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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Morning GJ! IT guy's like to intimidate is that what gets them off? When ever I have an IT problem and call them,this particular guy tends to give it all! Like am asking him to build me a space ship,the work usually takes him 5 mins.. :mad: Oh,GJ ramadan Mubarak,dee beriyaan laguuma arko,intee kadumatee?
  2. ^Afternoon Sayid. Ngonge,So basically your doing their work[The IT department]..What a walkover CL,wouldnt that be just dandy,and a treat. Especially if he going to be wearing his pilot uniform.
  3. Ibti,I cant promise,I'A should be the word.. Fahiye, LOL. CL,I know am getting lazier by the day wallahi,I am worried.
  4. Ibti,I would have loved to come,but I have to be honest and say am too lazy[already tired just thinking about the travelling I would have to do if I were to come down to London]! So where can I send a cheque for donation?
  5. ^Now girl,got to think positively. Think,six more hours of reaping Ajaar..
  6. ^I am good dear, on a high too! Ngonge,must have watched too many 'carry on' movies..
  7. Do you people ever do any work? [look who is talking is coming to mind right?] Morning my people!
  8. ^*Hello Che God,its been one hectic day! The sheikh that leads taraweeh has one hell of a voice! Mashaallah,but I think he needs to be told to tone down that musical voice of his if he wants people to focus. [Astagfirullah] Am out!
  9. Malika


    Originally posted by B_G: who needs to cook, when you have women like this in the world? ^Tan anbaa waan gursanii lahaa..[astagfirullah] Now BG what are the chances of you landing a xalimo like her,I bet she is old school the new school will probably feed you fish and chips everynight
  10. LOL@Ngonge proving a theory "treat them mean to keep them keen"..Heh@Short lady!
  11. Oh my! Just had to console a grown woman whom was made to cry by a little faraax..Lol Apparently the little faraax,was insisting that England is a Muslim country if its not it will be in the near future.Islaanta weyskaa odeey as she is a devout Christian and felt intimidated by the 11 yr old.. Its only been 3 weeks and the dramas have begun..
  12. Trolling is moving way too fast for a slow mover like me.. Take a deep breath,exhale..ah! does that feel good or what?@Ibti Morning all! How is ramadan going on for you all?..It sure is going wonderful for me..
  13. What to do in the Last Ten Days of Ramadan? Abdul Malik Mujahid In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. We can provide some useful advice on how one could spend the last ten days of Ramadan, especially as these days are very special in the life of every Muslim. In fact, every day is special for Muslim, as long as he is always mindful of Allah in all what he does; every day Muslim gets increased in piety and draws closer to Almighty Allah. But these days of Ramadan are highly special in the sense of their falling in one of the most blessed months of the year; the month of Ramadan, the month of the Qur’anic revelation. May Allah Almighty help us get closer to Him in this month and may strengthen our faith in Him in a way that Satan will not be able to drive us away from His Path, Ameen. Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) is described in the Qur’an as, {better than a thousand months}. [surah Al-Qadr: 3] Any action done on this night such as reciting the Qur’an, remembering Allah, etc. is better than acting for one thousand months which do not contain the night of Qadr. Allah's Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time. The Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven." [sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah]. Here are some tips of things we can do on the Night of Power and the time before and after it: 1. Take a Vacation for Allah We take a break from our jobs for almost everything in life. Why not this time to focus on worshipping and thanking our Creator. If this is not possible at least take a few days off if you can. This can make it easier to stay awake at night to do extra acts of worship, not having to worry about getting to work the following day. This will also make I`tikaf easy. 2. I`tikaf It was a practice of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, to spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the mosque for I`tikaf. In I`tikaf one makes a spiritual retreat in the mosque all the time, performing various forms of dhikr (the remembrance of Allah), like doing extra Salat, recitation and study of the Qur’an. One does not go outside the mosque except in case of emergencies. I`tikaf of a shorter period of time, like one night, a day or a couple of days is encouraged as well. 3. Make This Special Du'a Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?' He said: اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي Allahumma innaka 'affuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni' " 'Say: O Allah, You are Oft-Pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.'" [Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmidhi]. 4. Recite the Qur’an Perhaps one can choose Surahs or passages from the Quran which one has heard in Taraweeh this past Ramadan to recite. On attending a class for Qur’anic recitation, this is a great time to put one’s knowledge into practice. 5. Get Your Sins Wiped Out Abu Hurairah quoted Allah’s Messenger as saying: “Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” [sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 6. Evaluate Yourself Ask yourself those questions that need to be asked. Do an evaluation of where you are and where you are going. Let this evaluation lead you to feel happiness for the good you have done and remorse for the bad you have done. This latter feeling should make it easier to seek Allah's sincere forgiveness when invoking Allah and supplicating to Him in these blessed nights. 