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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Asante kwa kunijulisha
  2. Indeed,it was a lovely morning while I was still in bed,nice dream I was having,then the darn alarm went off..Since then I have been nursing a headache!
  3. Ngonge,here you can learn Kiswahili, from the best; LOZ,your tabqaan when it comes to Kiswahili
  4. Oz,sasa niambie na miye, wewe ni nani..
  5. ^Your so nice,I hope too!.. She is right though,I dont remember being told how much one can post here when I joined..,But why care if someone else spends alot of their time here? Reminicing with babyface;
  6. ^LOL..cute!, Hi! I am stuck indoor waiting for the gas man to come fix my boiler,when they say 10- they do mean 10 to whenever!.. :mad:
  7. ^LOL..@me,what has London done to you? You have become so British,where is the easy going Dutch man!.. Here this reminds me of Victor Meldrew's whinnings and complainings..Lol
  8. ^LOL..intaan baad kaa ilaawdee; 4.Wuxuu naa yahay niin qoosol badhan,Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool..[keeligii buu iska qooslaa] ps.Jac,your missing out man! the welcoming committegii Paragon baa laa waregee,you need to claim it back!
  9. ^ ,thats what I call telling like it is..
  10. Ngonge, Thanks,that is a great idea, I have access to the school hall,a Somali musician.A Somali womens party.Voila!! sorted for summer holiday wallahi!.. ps.Ngonge,for that bright idea I shall order you couple of mardhuufs at Xaji Salaaxs mafrish near you.
  11. LOL..Stoic,I think am going to join the "you know where",when the full take over comes to place here!
  12. ^LOL@dont fall out with him ..Heh,does that mean she should be prepared to alot of grovelling and begging when ever he is seemingly annoyed she didnt cook the food well enough,or just just didnt perform good enough that night..Heh Anywho..Ya all have scared Bella away!!
  13. LOL@Ibti, who have you been hanging around with of late girl? CL,Ulikuwa wapi mpenzi?
  14. ^I only asked for what was in his pocket,the stingy man only had £20 pounds and that became my dawry.. It depends with the man your marrying,if he can afford and you know he can afford why not ask for a substantial amount but if you know your man hasnt got the means then why not pardon him and go for lesser amount.
  15. ^ kadaa gabadha she is new,and this place can trully confuse someone.For instance take A&T..Lol,he is still confused and its been 5 months now since he joined..Heh
  16. Bella,I wasnt trully offended,it will take more then that hunno to offend me..I was just initiating you to SOL..Heh MARX..GROW UP KIDDO! :mad:
  17. ^Maa aragtee,they making out like there are some boggy women here.. Bella hunno,let me ask you a question.What does the term "Independent Woman" mean to you? ps.I changed a socket fuse today and yesterday I changed the oil in my car,does that make me a brainwashed Xalimo? I earn my bread,shelter and educate my daughter single handedly so did my mother and grand mother..I come from a lineage of very independent women and that hasnt compromised their being mothers,wives etc etc..So I find the word bullshid quite offensive to me,my mother and my grandmother,calling our choices and joys of being independent bullshid isnt cool young sis.. Dont make assumptions dear!
  18. ^Lol..LG,have you seen Che's picture?..He will be better suited dressing like the other dude,with the orange scarf[Masha'allah wilku quruux badana..tuuf tuuf!]... That is what I call,dignified Macawiis wearer!
  19. ^I know,could you believe their cheek?? Walle Somali kids,are wild,they ambushed me from all corners!..
  20. Aar,what happened to this group?.. Tell you what folks,finally reality kicked in this sunday.After lunch the weather was still good outside,I thought I should go walk about,walked through the woods,crossed the canal into a neighbourhood not too far from my own neighbourhood,as I was coming up the hill.I could hear kids screaming.."Ayeyo",as they were running toward me,I stopped looked behind me to see if there is a old Somali woman behind me,Shock and Horror they were calling out to me!! I immediately got annoyed,does their ayeyo wear track suit/tshit/sunglasses and have an ipod on her ear?..Belaayo! As they got near they stopped calling me Ayeyo and started calling me Habo.As they got closer,I could see they were not more then 6yr olds.."Magacaa" one shouts,another one pokes me on the stomach and ask,"gormee babigaa dalaneysaa?" What!!!..I kept being polite and engaging them in small talk,as we pass their front door,their mother comes out..We exchange Salaams,she asks where I live..I pointed to the opposite neighbourhood,not mine ,the thought of having those little tearways in my house was too much to extend my hand to somalinimo..Lol Now,after that ordeal..I am so convinced I need to join this weight loss group.
  21. ^They remind me of that kids comedy,Kean and Kel...Here we go again! ps.A&T,iskaa ceeli FB,he needs karbashing..Lol
  22. ^Back in da days ayaa soo xasuusatee miyaa yaa KK.. Bella,Welcome dear!
  23. ^Nice to see you back here Ibti,you were missed..mwaaah!
  24. ^You didnt get the memo miyaa?,the wadaads are the in thing now days.. Welcome brother Qundur.
  25. ^Its a good look,it means odaygi baa gurigaa jooga.. ,the lady of the house isnt accepting guests.