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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Kol haday shukaansi uun tahay HARDWARE ka ha loo daadago walaahi this guy is from another planet PS: honestly i missed u so much wlcmm back Originally posted by Malika: [QB] ^Pick a number and go right at the back of the line,A&T is fully booked as of now.. after that air and ocean salaam,A&T just looked mighty fine.. A&T, maa arkeysee saan kuu camireyee,adna waxaad NG iyo Che aa waax kaa sugeysaa!
  2. ^A&t,write a complain letter to the Editor about Ngonge's letter to the Editor..challenge his perseption of Xabashis..Lol
  3. Halleluya!,that's my habo@ Che smooth operator!
  4. ^Loool,alright lets play this game Erm was it Ibti? Ngonge? Paragon? or K'naan? Oh,am good with "I spy with my brown eyes something starting with" sort of games.. Now be a doll and just tell! and if it was someone HOT please go into details
  5. Ms DD, we are good macaanto! Who dear?
  6. ^Waa runta,hadaa gabadha ballan ugaa qadee inaad kabaxdii weyaan. Alright,Good luck dee!
  7. ^Hello Ms! I have got myself addicted to Kettle chips[rock salt & black pepper]so crunchy and tasty.
  8. Jac,Lool,ilee saan baad maskiin uu tahay? Nin loo taliyaa baad weligaa eheed miyaa? War iska joog,ee iska bashaal..Ibti,will be back Inshaallah soon. Wcs wr wb@ PG
  9. Afternoon Trollers! 3 more days before am back to work,no luck in bumping to a super rich widower at the graveyard either,am forced to go back to work dragging my feet.
  10. Dabshid, Lol@eagerly waiting,that reminded me of this poor Polish woman journery to Islam through Somali men..Well,apparently she hanged outside our make shift mosque by the trinity centre,waiting to talk to the Imaam,unfortunatetly she made the mistake of approaching these two Somali men on their way to the mafrish.She told them her aim[to convert],they told her to follow them,as they entered the Mafrish with her they annouced her desires[like it was a mosque,subhanallah],well what was to follow was an absolute shamble,as the men started arguing whom will marry her[now the woman wasnt looking for marriage but to convert to Islam]..after sometime as the arguments and discussion continues,the owner of the mafrish ceased an opportunity and approached the woman to ask her if she will kindly smuggle Khat for him to America,and when she is back he will make sure she is converted and will be lucky enough to be his mrs..Lol. Anyway,last I heard she has converted,but married to a Zanzibari,I guess she wasnt too impressed with the brothers at the mafrish..Lol ps.Mr Username,I got nothing against Somali men,how could I?[i know different topic,but am now being self conscious every time I mention Somali men. ]
  11. ^Beauty is in the eye of the beholder miyaa laa dahaa..I would say she has a lovely smile!
  12. ^Pick a number and go right at the back of the line,A&T is fully booked as of now.. after that air and ocean salaam,A&T just looked mighty fine.. CL,badae badae mpenzi miye naenda mitaani.
  13. ^Are we hijacking this thread? Oh well,waan uu camirenaa soo mahan.. Salaanta walagaa qadee,glad to hear your all well..Alhamdulillah. We are good too! Was there a debate?..Lol Ngonge waa niin cansiir lagu soo koriyee, he hasnt been to the jungles of Africa like some of us..That makes him the un-regular Somalis ..Lol
  14. LOL@Cambdiyo, iska baax meshanii.. Where is A&T,Ibti,Ngonge,Stoic,Che..umaadi kale medee?
  15. La la la, zim zima ma key to my beamer, yeah man...take it away CL.[beanie man,is rocking in my head right about now]
  16. A&T,your wasted on these pages walle,qool gooni inaa laguu sameyoo wayee..Lol You got some jokes!
  17. ^I like unknown with his one liners..Lol Afro hamna noma,unataka tuanze darasa lini?
  18. CL,poa mpendwa! Afro,qataar aa kutahay af swahili,nuune waad
  19. Afro, Loooool,there you go,just to confirm an not a regular Somali dee.. Anyone seen CL? Hello Ngonge
  20. *walks in the unregular Somali* Hello, Morning all! caga wax ka day = go find it for yourself[be independent etc]
  21. Lol..Emperor,maa saas baa, wamechoka vya kuchinja miya?..Lol
  22. ^Tell him,I see Thepoint is too excited about ramadan..Lol I am looking for a family to adopt us,I will be extremely busy with worldly world this year,to be cooking, going to taraweeh prayers..
  23. Username, Well,then that has got nothing to do with moi,its her problem here and here after so mahaan..I dont think the issue you guys are all crying foul play has anything to do with religion nor the dignity of this woman its all to do with your SOMALI MEN EGO,it got bruised so mahaan, yaa all embarrased like school boys..Well TOUGH!,either you lot sort your selves out or there will be pleanty of little Ugandans,Congolese born out of wed lock in Somalia. Remember places like Cambodia, viet nam? .. Emperor,taasi Somalia wabee joogtee I have seen pleanty of sisters abondoning ship[somali men] here in UK kuwaan naa tolow maxaa kudacee? I am still searching for the answer,could it be that the Somali men in diaspora are as the ones on the ground? wounded souls,nothing to offer?..Hmmm :confused:
  24. Will stories like this make you SOMALI MEN stop and listen? You SOMALI MEN got carried away with these nonsense wars, spoilt and busy being squabbling boys with dangerous toys. Why are you guys shocked? Borrowing my dear mothers words, “When there is a war, men are unhealthy, unhappy and in danger or dangerous they loose the appeal of their women folk.” Well in other words if you lot are bent on killing each other we will just shout out..Next!!! And next walks in a Ugandan,Xabashi,American,Yemeni,Kenyan..allah muxuu illahi baad badiyee umadisaa![ am being sarcastic here..Lol,before the lynching starts]
  25. May Allah's Rahmat shine on all of us, on this Ramadan and always..[Amiin] Ramadan Mubarak to you all!