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Everything posted by Malika

  1. About Somali event,that reminds me of an event,When last year Sheikh Abu Hanifa came to our town,and a big hall was hired.Well there was the gender segregated seating plans,apparantely it wasnt enough for some guys. When it was the question and answer time,one stood up to complain why there were women on the same hall as the men! Well,I loved how the Sheikh responded,he asked him point blank " do you my brother work,go shopping,travel around?" he answered "yes"..Then why are you bothered about sharing a hall with your muslimah sisters whom are mashaallah covered from head to toe,to avoid fitna for you,while you go around shopping,being served by an non hijabi's ,you work possibly your boss is a female and a non hijabi too..why arent you quiting all that aspect of your life,so to avoid fitna?.. He went on,telling the men about the first Mosques to be buildt in times of our prophet[sAW]were women and men prayed together,but after realising that the male [Creatures,erm humans] nafs is weak when it comes to sexual urges,thats when the segregation came into place.. So,it got nothing to do with them being religious,its all to do with their male ego!! pheew! Now,what was the topic about, Ah! a Hospital in Burco..Mashaallah,good move[about time too]
  2. Lol..Ibti,let me tell you the psychology behind,Eedo's blasting the quraan this morning..You my girl have been neglecting your duties at home,so she is paying you back! My ayeyo and her friends used to do that to us,Sunday mornings..Saturday night,she knew there would be some that jumped the wall to go clubbing,the rest will be out in the veranda untill very very late talking[half the neighbourhood used to gather on our front porch]..Anyway Ayeyo fiidkaa ayee sexaan jiirte,she will try to get us all in to sleep around 7pm!! yaa kaa maqlii jiiree,well only if the heavy weights are around you see[hoyo]but if she is alone,waan kaa arsaan jiirnee[bless her]..Anyway come sunday morning,ayeyo will get up extra early,somehow her friends from the neighbourhood would also come over,and they would start to make dua's and pray as loud as they can..I mean,the dua's were for us you..Then they will listen to somali waqdhii,the volume turned up high.. It was her way,of telling us we pissed her off last night with our sanqaad all night..Now you need to help Eedo clean those windows girl,dont hide at Uni even on Sundays..
  3. ^I think your missing the point,of LG's rant ,Red Sea as a die hard Somalilander,for is accused of bad mouthing and generalising Somalis from Somalia..duh! :eek: ,Your shocked and dismayed at the accusation,so mahaan..well your statement of "our state affairs as a nation" is confusing most SL supporters have worked very hard to disassociate themselves from Somalis/a ,so any concern shown is taken as mockery,gloating etc [Just summarising for you why,the mob want to lynch RS] Nevertheless,xaalkuu Somaliduu mareyaan weey xuntahay wallahi! It is sad trully.
  4. Baashir Makhtal,isnt the first citizen to be left out to hang by the Canadian Authorities,they had turned a blind eye to many that had been unjustly accused of any association with terrorism. Could it be possible the Ethiopian or Kenyan authorites intentionally left out his Canadian citizenship on his detainee information and are holding him hostage as a Ethiopian[somali], so that they could retained him at their facilities,which the Ethiopian Goverment had also now found other new charges against him due to his origins. But that could be easily sorted through the Canadian Consulate in Addis,if they wanted to though..arrg! Caalol xumoo wallahi,Inshaallah all shall prevail one day!
  5. How do the jobless live? I need to know how am gonna survive the next 4 weeks without going ga ga over nothing to do! Praise the routines,praise the routines..
  6. Loooool..@have a look Well am here and on other places..I mean cyber places.
  7. ^Lol So,where are the home bodies,am sure the rest are out partying..It's Saturday night after all!
  8. ^ ,didnt you notice how Gediid got so annoyed he couldnt let go of the question mark button?????? I dont think that is our Duke,but am sure he should land himself a nice little job soon..
  9. ^I believe this is from the impact of the Jummah Khutba,it must have been so moving and reawakening our brother Baad Caas forgot all about the usual SL this or SL that and embraced us all by the wonderful Dua's..Mashaallah! Allahu Akbar!...Amiin to the dua's Red Sea.
  10. ^ . Loooool@Rudy,God bless you!,that made me laugh,waa runtaa wallahi!
  11. ^That is telling like it is! No sugar coating whatsoever. Inshaallah the sister will take your words as waanoo iyo wanaag aad urabtiid..Inshaallah.
  12. ^Indeed,trust him..I believe the guy suffers from obsessesively thinking thoughts of sexual nature,combined that with poor impluse control he ends up getting into trouble alot here.. But again, he can be funny sometimes..Lol
  13. ^Could it be our Bella here is just perfoming the playground tactic's..She actually digs Urban but just wants to give him a hard time for the sake of her undying love?..Heh ps.Its a beautiful day, baal let me go outside..
