it properly without it looking like one has been caught doing something he shouldnt..
  2. ^Walle A&T iyo xiin maxaa kala haya..Now am curious at what oday xiin gets up to,it looks like there is alot of wheeling and dealing going on behind the scenes yaa!..
  3. ^Its just the Somali thing dear,you got to put someone down to acknoledge them.Lol Afro,is it the barret or the dimple that got you all excited..
  4. Wilka dayaa bisinkaa!,with the kind of role models in our community no wonder he feels all special to have stepped out just a bit to the left..Heh
  5. To aspire to be a killing machine,toloow muu iska joogo Somalia,atleast maanta Xabashiduu noo diliil laha..Lol Lakiin why do we like disrespecting the hard working taxi drivers?
  6. ^You sound almost annoyed by this girl's story toloow waayo? She is just buying clothes BG,nothing biggy
  7. ^Name the mafrish .. Insha'allah kheyr aa kurajenayaa.[Goodluck]
  8. Xidigo, If Riyaale had done all you had expected from him for Awdal, would the citizens of that region, still be awaiting for the revival of the greater Somalia?
  9. ^Like him starting to preach at the Mafrishes..miyaa?
  10. Just this once,I thought what the heck and wore high heels to work,a BIG mistake,one foot feels like I have tried squeezing an elephant foot in a ballarina shoe.Am seriously contemplating walking without shoes for the rest of the day..
  11. Malika

    Hyena parody

    ^Or the commonalities between Hyenas and Somalis..You would be amazed at the similarities on how they conduct themselves. ps.Just a guess on my account.
  12. Marx indeed from the comfort of your cozy council house one can verify rape,through police investigations and doctors,but in warzone how is that supposed to be done?[Think boy!] Ngonge,that is no excuse,it only requires one to have empathy, not even sympathy dear. "words on the screen again"..Heh
  13. ^I hear you loud and clear,but if we disregard those two or three foreign aid workers.What will be the reason behind the assissination of those prominent Somalis? Isnt Qabil the centre issue in our conflict? or has it somehow transformed it self to Islam v non belivers? So your argument is he shouldnt have highlighted the assissination of these prominent members of our society because the issue facing us is bigger then them?..I agree but he did! sue him.
  14. ^^You doubt if the Ethiopian solders could be that cruel? They can kill, maim, destroy our country and people but God forbid they rape a Somali girl twice!! News flash dear, it’s a war zone and that brutality often accompanies, I don’t know why you doubt her story, masha'allah for your life but please dont insult those whom have been through these ordeals. I am sure there are thousands of stories like hers and probably even more brutal. ps."Just words on the screen,words on a screen" too
  15. ^Its not about ARISTOCRATS,its about a pathetic culture ee Somaliduu garaneeysa,even before the civil war and even in places where there is peace this is still practiced,targetting those whom have done well for themselves to revenge sometime pathetic fueds. I know someone close to me,he cant set foot in Burco nor Hargeysa despite him owning pleanty of businesses there,why because some imbicile he is distantly related to killed someone from another lineage,marka shekhadaan mahan waax cusuub,it just part and parcel of our some how jahiil traditional juridictions.Its not like highlighting this issue is supposedly to take away the reality of those caught up in the madness on the ground aka women and children. ps.What does Ngonge know.plz! :rolleyes: NG.
  16. Walle sometimes,one wants to cry just for the sheer hopelessness!..This practice of killing the best and brightess has been practiced along while,its almost expected if you want to hurt where it matters most,kill the best men from those you see as your enemy..Revenge,where it hurts but without contempleting the consequencies of such actions..Innocent people murdered just because they happened to be distantly related to an individual.. The mindset is mind boggling wallahi.. But how is justice to be served in such a chaos?
  17. "Maroodigu takarta(am duqisga) isaga saaran ma arkee, mid kale ta saaran ayuu arkaa" Hello KK, How is the juggling going?
  18. "Nin cas naagtaada uga baq, nin madawna naftaada uga baq."...Keep the pretty boys well away from the Mrs..
  19. Thanks Stoic,that just reminded me of happy days,when I was a care free young child..Now am really depressed! I was expecting Che and A&T to offer to streap tease for me,but alas! they are busy bickering about gone bys..arg
  20. ^I see,you like adding fuel to an already burning fire..tsk tsk@FB
  21. ^Its all good to dream,but one should also be mindful of what is realistic,possilbe and achievable.What is uttermost important right NOW is finding a workable solution to enable us to move from where we are to where you and Adam are dreaming about. The question should be, How do we move forward? We have seen the devostation of our actions,we continue to see the devostating actions of those whom lead us,we see the division among ourselves even here in SOL,so this dream of a beautiful,wonderful Somalia is just a dream for NOW,we got a long way to go... ps.Insha'allah,with change of mindsets,cleansed hearts,it might,it might be possible..BUT! pss.I have a dream by Martin Luther King comes to mind huh? yaa Bokero
  22. Lily,how can one have a great day,its so grey and dull outside!.. There was some thing about people selling their kidynes for £60.000,walle for a few minutes that idea sounded just so right for me,with that money I would be set up nicely in Zanzibar...
  23. LOOOOL..@Ibti,sorry hun but that sounds like a perfect sketch for a comedy.. Hello,People..Can ya all line up please!.Now in turns entertain me!
  24. I am feeling blue,the darn rain,grey skies and flooded roads!!