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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^This was an Iranian documentary,it was heartbreaking but funny too.They were so open about the maritual status and how their needs are neglected..I was more shocked when one of them sent a friend to go get her a potion to make him love her more[witchcraft],one going to a shrine of an imman to pray for a was rather an interesting lives they lead.
  2. ^Ngonge you were avoiding CL because we both know what you were suggesting with Aalliyah..Lol CL,last night I was watching this programme about these four wives and their dilemas of sharing the husband only for him to go and marry the 5th one..I believe anyman wanting to marry more then one wife should watch it,I mean the despair in the womens faces was heart breaking! Okay,where was I going with all that you might ask,,just I remember something you said like ten pages ago or twenty to the old man..And I was thinking come on girl I thought you were a nut cracker,whats up with have you forgotten me already dear kind of question.. ps.There are some cute Somali kids, I mean cute little year seven, only they will grow up to be xalimo and faraax.. Yep,the effect of sawm!
  3. ^ Hayaay! :cool: @ Jac's new found sijuiness!..Helloooooooo! I am good,hitted the ground running since Monday..So am here to ask Ngonge if he knows any fat cats from carabaaha..I want to quit working you see.
  4. Morning lovely people CL,mpenzi mambo?
  5. Ibti, was the undercover reporter Sara Shah or was she just doing the narration..I thought I recognised the voice. I almost spew my afuur, what a load of nonsense that was,I couldn't believe channel 4 aired such crap!
  6. Ngonge,slavery was abolished 400 yrs ago,am determined not to be the modern day slave..Am at a war and the lack of caffein isnt helping at all!
  7. Looooooool,I needed to let of some steam off and he offered the opportunity..Now stop making me feel guilty. You know the mother theresa syndrome that I have,would probably spend the rest of the day apologising to Mr Ghello.
  8. Hello People. I know ramadan,should make one more humbled but I so want to punch the lights out of my boss!! Mr Ghello,your comment about being concern kind of received a sneer, You reminded me of last nights dispatches,it was so pathetic! With their obsession with the Saudi administrations/funds etc PS.I dont mean your pathetic by all means,your comments just reminded of the pathetic and obsessiveness of the British people toward the Arabs.[Fat cats]
  9. ^You are kidding me,soor iyo hiliib ari for suhuur? I cant eat toast that time of the day iskaa baa daa soor iyo hiliib..Lol,a large glass of milk and some dates are all I can tolerate at that time of the morning. The reward for hard work last term,they got us today cookies/muffins at coffee break.That brewed coffee smelled so good,I promised myself a mug when I break fast,thought about taking some muffins home too! Only that reminded me of the times as a child. When one will hide things[food] around the house to eat after afur only never to remember,and would be found days later all dried or rotten..Lol
  10. ^ Hmmm, the illuminating dinosaur got some moves I see..Lol, I blame my over fed self for finally taking a moment to actually appreciate you avatar..Lol Oh boy! Alhamdulillah, today was tough!
  11. ^It must be the pest control that they find so alluring..kadaa they shall die of natural causes, as soon as we start discussing period pains..Lol Ramadan Mubarak dears sisters!
  12. Somali Ramadan…No Iftar, No Mosques By Abdul-Rahman Yusuf, IOL Correspondent Image Somalis will observe the holy fasting month of Ramadan with closed mosques and the fleeing of well-offs. (IOL photo) MOGADISHU — With no prospect of food aid and with most mosques closed or seized by Ethiopian troops, what is left of Mogadishu population is bracing for a difficult holy fasting month of Ramadan. "There is no sign of the fast-approaching Ramadan here," Ahmed Haji, a Mogadishu resident, told "Hundreds of people are now starving in Mogadishu's southern outskirts." Somalia has been ravaged by violence since Ethiopian and interim government troops ousted the Islamic Courts, which briefly ruled large parts of the Horn of Africa country in 2006. A deadly vicious cycle of violence has since claimed more than 6,000 lives and displaced thousands. Most philanthropists, who used to organize iftar banquets and provide food packages for the underprivileged, have fled the near-daily clashes between Ethiopian forces and fighters loyal to the Islamic Courts. "Generous people are gone," laments Abdullah Khalif, a young man from the northeastern district of Huro. According to astronomical calculations, the first day of Ramadan will fall on September 1. During Ramadan, adult Muslims, save the sick and those traveling, abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset. It's customary for wealthy Muslims and charities to organize iftar banquets of the have-nots during the holy month. Closed Mosques Ramadan will be less joyous for the people of Mogadishu because most of their main mosques have either been closed or seized by the Ethiopians. "Only two mosques in eastern Mogadishu will open up for worshippers who have returned after relative calm in the district," said Haji. In the southern district of Wartijili, several mosques have been deserted over the escalating violence. In Haryali district, the main Hadvoli mosque has been closed as Ethiopian forces took positions close-by. In Ali Kamen district, Ethiopian forces are using the backyard of the Sheikh Abdi mosque as a detention camp. A recent report by a local rights group said that 48 mosques have been closed over the ongoing violence in the capital Mogadishu. "Ali Sofi mosque was a model of Mogadishu mosques," Abdullah Salad, who lives by the mosque in the southern Mogadishu district of Haden, told IOL. "The mosque was a destination for the poor, especially during Ramadan, offering them food and assistance," he recalls bitterly. "People will have nothing of that this Ramadan." Source:islam online
  13. I think,an opportunity is rising here for a decent matrimonial service like the Indian and Jewish communities there is an obvious dilemma here. Che are you confusing standards of value/principles and expectations? Do Somali's have general high expectations, I mean you will see a family trying to get their saqiid son to marry but will make such a fuss of whom he marries..Lol ps.I really like Mohamed's articles,they sure do touch upon many of our dilemmas.