  14. ^They can impact,even on a small scale,starting with their own households.If the mother refuses to listen to the father,then that is ground for divorce! full stop!.. Fathers tend to be emotionally black mailed,if you dont let you daughter go through this,then it will be your fault if she goes hay-wire later on..please what a ****** reasoning, like it stopped anyone being promiscious! Now, Sayid and co. should start a faraaxs against FGM movent pronto.. Ibti,if anyone talks about it openly they usually get the usual abuse, mexee ledahaay, Somalidii bee ceebysee bs.blah blah.. :mad:
  15. Aaliyah, turning 21st means that one is ready to face the world, to embark on adulthood which equates to being employed, getting married, having kids, buying a house, starting to plan for your retirement, getting fat [kidding] etc etc!. Now let me not scare you, I just wanted to say to you. “Your are a gem young lady” and to wish you a Happy birthday [belated one ]
  16. ^Equally they can also detect the unsuitability of the man too. What is a suitable man to a father,it is a man that will honour,respect,cherish,love and provide for his daughter.Miyee jirtaa waxaa kaficaan?..I say,any man that wants to marry you should be made to spend time with your father/,amd all the bull-shiid he would have been feeding you will just evaporate.[well if he was boosting to build you a sky scrapper made of ice that is].
  17. ^Waa loo qarineeya nooh! Somali's are mean though,calling a spade a spade is something else but using someones physical features as means of identifying them is just mean..We had hebeel foosto,heblayo lugha xuun,Heblayo tuuro..bisinka! how mean that was, and those nick names are stuck on the individuals for the rest of their lives..Lol. Okay..mine was, Kaligeed soqoo[i was such a loner]..Heh
  18. A poem of the soul Imam abu Hamid al Ghazzali ..Much I have strained to make my soul obey, But for whose sin I had not gone astray; When I would be obedient, it was faint And showed a strange distaste and unrestraint. I wrestled with my soul as with a foe, It bidding me to err, I saying no; We were as ancient enemies at large. I put on patience, to withstand its charge; With troops of tempting it came forth to fight - What patience could withstand such reckless might? - Which gave it courage when its courage quailed, And reinforcement when its forces failed. Now I succeed, now it, in the affray; Yet, when we meet, it ever wins the day. I love it well, but it opposes me As if I held it not in amity; It is an enemy I cannot hate, A memory I can ne'er obliterate. Blindly it swims upon its sinful sea, Clutching the hems of its iniquity; I greatly fear, it it doth still rebel, Its ruin in this life and, after, Hell! Wherefore, O Lord, bring its repentance near And wash away its sins in founts of fear. If Thou, my God, its chastener shoudst be, O whither shall it look for clemency? Be Gracious then, and all its sins forgive; Thou art its Lord, for through Thee it doth live.
  19. Troubled Soul By Hassan Radwan When anxieties trouble my soul and the night is heavy with sorrow I look up to the heavens where the angels hover amongst the stars, I feel a gentle embrace so sweet and soft Calming my mind and healing my soul Filling me full of peace and love "Oh you whose throne enfolds the heavens and earth" "Envelop me in your mercy and bring me back to your presence" "To walk again in tranquil gardens" "Wherein is neither suffering nor sickness" "Nor pain nor misery" The sky looks so perfect and beautiful The stars shimmer while the Moon silently looks down The air is fresh and clear, Reviving my spirit and giving me hope Can I believe that the dawn will bring the answer to my prayers? And the world will be a different place?
  20. ^Too many questions maa Pujah,Happy birthday! The hide away resort looks fabulous,enjoy!!
  21. Whats up,folks! Big up to the Insomnic UK Was that poor man looking for a wife thread deleted..bummer,it sure had some entertaining posts..
  22. Ibti, Insha'allah,will do just that! LOL@being different,am sure Geel_Jire is different,he is a decent brother,Mashaallah! LOL@CL
  23. ^ Inshaallah, will do dear, I promised Ms DD to visit her shop too..So why not,when am there next weekend will drop you a line to meet me there..Deal? Lord,time flies its already another ramadhan, Inshallah this year you shall come to experience my talents in the kitchen..Heh. ps.Geel-jire is a man dear!..anything is an open line..
  24. CL..Lol,the darn Kusband need to go walle,we cant afford Ibti going ga-ga over Lol,Geel-jire equally the trouble,actually the snotty kids are worse! Ibti,I came and return to my tuloow yesterday but will be coming back next week inshaallah! A&T, your in a good mood maanta,yaa maxaa kusoo koodree?[is that spelling right?]
  25. Hello Geel_Jire, ma fayaa aboowe,.. See tahay adiguu?