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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Originally posted by STOIC: ^^^^Hahaa Hahaaa Hahaa……If you know about that,I need to stop this Manadazi talk before I blow my cover…. ^^ Fulay! Dont worry Mr Paranoid,I wont blow your cover,but I told you I got relatives there..Heh So shall I tell the good lady to add Mandazi/Kitumbua on her menu?
  2. ^They dont make Mandazi at Safari'[not sure if this is the correct name],the restaurant run by the sijui lady?..Would there be a market for Mandazi,Kitumbua,bajia,sambusa if I come and start a business there?
  3. Now,after a nice mug of Asaar tea,with mandazi I come here to find songs,speeches,Ngonge rolling his eyes.. Okay,what happened in my absence??
  4. LOL..Stoic,baba watoto kakimbia nyumba,asie kuwepo na lake halipo mjomba,usitie shaka ilikuwa episode ya candy eye only.. Nimesha tubu kwa mola CL,he had a wedding ring on though,you still want his number? Ngonge, Ibti,whats the number?.. No its not me,why would I thank you for everything?
  5. As I opened the door this morning for the plumber to come fix my licking pipes in the bathroom.I almost shut the door in his face and pull a fast one "my husband isnt here,come back later"..The reason,what stood outside my door was a work of art,caramel skinned brother,a body of a greek God and to top all that he had green eyes!! What does he do being a plumber,he can grace any cat walk, or screen with those looks.. Anyway, he is gone now and am here thinking why cant faraaxs have those kind of bodies?..I know I should have lower my gaze, am repeanting for my sin,dhuhuur is here ps.Afternoon lovely people.
  6. ^Are you feeling better today?.. The summer weddings are in full swing,was out and about seeking the ultimate dirac to wear this saturday.. What was the convesation to get old man xiin all shy and uncomfortable?
  7. LoooooooooooL@Ngonge, I like that come back,astafirullah! diblee!
  8. A&T.. , I was counting on you not being Ngonge's friend today as am not liking him today[only today]though..
  9. ^LOL@vacant space,nah will decline that offer unless you got A&T on your side now..Lol The man stood up to what he believed to be injustice/corruption and down right criminal,and through that belief he is sitting with the devils in Djibouti now! Indeed,I have visions but mine have mounted to nothing as i am yet to offer any dream or taste of peace and stability to a whole people.Now there is a difference between the teacher /Sheikh and the teacher Malika,in her cozy surburbian life.
  10. Me, So that is what you have been doing,since moving to London,hang around bishopgate chating young damsels?..Fariid! Ngonge; Does one need to be of super intelligence to be a great leader? Lets give the man his dues, actually his respects. The simple man he is, he is today at the core of the Somali politics, doesn’t that just say something. Oh, yeah of course in a nation full of fickle minded and simpletons, that wouldn’t be anything of a surprise now, would it?... :rolleyes: Yes there might not be some consistency in his tactics but you can not take away the consistency linked to his strong moral and value based approach, which is to bring Peace and stability to the people. It might have meant he had to deploy different strategy in order to respond to the reality on the ground, we can not afford any more blood shed, its not the Ethiopian citizens that are caught up in these day to day attacks but Somali citizen. Enough of the blood sheds, his approach might not be one that many favour but the man has a vision and if it means he sits with the devil himself and talk it through then be it, and for that he has my respect! For sure the gentleman has an enomous task on his hands, for him to sucessed he will have to be tolerant, remain calm,composed and steadfast to the main purpose,despite the storms,emotions and crises that come and go..The sheikh Hassan's little tantrum is just one of those crises..Inshaallah, with determination through dialogue he shall sucessed! must be very lonely,up there yaa Ngonge,just you and your oversized SL flag..
  11. ^That was a good read,thanks bro!
  12. ^Hence my whatever non response..
  13. ^A sister from the Copperbelt's..,Mulibwanji!
  14. ^Not necessarly,the tagging along of friends or cousins is usually for procaution,just so if young skipper have any wild ideas up his sleeves he wont have a chance acting upon them with 4 extra pairs of eyes watching his every move..Now that is a good/clever girl!..
  15. *waves back* @ Ms DD and all trollers! Ibti,take a break,deep sleep and pleanty of vitamin c drinks.. After a good rest yesterday,am bouncing off the walls,played table tennis for at least 3 hours continuosly this morning..How I missed the game.
  16. ^There were many like him,it was the done thing then,you finish school/college/University the next stop was Somalia,I know those whom died during the Ethio-Somali war as they came in droves to defend what we all believed in Somalinimo. Paragon,didnt we just!
  17. Loooooooooool@being a fly on Paragon's wall..Lool girl you got some jokes! Ibti,move aside let Paragon do his If I can be anywhere,I would like to be home,where I can smell the Indian Ocean,hear its waves and the sound of my fathers voice reading quraan after magriib.Oh yeah and eating lobster my grand of a cook mother prepared for dinner..yeah,I want to be that teenager again..
  18. ^Lol,he sounds confused too,kulaha but what?..
  19. Ms DD, Ducaysane waa rageedi,he just says what comes to his mind,being a man nothing else goes on in his mind but ..........dee Stoic, true its very very comfortable.
  20. Stoic,do tell us why do you like the baati dirac?
  21. Paragon, the Af-somali police! LOL@Ducaysane,it sounds like thats how you do your thing. :eek: Hello CL.. Hello Geel-jire,or Xarbi[geeljire suited you much better]
  22. Seven pages later,the gift was dircaa?.. Lily,its not like if a man,bought you lingerie now , is it?
  23. ^LOL.. Ms DD,kulaha if you smile at them they assume you digging them..Lol,that is funny! I am with Ngonge,just enjoy the attention/gifts and as a grown up woman you know when to draw the line..
  24. ^Ouch!!,I like your rawness..Now lets not pour our sourness over this thread, let the man be congratulated.