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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika

    The RIGHT Age!

    ^Did you throw stuff behind the sofa too?..Abaayo she is over 5 going 50!
  2. Malika

    The RIGHT Age!

    I was such a tom boy at 5,they left me to run wild until I turn 8,they started hussling me,in the evenings to help my older sister to serve cashoo..Then the duty of preparing Asaariya was appointed,but I wasnt gonna let them do that to my free spirit,I would make sure I added salt to the tea,or have an "accident" and spill the tea all over.They resigned me from that duty and I was back to running wild,until 13,one day I was asked to cook sabayaad,I remember our neighbour coming to ask if there is a fire,the smoke was chocking the neighbourhood.. But,my mother wouldnt have us,just grow like trees,we had simple but important chores to perform on the weekends.She made sure the maid and housekeeper had the weekend off,and on top of that if you dont do your chores,there was no cinema/beach outing for you! So there was alot of hating going on if one of us isnt pulling their weight..Lol Ngonge,you can set a chore chart for them even the little boy...Every one has to have a specific chore,be it to tidy their rooms/living room to making breakfast on weekends etc etc..Dont put too much pressure on the girl,let her feel proud of little tasks she is already undertaking..Praise even if the job done isnt to your satisfaction,they will perfect it with time. My daughter is an absolute brilliant cleaner,but that means she will use any clothe to wipe the floor,clean the cubboards,I just bite my lips and let her get on..When she cleans the living room,there will be some stuff,thrown behind the sofa',but I turn a blind eye as long as she has done the
  3. Afternoon Jac! Its Lunch time,am sure they are eating their cold sandwhiches at some cold park! Lol@Sayid's reaction..Heh
  4. Sayid,can you come see us pronto!!.Ngonge,CL and I need to have a word with you. Please bring your CV and two marqaati whom will swear on their lives for you.. Afternoon people! *Lily, Mabruk! *Cadaan,welcome back, long time no see!
  5. ^I know,he shouldnt listen to me,I feel so bad , A&T is sweet wallahi,he just does what one asks of him...
  6. Pucca, I mean find a "tall,khameez wearing korean" will require you crossing boundries..Lol LOL@Stoic,so ya all scared of Koreans huh? What about the Iranian,Afganis,Saudis..darn,it must be halloween everyday in America..heh,So many boggy men!
  7. Malika

    Shy Women

    Okay!..those images of kids as women are somewhat disturbing,especially that little girl with the blue masaar.. :rolleyes: So the article he posted on General was about women not men?..double :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  8. Malika


    ^I mean,even without the name one can easily trace it back to you know who..heh
  9. Lol@Ibti,hayee!! A&T,your of a different league,intaasi lee guufilaan,no need to fight your corner..And in time folks will appreciate your uniquness,but definetly you and Jac are not the same..
  10. Malika


    ^LOL,I doubt it,inna Hargeysa laguu yaqaan,the dude spend most of his time in doors, on line..
  11. Indeed they are cute,but A&T why plaster their image on public? War wilshaa yanalagaa cawriin dee !!..Lol Jac,sotaani adiguu baa liix iyo todooba caruur aad heysatoo!
  12. ^Actually,will let him wait excitedly for couple of days for that PM,then just never send him anything..Lol Yeah,eating well and resting is what you need,blast some music as there is no one in the house while your cooking,dance away all those negative emotions..or you could just cry and get over with it!
  13. Happy Birthday Ibti!, well you know your not gonna grow any taller now so mahaan? ..Lol Now,get off the negative emotions and say Alxamdulillah,for you have woken up healthy in mind,body and soul..Tommorrow will never come back,so live for today and hope for tommorrow,now go out!!![its an order]
  14. Lol..nutter! Jac,I have a personal question to ask you about the carry on's of last week and so..will PM you though.. Ibti your exhausted darling,you need time out! hortaa Congrats on finishing your thesis,now go and have some fun for you and me both!
  15. Lol@Ma xishoodka ceeb noqday? true. Ibti, well they can be fun too this crazy kind of people,I mean from a distance that is..Lol
  16. ^ imagine hanging out with them even for a day!
  17. LOL..Jac,your trying to sell yourself here miyaa? Actually a motor mouth,arrogant,show off,in your face kind of guys are such a turn off!! There is no mystery attached to them,now a shy,quite guy is a work of art,so many angle to look at him from...Ah,the discoveries!! labadhinaa qayloo iyo buuq baad naguu washeen,nagafadistaa meel..Let the shy lot just do their browzing and never contribute...
  18. 1.Home - At home one learn's,about themselves,either in a positive, healthy enviroment or a negative and destructive one.It is also were their principles and values are formed,this too is either good or bad..It is also were one is nurtured,loved[or the opposite,neglected ,abandoned].. For me,home plays a key role in a childs development through out their lives. 2.School [ provides a foundation for everyday skills,e.g.learning to read, write and communicate,socialial circle,stability of the routines..etc] LOL@public transport iyo Shopping
  19. Stoic, clock is ticking and mjinga in the same sentence,CL natumaini uta mchuna kama mbuzi! Lily,your right the are in their 30's perhaps only a few years older then some "youngish" Solers!
  20. ^Yeap..Mganga wa kienyeji..sixiir iyo belayoo kalee kalaa wadwadaan some of them.
  21. We've got to remember,this is in an African village somewhere in Nigeria,no one cares enough about the happiness of any woman,let alone kids going hungry cause the old man cant feed them and so.. If he is a healer then he is those so called sheikhs in Africa they somehow end up marrying their patients,now is that coincident or is faal iyo quur baa shekhaduu kujiirta,I mean look at those pictures of some of the women! odey waxnaa laheen mexee kufaleyaan?..Astagfirullah,for these assumption but there is something fishy about this man!
  22. ^Looooooooooool@Ibti CL,mwaah mpendwa! xiin,A&T maalinkastaa gar buu kujiira!
  23. Hello people! I see odeyashii SOL baa maanta trollki noo camireen..mashaallah! Xiin, haasugiin A&T as he lives in the jungles of the kalahari,they tend to have electricty only for certain hours..
  24. Ibti,Insha'allah,my dear! Following on my Grandmother's Friday Got the Quraan on in every room, my cabayaa pressed,scented and ready for the wholesome shower and am good to go! Indeed,I must ask all of you for if I had wronged you in any shape or form,do forgive me! Lily,tell me about it!! Ah,to be alive another day yet! Laterz beople..