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Everything posted by Malika

  1. @Caabdiyo dhulka laa daaqdee wilka..Lol he was terrible! Gello,when were you tittled the latest Maverick of SOL?
  2. ^ ,Loooooooool,Yeah I do. There are restaurants in the East that sell Kitumbua or if your anywhere near Southall.Lakini si unaenda nyumbani soon?
  3. Saqajaan, Astagfirullah,waar iga taag saqajaan yahow! *off to repeant*
  4. Amiin Sayid, I know I was trying to scare unknown he is too quick to judge and condemn people..Now what was my crime?
  5. ^Astagfirullah,adaa iguu daraan why curse him? Number 40,is your crime now unknown..Educate the brother if you can but dont curse him.
  6. ^For the love of God,would you stop this idiocy you preaching..Number 17,should be right up your alley me thinks :mad:
  7. ^ Did I mention I have dyed my hair red, I have become somewhat obsessed about my hair since yesterday, am just loving it[]..
  8. Ibti, ,must overcome that naughty twin sister,so she never reer her ugly self here again. CL,I was worried about Jac last two weeks ago,wanted to ask him some serious questions but that would have been too intrusive..Anywho he is not too bad this week.
  9. Where is Ngonge and A&T, am in the mood for adult conversation.. CL,hali nzuri sana.. Che,a 70's porn star aa? better shave dear,Tom Selleck was xuux.
  10. ,that was a quick lunch break yaa Sayid.. Afro,I see you got your fighting shorts ready on under that multi colour diraac.
  11. Hello CL.. Lol@Geel-jire for stating your likes and dislikes..
  12. Ngonge,that would have matched the state of mind,I was in last week.. Hello Afro,I am assuming your new avatar is probably what is triggering Jac,desire to hit the gym.. unknown what is the question dear? Maalin wanagsaan@Geel Jire
  13. I must have been so bored, I dyed my hair red..Now what do they say about red heads? Afternoon trollers!
  14. ^Well if am to concertate on being a better muslim surely that requires me to respect and value all God's creation equally that includes my African brothers and sisters..So this jareer talk is rather backward thinking me thinks yaa saqajaan. Thanks for your adviced,partially accepted..
  15. ^ You dont understand the beauty of a simple life,its pure humbleness. Anyway,I am assuming your talking about the African philosophy as the “traditional African philosophy” you have forgotten the influence of the Islamic/Arabic philosophy in Africa even before the white man came to the continent. Actually am more in tuned with the pro independence African philosophy of the likes of the late Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Kwame Nkurumah etc, Ah, the pan African movement to be more precise. And that has nothing to do with my belief, as my belief is above my African ness and my Somali ness.
  16. ^What is the excuse of Somalia then? I dont see other African countries in similar situation as Somalia is that to do with our superiority complex and our cushtic origins? Let me try and answer your question, I actually embrace my African heritage with unwavering sentiment; being African for me is not to be defined by race, ethnicity but by philosophies and ideologies rich in morals, ethics and an African culture, in short being African to me is a state of mind. I thank my lord for the opportunity to see and experience the beauty of Africa..
  17. ^That was mean of me! Anywho, CL as I said that day I was having a bimbo moment..The proffesor isnt Tanzanian but Kenyan but he is my hero. Ali Mazrui is the name,I couldnt find the whole series but he had writen extensively on the matters of the "African". The series is called "The African" google it, me dear. Here is one part of his series; "Every stage of Africa's contribution to globalization was also a stage in its own marginalization. Rodney was all too aware that African captives who were turned into slaves entered the emerging world of international capitalism. But those captives were simultaneously a symbol of the marginalization of the African peoples. Imperialism and gunboat diplomacy made colonized Africa part of world-wide empires. But colonized people are inevitably marginalized people. The extractive imperative made African minerals fuel the world economy. African minerals enriched other economies rather than Africa's own. " Check this site; From Slave Ship to Space Ship: African between Marginalization and Globalization by Ali Mazrui.
  18. So the Arabs are buying everything Somali in bulks miyaa? From airline to livestocks,fishery and wild animals..maxaa kalee haree they havent bought the rights to? Oh,well they are our "Arab brothers" afterall..
  19. This Saqajaan dude is making quite an entry in SOL,am sure in due time we shall accept him just as he is..The Saqajaan he is.. ,I hate myself for being a bully. Saqajaan,welcome to SOL and indeed you have been noticed.
  20. Erm,what happened to the women's corner? I see you girl's are in the general section,hadanaa uu camireysan the dude's lame topics?
  21. Malika


    Insha'allah this Ramadan will be the begining of an era for me.. CC, long time no see.
  22. Asalaam Aleykum folks. I wanted to share this with all of you, the aim is not to make you feel scared nor sad,but for the mere purpose of reflecting on our lives. What would benefit us after our deaths!.. "Alhamdulillah, Inna lillah wa inna illahi rajcun" were the words utter by me late last night , after being informed of the death of a good sister S. The deceased sister was at the core of our dacwa group. Subhanallah she lived a good life one that benefited the Ummah in many levels. The sister worked with an organisation that empowered women, to find employment and knowledge. She used her knowledge in Islam to counsel sisters whom found themselves overwhelmed with the day to day life struggles. She also taught Islamic studies to children on the weekends in the Islamic School, she and her husband co-founded. She was on the front row in rallying fund raising events for our soon to be built mosque. Subhanallah she was also our main speaker in our sister circle, her talks where always well prepared, she spoke with much humbleness, her talks were very stimulating, there was always a buzzing atmosphere during the discussion times.. The last I saw her was when we were discussing Surati Asr, the focus being TIME, the essences of Time! How we spend the time we are here on earth etc. Just weeks later she was taken ill after few check up she was diagnosed with a deadly cancer, she went through all the treatment and seemed to have made progress, but last week she fell ill again and last night Alhamdulillah she passed away . She was only 29yrs old.. Her death has made me think, reflect on what one will leave behind that will benefit them long after death. I remembered one of the general principles established in the Qur’aan concerning with the rewards and the punishments of our deeds. In surah An-Najm[53:39] it says; “….that humans will only have the result of their actions”. Consequently, when a person dies, the opportunity for that person to do good ends with the person’s death. How ever, the chance to harvest good from deeds which were done prior to death remains. You reap what you sow they say, indeed you do. The knowledge of the deen, she has passed on to the children/women will continue to benefit her. The school and the fund she raised for the mosque will continue to benefit her. Her dedication to raising pious sons will sure continue to benefit her. The charitable act of reaching out, changing the lives of many women for the better, will continue to benefit here Inshaallah! When you hear the death of someone you knew, usually it triggers the thoughts of your own death. The death of Sister S, didn’t only brought the reality of mortality to my comfortable and illusive life of late. Her death has made me question , what am I truly benefiting from my life now and what will benefit me more in the here after, Allah Akbar! 'O Allaah, forgive our living and our dead, those present and those absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O Allaah, whom amongst us You keep alive, then let such a life be upon Islaam, and whom amongst us You take unto Yourself, then let such a death be upon faith. O Allaah, do not deprive us of his reward and do not let us stray after him’. Amiiiiiiiiin, Ya Rabi!
  23. Aaaw cute@ I would honor you.. Naa Ibti,this year is your year you hear girl,I see in the general you got a husband[Jac] plus the sayid going ga ga over you..Now the unknown honouring you! Naa waxaan kuleyahay this is your year!