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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol..I think there need to be a teen section,it seems we are swamped by them of late!. Ibti,who p*ssed you off,tell me am gonna go sort them out for ya.
  2. Looooooooooooooooool@Ibti,that was hilarious!..
  3. Looooooool, a sijui correcting a fish&chips afsomali,while the fish&chips is conversing in afsomali with an arab cansiir..Lol classic!!
  4. LOL..The exchange between Ngonge and his pupil the unknown is just hilarious!..
  5. ^I am over relaxed since Friday, I need something to do,came to realise I only function well when under pressure,been like a zombie the last couple of days!..Lol ps.Wacha niende madukani kuangaza angaza macho. Baadae mpenzi!
  6. ^Sema? ps.Ngonge that means,what's up? before you throw a tantrum for being left out of the conversation!
  7. Masha'allah dear Poster, bisinka qaabsoo yaala kucaawrin! Inshaallah kheyr for the future.. Now,CL leave her alone,she sounds cute!
  8. ^So he secretly joined the weight watcher group miyaa? sotaani odaygii qarxiisee!..Lol Afternoon people
  9. For me the thought of death,remembering every minute/hour/day that has passed will never come back,tick tock the clock is ticking..The essence of time! Subhanallah.. Whatever the situation may be, in the recollection of death there is reward and merit. For even the man engrossed in the world benefits from it by acquiring an aversion to this world, since it spoils his contentment and the fullness of his pleasure; and everything which spoils for man his pleasures and his appetites is one of the means of deliverance -abu Hamid al-Ghazali [‘The Remembrance of Death & the Afterlife’ Ihya Ilum Ud Din]
  10. ^Unaroho nzuri wewe,ulitakiwa udai zawadi,bila zawadi Lini safari,nije unitie kwenye
  11. LOL...OZ,huna adabu..That was funny wallahi..astafirullah!
  12. ^Lol..A&T would definetly and completely go off chart,it will be lost in translation with much explicit information that will just be too darn hard to digest this early in the day.. Yeah right, I can see you have definetly been Somalised now @ dont be suprised hadee reer odanii joined SOL..
  13. Jac,am still clueless, waxaad soo qortee still is french to Ngonge,cute so was the Russian friend influence on me,but didnt last long though! LOL@NGO.. a whole organisation on a forum,me think that is silly and
  14. ^Morning Ms DD, What is a Kalifooto?
  15. Lol@climbing tree's, I wrote short stories,actually was way too political conscious at that age then am now..I have a scrap book with my drawings of Mother Africa, with question marks all over various issues..Yeah,man I was a Nkurumah fan too! I was learning to be a ballarina too!..fluent in Hindi[mind is sinile now forgot most]
  16. JB,They can,dont underestimate the privilaged Morning folks, it sure is nice waking up late!
  17. A&T, am starting to like your praises of me,hence my over extended support toward you and your post..Keep em coming me say..
  18. OZ,Poleni..but despite the rain that view is just breath,am in a high raise in central London,with all the windows and balcony door open am still feeling hot and CL,poa mpenzi! I saw the post,the man has got guts me thinks..
  19. I don't see what the fuss is about,but again the more they fuss about your stories the more pages,just making anything you post a hot topic!..Now maad qasaarin those minutes it took you to write and ps.Am no pervert for not seeing anything wrong with your story. pss..Ignore Jac,he hasn't got a creative nerve in his whole body,jealousy is such an ugly thing..[ ]
  20. I don't know about being crazy but afternoon to you too! I know its lame to mention the weather ,but boy! its hot!!!
  21. How nice ya all wanting to be related to me,darn that feels good..Heh Stop arguing you two, you both are related to me,like all other Somalis... Che,we have already established that, havent we Habar yar? Stoic, Jioni Jema!
  22. Stoic Indeed do,special greetings to the old lady,I'A. ps..You should have been lowering your gaze even if we werent Che,Somaliduu waa laboo haboo Habar yar,you will be amazed at how many people you turn out to be some how related to if you dig a little deeper..
  23. ^Now we are getting there,that old lady is the link between me and the lady too..Now,I dont know you, you dont know me.. Okie dokie.