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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Looooool,Sayid what happened to that serious dude from last week,who is this imposter? Erm,you mentioned Paragon,when was he part of this?
  2. ^ @ Ibti and unknown. unknown,your very interesting person more interesting then any newbie of recent,hagee nagaa soo dhushee?
  3. Malika

    Today I....

    ^ Didnt that translate to,"my throat is tired"?
  4. Your right she did ask about charasteristic,darn you Cara!! Ms DD,what is the serious bit, his deen or ? Blessed, anytime my dear,the drum telegrams will be sent..TZ has always been a good place to visit.
  5. ^Aha!..I need to cleanse my mind it has just wondered on a dirty road,is that what she is asking really Cara?
  6. Ms DD,a tough question indeed! I am getting to the stage,where I am resigning to very negative conclusion about women's role.. ,but aside with me and my world.. What is important to you? Keeping in mind no one is perfect,we are only human after all.So he might have this characteristics but not you compromise and accept him and his faults will all depend on You and where you are as a grown person[mentally and spiritually]..Was that helpful..Lol I second Ibti's question should we be shopping for that dirac?
  7. Dhubad,I know aboowe.Thats the mentality I dont get,it just so wrong! I feel we dont really value a human life,and how simple and easy is to kill in our community!
  8. Ms DD,the credit crunch has really impacted I tell ya,the pound sign flashed in front of me,when I was asked where to buy or who sells..Lol astagfirullah! I cant believe they have been told its good for depression,apparently it makes you feel lighter and focused..Heh,I dont think they have seen the faraaxs and xalimos that chew now!..
  9. Ibt,its not necessarly for the deceased to have been rich but,its part of our bizarre tradition to compasate a man's death with money..What scares me most about these sort of arrangement is the casuality about the whole thing,I mean this man killed someone cold blooded and yet other[tolka]will go out of their way to pay off his crime and him getting away scott free!! I dont get the mentality,Che I wouldnt pay a penny[luckly they dont ask women to pay anything] but nevertheless I would not give even a penny..I say let him get blasted away too!
  10. CL,do you need binoculars or you can see clearly? I just have found out ,I can make good money selling Jaad to Asian women,home delivery ofcourse..Hmmmm,Who is a jaad/Khat merchant in here?
  11. ^And here I was ready to send the African drum telegraph back home so they can welcome you if you were to venture as fas as East Africa coastlines..
  12. ^What do you expect from Someone whom thinks of themselves so low?..markuu isku bixineyee saqajaan he knew he wasnt in the same league as CL,hence his cowards comments.
  13. ^That sounds like a good plan,you should travel during this gap year.
  14. GJ,Maalin wanaagsan! A conversation between my two nephews this morning; A[aged 6]: When so and so have babies we shall be Abti's,when you have children I will be atheer[sounding excited] B[aged 4]: I dont want to have children,and I dont want to be atheer or abti[sounding upset] A:You dont want to be like Aabo B:No! [starts crying] The 4yr old is already developing phobia for marriage and kids!bisinka..Lol probably be bachelor until his 60's. CL,its a stress coping mechanism..LOL
  15. ^Iga taag,I wanted the Arab to sweat abit dee.. Now is that the address for Haloway jail? Lol..Chubaka,have you not been keeping the house clean,while she was away?..Hadaa start a mad dash around the house,clean it so when she comes in she doenst need to start yelling!
  16. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@Ngonge! ,let me kiss that nail better for you am sure that will also do wonders for your self esteem.. As for CL's home address,erm you will need to start training my dear,CL's brothers are like fotresess,with all sort of dangers if one tries to break through..If you break a nail fighting a shadow,walle you wont last a second in the battle with her brothers..
  17. Ibti, Was he part of those Somalis you were debating with yesterday? Hello CL ,dagaa aa? Hehehe am sure that will be the suitable weapon.
  18. I knew this Sayid was up to no good,when I asked him to bring his CV and marqaati he run and hid.. Morning everyone! Jumaac Mubarak yaa umaati Nabi Mohammed[sAW]
  19. Lol..Ibti,why expose poor unknown like that? check your PM, for the urgent inqury..Ta! Ibti,I think was deliberate punishment for this thread..Lol There is a trend I see,men refusing to divorce wives they no longer live with nor support..What's up with that? :mad:
  20. Malika

    Today I....

    Today was a strange day! Hmmm,talked for the world maanta,duntaa idashee..
  21. Anyone out there,apart from Pucca as she is looking for me with a hammer!
  22. ^ A man in love and satisfied iga dhe! Now,do tell what makes a man stay with a woman and what makes a man run away from a woman? [That question is to all the male studs here ]
  23. CL, my brain is so mushy this morning, I was looking for this series done by a Tanzanian Proffesor on the impact of colonialism on the African mentality..I cant even remember the name of the proffesor,darn!! I need to go drink couple of cups of tea,I might just be able to boost my brain to work..