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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Okay..Your serious about this,laakiin have you though of the reasons why some [men and women] are opting to marry outside the Somali community?
  2. ^Ibti, BUT they are so much fun! I so dig their jokes.. So what shall we talk about, hair or nails today? *ducks down* whooooooosh,Ibti shoe just missed my head..
  3. @Ngonge ,kaa qaalee xajigaa dee adna.
  4. ^Loooooooooooool@Lily, your lucky they havent posted pictures of themselves having a shower..
  5. Ibti, Well,then that is his therapy, dis Xalimo's to release his frustrations, now if you go back and read A&T's rant you will gather he has just been ruffled up by his xalimo..[Mashaallah of a woman I say]..I told you, its all in the psychology!
  6. ^Yeah,the man changes his xalimos like underwear!..
  7. Is this Jac's day, from what he ate,what he likes to eat and now how he takes showers/what soap he uses..
  8. ^Double *yawn* Good luck to them iga dhe!!
  9. ^So is where I am,but too darn lazy to go out I promise to hug my boss when I go back to work,I miss work.
  10. We are getting used to inter-racial marriages beriyahaan..There were 3 weddings recently in our town and all 3 were Somali girls marrying non somali men..Maxaa loo ciyaare,buraabuur ee,heeladaa ee..I tell ya,people dont care no more! ps.Poster your back so soon? who do you know here,I mean whom did you bribe
  11. ^With Somalis,they are so good at spreading the "word" adigoo Timbuktu mareysaa ayaa laa guleyahay, maa adigii baa inaa hebeel hebeel oo berigii sameyee this or that..I tell ya our people are absolute special! Anyway Good Luck to her I say!
  12. ^He ate everything moving dee,nothing fulfils him then a whole camel,goat and rabbit..LOL
  13. ^LOL True. Hayee maxaad soo cuntee?
  14. ^It does matter when you understand the psycology behind people's actions,it sure helps to clear the picture..Anywho,vulnerable or not she is unfortuante is left to hold the baby and humiliated in public by his denial. The poor child ,she need to move away and leave the matters to Allah,as Allah knows best! Isagaa lee marqatii kaa ahay this situation.
  15. ^He was acting,the dude was intelligent enough lakiin he just wanted to be difficult and different..[am assuming he was acting]
  16. Ibti, Thats why there are laws placed in Islam,but do we follow them,Nah!.Also there must have been witnesses to this marriage,where is the marriage certificate?..It doenst add up this story but nevertheless,she is in deep shiid! Oh,its also common knowledge men pry on vulnerable women,when she is feeling insecured,unloved,uncertain they come with their gun loaded full of bull shiid,and the poor woman just melts amidst that shiid..Heh , I am assuming he sold her some story or another..
  17. ^Now I got to go out and buy some,am salvating here! I am starting to believe one should never mix friendship with is evil,as soon money comes between all the good times are forgotten..argh
  18. ^Amiin,indeed it is a test for her and a lesson for others. Somalidu wexee iradaan,"waax laaqariyo quruun baa kujiraa" never agree to anything secret,hear girls! It wasnt me lee nikaa kaharee,shaggy's song comes to mind..nacaas foqol nacaas.
  19. ^Ibti,we will never know her side of the story nor his,anywho she is a human being,there are moments of weakness in all of us,unfortunate for her the price she is going to pay will impact on her kids too.
  20. ^Toloow muxuu sameyee,I actually liked him[strange huh]..Lol
  21. ^LOL. It's not only Somalis that find themselves in these predicaments.What this case has highlighted is a practise done and has been done even way before.Marrying in secret and only when one gets pregnant did they used to mention they were married. She did miscalculate,she assumed by having a kid she will consumate the marriage,only too istupidh to know he wasnt looking for wife per say but a lover on the side. Allah,maxaa raag somali sugeysaa,their abuse of single mothers.. :mad:
  22. Dettol..This stuff is meant for cleaning wound,but if diluted and gently used to wipe the effected area,it will kill any germ and stop the infection to spread.Its strong so wipe it very gently at night and in the morning you will find the infected area is dried up. The qasil&huruud is good too..I have seen ready mixed packages here in UK. Drink pleanty of water,once a month complete detoxing[scrapping the guts like]..Inshaallah kheyr.
  23. They say,shiiid happen,this is definetly shiid hitting the fan for the woman left holding the baby alone and shamed.Well,never agree to marry in secret,there is a reason why one cant marry without walli,not because the man would be asked to pay for a lavish wedding or whatever its all to do with such an incident. The poor woman,she totally miscalculated the situation,the dude was looking for a xalaal affair,not a second wife and hell not another kid! A lesson learned a hard way for her now,and I hope it will be a lesson for all other women whom get lead to these kind of arrangements without thinking of the consequencies or a long term plan. Anywho,these kind of arrangement do happen,but usually when a pregnancy come along they tend to owe to being married this guy is definetly a saqajaan/nacaas aa..
  24. Ibti; I usually have my dinner before 7pm, last night I had mine at 10pm,I could barely pray Ishaa,sleep was difficult,woke up to pray fajr with a heart burn..after fajr,nightmares! I couldnt even have my usual morning cup of bruised from inside! I must have eaten like a pig!! Hello unknown&Jac
  25. @Ngonge A talk of meat this early morning? I made a huge mistake last night, ate my dinner late..Maxaa igaa racee,bloody nightmares!! I must have been on the boxing ring at the Olympics in my dreams,am beat up this morning!.. Erm,sorry folks,where are my manners..Goodmorning/Subaax Wanaagsan/Asalaam Aleykum/Asubuhi njema..