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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ Hyper Sayid,iwaraan? LOL@Mphezi,its Mpenzi and it means loved one,that is only reserved for CL here on SOL.. Just received an email reminding us of a training that will be taking place in July 09..I mean,its only Sept 08! Jeez,that efficiency nerves me..Lol
  2. The price for abandoning mother Africa,for what,I ask myself,cloudy,grey and never stopping rain?.. Afternoon fellow modern slaves..Lol
  3. ^Hello baby girl! How are you mpenzi? I know am such ungrateful so and so but bariis in a plastic bag looses all its appeal,ofcourse for a privilage person like moi! Catch up with you laterz!
  4. Looooooool@BG, What does Mugabe stand for,if not for Africa being for Africans isnt that the same of Gaddafi's philosophy?
  5. ^LOL,your having a blonde moment miyaa? Why are you confused or even baffled,havent those men have their inprint in the African History? Homework for you Sayid,What is the link between these men? If your still baffled or confused,I shall try and break it down later for got to get back to work now..
  6. Ngonge,you missed nothing really..You can go back to sleep After Taraweex yesterday they were giving out suhuur,biriyaani in a plastic bag!..Hello eew stagfirullah,am sure those aluminium container dont cost that much if one has decided to give sadaqaa.. [i know am ungrateful]
  7. ^I dont think he has ever been less of an African,he wears his africanness with pride! He has been on the for-front to bring the reality of a united Africa either be it of trade or army etc His support to the Southern African nations during their quest for independence and abolition of apatheid, Gaddafi was their greatest alience. He is admired by many,for standing up to the powers in the west, many condemned him for that but like Castro he had proved a nation can exist without the super powers running the show,one can be independent of being a puppet..For that he has my admiration. He is in the league of Nkurumah,Nyerere,Mugabe[i know I dont like the old man but he has made history]etc..
  8. Somali's and their Sambusa,waryareen miyaad waax kalee laa cuniin in ramadan then sambusa? What would be a typical Somali afuur?
  9. Morning folks! I am tired and its only 11 am!
  10. Originally posted by Faynuus: Malika u seem to understand where am comin from. sometimes i think iam doing alot of advicing and all which she clearly doesnt appreciate but she is a very stubborn person and feels she is always right. i normally stay away from telling her anything and let her decide what is best for her but sometimes, she just skrews thing up and it allways goes against her wishes. see at the end she ends up being the victim. And it breaks my heart to see her suffer, it also breaks my heart that i she wont let me be there for her and comfort her as a sister. she complains alot about being lonely and stressed and i think alot about her but now i just will keep a very low profile and see how things go. am really upset with her, am also very much worried about her and wish all her problems will go away insha Allah. I do Faynus,I almost lost my sister,due to my overly protectiveness.I went through the stages of resenting her for resenting me,but surely all I did and do for her is out of love,so I had to find the compassion that had to go with that love..She resented every advice I gave at that time,but now when I look at her life she is living exactly the life I wanted for her.. [of course with the help of God]although I still bite my tongue every time I see something that bugs me,I remind myself she is whom she is and I am who I am.We are sisters,but we have different journeys through life. So be there,but not in there,give her room to grow,let her fall and stumble,one day she will stand on her feet or she might not! Imagine living under the shadow of a two goody shoe sister eey? Nauseating in many sense, its from pleasing the parents to the neighbors,I mean come on,what chances have the younger sister got to find her own identity,when always compared to>> Ms Perfect! Hunguri,adiguu naa husband lee la tagantahay,shekadhuu waa Faynus and her sisters relationship not the husband and faynus..Lol
  11. ^ Nuune,dee Lily has tempted most of us with talk of richness,the rough and ragged mr kaluun's,the sun and sea lifestyle..
  12. Nuune, They have some access to the Gulf of Aden if that make a difference.Lol oh yeah,from where Bosaso is to Kismayo all that long shore line is all theirs to play pirates of the Somali games. Subhanallah,I almost sound like I admire them..
  13. Originally posted by nuune: Jaceylbaro, I am amazed that there is no such thing as pirates in Somaliland coast lines, how do you guys protect the coast that Puntland cannot do it, some lessons are needed there! ^Location,Location,Location ,its about Location Nuune,check out the location of puntland and the spoil for choice for the pirates as they have access to one of the worlds oldest ship routes.
  14. Faynus, First,you will need to stop thinking in the lines of " how dare, she after all I have done for her" these kind of thoughts will just create more resentment and aren't doing you any favors as a person,it just will erode away your sense of humility. My dear,You will have to accept,despite her being your sister she is an individual with her own insecurities and personality. She might be resenting you due to your status in the family or your sense of independence/caring nature etc We might not like to admit this about our own sisters,but in reality there is always a certain element of competition and jealousy. You might not be one that harbors these kind of emotions but it doesn't mean your sisters aren't.It's tough being a big sister,but there will come a time when you will need to let them be,as the more you try to help them better themselves the more they will resent you.That doesn't mean you should cut ties with her,you will just have to learn to relate to her in a different level.Back off from trying to tell her, how she should live her life,what choices she should make, whom she should help etc etc,as these kind of interference will just cause more damage to your already fragile relationship. It doesn't mean when we look after our family members in times of needs that they should forever be grateful to us,we do this because we care for them,for whom they are,not what they should be. I hope you will find within you to forgive her,and yourself for the high expectations you harbor,as she is only human,in a complex relationship with you. I don't know if I had helped you or lectured you,but as a big sister of a difficult young sister,I had to learn to back off and let her be her own individual person, with her own way of thinking/reasoning. I am still there for her,through hard times and good times.Actually I don't know life without her and her babies in it,she adds value to it.
  15. A&T, Am good walaal, ramadan Mubarak! Looooooool@Lily,am sure equipped with those electronic translators things,you could make a bundle..Perhaps have your own speed boat,just to be efficient enough reaching every assignment in time..
  16. Thank God! The weekend is here..
  17. Jimca Wanagsan/Jumaah Mubarak! Is every where else in UK as cold and damp as where I am?
  18. ^Ah,your alive!. Your coming in as I am about to leave work? Been at work since 7.30,and if am to hear another bell go off, I will scream.
  19. LOL..Maalin Wanagsan Nuune. Yeah to carry plaster's whenever one wears new shoes..Lol
  20. New shoes and rain = painful blisters!..
  21. Ibti,true that was learned a while ago when one gained the knowlegde of truth about the illusive happiness attached to another human being..
  22. Ibti, growing up with Asians and spending a few years working with them, one has learned they are very ambitious in promoting themselves[masters of the art of kissing ***]could this bashing the Saudi's be for their interest? Hmmm! The UK Muslim population has really transformed to when the majority was of those from the Asian sub continent.I believe its time the Asian community stop thinking they are the only Muslims in UK and present all Islamic Communities in regard to what is the correct ideology and what not. Indeed we are of one Ummah but when members of that Ummah slundering and bickering about each weakens the whole Ummah.
  23. ^ ,it's okay in their world my dear,quite a norm they had sweets and dancing too!..Lol Is happiness an illusion?
  24. Ngonge, :eek: Hayam,indeed pity. Oh,the other strange thing they did was to get their 2yr old married to the neighbours 3yr old..Lol that was something wallahi,the boy is promised to the girl and vice versa. Ibti,it was interesting really, a glimpse of what some womens lives are like how fortunate some of us are, with options and choices!