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Everything posted by Malika

  1. You all have a wonderful weekend, see you all back on duty on Tuesday..[pst,we must ask for pay here] Mwaaaaaaaah to all! Am I dying ,why say goodbye twice..bisinka.
  2. Ngonge, Am sure flattering my eye lashes and complimenting him heavly on how the great city of Kismayo had produced such fine son's, am sure that will get me off if am wrong.
  3. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: PS: We already know Xiin is a hardcore anti-TFG, but when Emperor, the other Kismayo-born nomad made that famous "rag iska-dhicin iyo Rabi-ka-cabsi" comment recently against the TFG in a reply to Nephtys, we knew he joined Al-Shabaab for good. Ngonge,I had a problem with that sentence,he could have said that about Emperor without adding xiin in the quote.As I believe good xiin's objective to TFG to be one that wasnt based on circumstances nor chances that his beloved city will one day be part of group he supports, and again does xiin support the Al shabaab? We know his devotion to the good sheikh and co, perhaps my problem is the association of the two gentleman due only to their backgrounds.. Anywho,perhaps am reading into things..
  4. Lily,you forgot to add, she wore fake eye lashes,faced baked with heavy makeup and red lipstick..even on death bed our CL will look fab! Alright people, have fun, not too much fun over the long weekend..mwhaaah
  5. Ngonge, perhaps but still it leave one to think..huh? what? anywho perhaps it was a suttle way being informed of xiin's clan affliation of some sort.. :rolleyes: I am probably reading too much between the lines of what Mr Libaax wrote.
  6. @ Ngonge. I am more curious at Libaax's name dropping,maxaa Xiin deex geliyee sualaa laa weydinayaa Emperor.. :confused:
  7. So Ibti making a group dua is a sufi practice? Doing dhikr [remembrance of Allah],has nothing to do with being sufi or else its part of the steps to increase ones imaan..As poolwizard asked have you got prove, am intrigued too.
  8. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^I think he means when they finish and the Imam (normally in Asian mosques) turns around and does the dua out loud, rather than each doing their own tasbiix and dua. Normally lazy people like this, or those who don't know Arabic or those who think the Imam holy and god may accept it, with so many saying Ameen. He goes to a mashallah mosque which is trying to safe guard his practise so he is just thanking them ^Astagfirullah for the assumptions my dear sister,a collective group dua isnt just done by the Asians only,this is the norm in many parts of the Islamic world, unless you know a hadith or ayah that disregard this practice.If we are congragating to perform salaah together why cant we also do dhikr together? I dont know,I personally dont see anything wrong with group dua making especially when the dua is a general dua for the ummah and its well being.
  9. ^They are popular but not as much as those darn Cats..Lol
  10. ^Good Question Norf 1. Emperor,would an over take by UIC be welcomed in Puntland? I mean there is piracy,human trafficking,forgery[moeny] etc,will these be good enough reasons for Al-Shabaab to overtake Puntland?
  11. :rolleyes: @ Unknown! , maa intaasi lee dagaal ugalaan miyaa? Ngonge,I guess so too! Emperor,am sure someone somewhere is feeling justified,but am just disheartened by any news of more Somalis killing each other for what ever justifiable reason they have to do so.
  12. ^And an early night...What time is it down under?
  13. ^I am glad your easily soothed me dear,your happy again..Darn Ngonge your good!
  14. ^Girl your fast.. Ngonge,she slept angry, woke up angry..Now do tell,what did you do to the poor girl?
  15. :rolleyes: @ sniggering tittle. Anywho,I dont get this strategy by Al-Shabaab,dont they have their hands full in Mogadishu without wasting resources in over taking other towns by force which means more Somalis dying and suffering? :confused:
  16. Afternoon fellow trollers and the unknown one. Jummac wanagsaan, Jumaaac Mubarak yaa ummati NABI MUHAMMED[sAW].. CL,Nani amekuzi hivyo? Is it the old man, did he upset you? Tell aunty Malika,I shall march to his office and sort him out for ya..
  17. BG, Waar hanaa habariin,that kind of a man will bore one to death..
  18. Ashkiro Lol@accent ma lihii sida cadaanka o kale..LOL That reminded me of a once upon a time, one of these new Intellectual spicies was trying soo hard to impress, he turned up with his laptop on a date,kulaha I got an editorial to finish..Loooooooool.Maskiin.
  19. Ibti are you still at Uni?
  20. Pucca, LOL,I agree that was not the usual Che,perhaps he is covering for Stoic today.
  21. I honestly dont know,was hoping Ngonge will tell if I pretend I know where he has gone to..Lol[sad so mahaan] Anywho am gonna go out and buy some indian sweets anyone for some ladoo, or penda?
  22. Looooooooooooool@ KK, women can be as bad as men i tell ya!
  23. LOL..CL,I will have to die if I tell ya.
  24. Ngonge, missing him already? Had he gone where I think he had gone? Looool@CL