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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^LOL..go sleep,its just 2pm here and folks are over active.. Ms DD,what sort of a gift was it,before we go further with this..
  2. ^ True,Illahi baa umadisaa badbadiyee why not eey? Ms DD, It was one of those moment,when you go what the heck!.lol
  3. Ah! Ngonge,it sounds like Ms DD isnt in a romantic relationship with the dude dee.She is confused at his gesture,hadii kale she wouldnt have asked the public for their interpretation of the gift..Catch up old man! Okay, am making assumptions here,better go nurse my cold with chicken soup..
  4. ^LOL..yeah right! Ms DD, there is nothing for free,there is always a certain element of expectation is attached with those sort of gifts..But again there are some kind souls out there..LOL
  5. Sabax Kheyr Stoic! Ms DD, it all depends with whom the gift is from.. Now do tell, if its a female or a male.If its a male is he a relative or a potential
  6. ^No room for competetion,we shall soon declare war against any other woman that comes near the faraaxs..There is already a shortage of faraaxs,we cant afford to share them...kapish yaa OZ.. Congratulations to brother MiM, may this union bring you happiness and prosperity..Amiin
  7. Jac, Well,the am sick as a dog attitude has earned me the afternoon off work..Whoaa!, now I can catch up with soap opera's and SOL with clear conscious.. LOL,OZ dont worry am wearing a mask!
  8. ^LOL I hate being sick!..Astagfirullah, I only have a cold but have I been complaining.. milking the sympathy of anyone who dare ask me,how I am..Hehe
  9. ^Welcome back Jac! I just had school chips and some greasy vegie burger..eeeew!..amd am about to bunk off in the next 15mins!
  10. ^ ,You havent seen his name in bold capital letters at the Baker St Mosque? The man is on a mission..Lol
  11. ^Indeed, life is for living, and how can one claim to have lived,if they havent experienced the ups and downs of life it self. May Allah rest the older sister in Jannah,she was a true gem and had surrended to your love wholely, unfortunate you werent matured enough to see beyond the desires,and see her for whom she was. The younger sister was a mere 16yr old,despite knowing what is wrong and what is right,she didnt have the maturity to analyse the long term effect and consequencies of her actions, not only to her sister but her relationship with the man.Nevertheless,what was due had happened A&T now forgive yourself,the younger sister and move on..[we learn from our mistakes,experience good or bad tends to lead us to make right choices,so I am hoping you have learned your lesson and are much more wiser when making certain decision..]
  12. LOL@Ngonge,you just had to? Well,if only you werent so stuborn and listened to me you would have saved your self the trouble of writing to the Hiiran boys..Lol,as I said,what do you know?
  13. ^ Che,habaryar am worried about you now,for how long were you starring at Afro's avatar waiting to catch a glimpse?..tsk,tsk
  14. Xiin,am assuming the bravery your hoping Ibti to identify is the ability of A&T to show case his vulnerability by sharing this story of his life,his misfortunes and the demons he is battling with still.. Ibti,its usually considered bravery when a man shows emotions,as you know men are from mars hence their alieness!..
  15. I second Blessed suggestion,a short jacket with the dircaa and beautiful hijaab will look cool and you will be properly covered.. The wedding sound well organised. ps.Iris,welcome sis!
  16. LOL..CL,you remind me of my younger sister,when she turned 20,she was physical sick that day..bisinkaa! ps.3 more working days,the end of term!!
  17. Now Suldanka,is it somali meat or somaliland meat?..
  18. ^You dont say?..Oh my! an interesting place to work yaa CL.. Stoic,you saw the clip..the dude was so clueless!..I loved the part when he couldnt name the plastic bucket..Kulaha baseni ya kuogea!..Heh
  19. ^Well,it looks like we can cash in our unique features, saying that I havent seen a faraax modelling...[hmm,the skinny hands arent in fashion miyaa]
  20. CL,mpendwa! Hamna noma, hofu ilikuwa kwako.. Now,LOZ this is new development,who have you been hanging out with? you have a mlendo's accent to go with that Kiswahili..xaax! The mzungu's are getting at my nerves!!
  21. ^Did you watch that clip? The dude himself in the video need to be taught Kiswahili..
  22. ^^ ,wasnt Red talking about having multiple weddings..I dont think Aaliyah will like that now.