  14. ^More then a good start,its actually quite revealing, the more you CHE is nasty to her the more she finds you appealing..Hmmm..
  15. ^ , mwaaah!@ CL girl you cracked me up..Lol
  16. Sipholingdilema, ^ Show me the money! Lol In all honest sister, no man or men is worth that much effort, life is too short might be a cliche but darn does it bare some truth in it..I am hoping you will find within you to care for yourself more then you care for this individual/s your campaining against.. Tick,tock goes the clock, can you afford wasting another minute contemplating revenge of any sort? Or would you use these precious time to live a life free of his control. I tell you what, I would agree to be used but only for the healing
  17. Sipholingdilema, But my dear, we cant brush all Somali men with the same brush of contempt we feel for those whom have wronged us. I hear you, on the hurt,but pain will consume you and destroy you if you continue to wallow in it. Let it go, I tell you and you will be free again to love and trust. Sister,look at the man that hurted you as a mere human being[weak] but by holding on to the negative feelings he has generated within you, is only giving him too much power..Why hand him the power to control the rest of your life? I dont know about campaining against the existance of Somali men,because when am with my non Somali friends and they tell their tales of their experiences,I am usually left with a relieved feeling..Thank God for our Somali men. I am not saying all Somali men are saints, but we have to distiguish the bad from the good so mahaa? Some times we get caught up in a pattern of life,especially negative patterns, you will have to be extra strong[emotionally] to overcome the hurt and learn to live life free of pain,disappointments. I would only say,trust in God,subhanallah you will find peace and calamaty through forgiveness.. Inshaallah Kheyr.. ps.Ngonge the troll section is that way>>>>>>
  18. ^Not even an eyeliner? I dont think I can walk out the house without an eyeliner,lip stick and some times foundation/powder but not always. Lily, I have seen that trend,the gheisha look alike's..Lol astagfirullah.
  19. ^ :mad: where is the compassion yaa Ngonge, the sister cant afford another "married friend" fake support, especially not our A&T's[ ] Perhaps am reading too much between the lines of what the sister has so far revealed about herself,but there is an underlined cry for help disguised as "advice" for others...perhaps,perhaps..
  20. Originally posted by siphoningdilemma: As Humanitarian it’s my job to worn our naïve Somali girls from crooked Somali men. I am sure you know what your experience isnt necessary every other Somali women's experience of our Somali men? Arent you being rather naive to assume all Somali men are crooked? I am recognising the pain,are you hurting sister?
  21. Oh..that study..I must say they are right,how I got through work last term while trolling only my boss knows..Lol,must stay away from SOL at all time next term. CL,mwanagu hajambo,nami pia sijambo..twa mshukuru mola!
  22. Hello Mpendwa CL, Mera bai what studies?
  23. Geeljire,where is the usual salaan? or was that only reserved for Ibti? Salaam bro! Anyway,I am hating on my neighbour,he is either cutting grass,cleaning his car or trimming the fence or washing the drive way..All these activities done in such a manner that he is abusing our sense of much noise! I so hate him!!
  24. CL, Mera bai,He/She is special,and one shouldnt abuse special people,we got to love them for whom they are,actually he/she is right didnt bother with the whole bloody procedure to quoting.. unknown thats kind of you, dont worry it really doesnt matter, am sure you know that so mahaan?
  25. ^ Care to do that for me the unknown one? Then again whom give a toss!