7. Make Long, Sincere and Deep Du'as One of the best times to do this is during the last part of the night. Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) quoted the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) as saying: “When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One descends towards the lower heaven and proclaims: Is there anyone supplicating to Me, so that I grant his supplication? Is there anyone begging of Me for anything so that and I grant him his wish? Is there anyone who seeks My forgiveness, so that I forgive him?” [sahih al-Bukhari, Muslim]. This means for instance, waking up one hour before Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) time to invoke Allah for anything and everything is something recommendable. This can be done using the Du`as (supplications) recorded in the Sunnah, but one is also allowed to say Du`a in one’s own language, with sincerity and conviction. 8. Have Iftar with the Family If you've spent Iftar time on weekdays in your cubicle at work alone with a couple of dates, now is the last few days you'll have this Ramadan to spend with your family. Use it wisely. 9. Take the Family to Taraweeh Have your spouse and kids missed Taraweeh most of Ramadan because you weren't there to drive them to the mosque, which is too far away to walk to? If so, do all of yourselves a favor and bring everyone for Taraweeh in these last ten nights. 10. Attend the Du'a After the Completion of the Qur’anic Recitation Almost all the mosques where the Imam aims to finish an entire reading of the Qur’an in Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan will now be approaching the end of the task in these last ten nights. They may try to end on one of the odd nights and read the Du`a’ at the end of reading the Qur’an. Attend this particular night's Taraweeh prayer with your family. See if you can attend different mosques’ Taraweeh prayers the night they finish reading the Qur’an. 11. Finish Reading a Book on the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam): Read about the Prophet's life, which can increase your love for him and Islam by seeing how much he struggled for Allah's sake. It may inspire you to push yourself even harder during these last ten nights. This community is built on sacrifice. All these are just some hints on what is recommended for a Muslim to do in during the last ten nights of Ramadan. May Allah Almighty accept our worship and devotions. Ameen.
  14. ^Indeed,these are trial times for those brought up in traditional families,with families scattered around the globe,the woman is left to her own accord without the immediate support of the father/uncles/brother/cousins.I believe male relatives could play a great role in these circumstances,but alas! times have changed,when a woman has to be proactive. Saying that,one has to remember "Allah never changes the grace, he bestowed upon any people until first change that which is in their souls"..Letting go of the past,changing ones views and self will help shape up the next episode of marriage life. Trials come in different shape and form,with Sabr one will inshaallah find that balance.It is not easy being a single parent in the west,with the lack of immediate support,even though one can create a support network it is still the hardest job a woman can do on her own. But with determination and dedication it can be done.But also we have to remember that "Allah Subhana Wa Ta'Ala does not burden any soul with more than it can bear" (2:286) and whoever is tested in this life it is because Allah Subhana Wa Ta'Ala wants them to remember Him as the only guidance and counsel To marry or not to marry again is not an easy decision especially when a child or children are involved.Your life isn't yours alone then,the person coming into your life has to be someone with great understanding,that you are not only there for him/her but there also to continue being there for the children. I have seen,women caught up in predicaments that had caused them more stress then when they were single parents.Anywho, who said life is supposed to be easy?.. The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam said, “Islam is sincere counseling and good advice ”[sahih Bukhari]. Mashaallah, your advice to the sister was sincere and heartfelt. ps.The hidden marriages are not only degrading but so disrespectful and totally wrong in my books.
  15. Ibti,its rather a difficult one this one, I will just have to pretend to eat,perhaps eat what she hasn't prepared herself..LOL Lol,Che hayee even the qaraabo thing didnt work,I tell ya you better start wearing short trousers,khamis and grow a beard.. Aaliyah,she has invited a few other people markaa it looks like I will have to force myself to eat..astagfirullah am being ungrateful wallahi. Anywho..Afur wanagsan folks am out!
  16. Che :mad: , I was kind of feeling special with that habaryar tittle now you saying aaliya too can be your habaryar? am not happy I tell ya! Ouch Aaliyah. Loooooool@Ibti, it's not qabiyalad what is going on here,what is called big time!
  17. Hello Che. waa wilkii habaryar uu aha[hint to sayid] I have been invited to break afur by a friend,but the woman cant cook to save her life, am I being ungrateful for not looking forward?..
  18. Looool..I know,sad so mahaa?@ Ibti Sayid,its just entertaining dee.. hayee baada salaam maxaa kuxigaa?
  19. Aaliyah,kaa dex bax shekadaa , we want to see the last man standing..Lol Go Che,Go Che..Lol
  20. ^A friend was telling me she will be staying at the masjid the whole of this week..I am like am sure you can pray and read qu'ran at home,why camp at the mosque? It reminded me of the stories we used to tell each other of the laylatul qadr night,that a stranger with a boneless thumb,will come to your house or at the mosque.He will appear to be real poor and how you treat him is the real test of your imaan. If you treat him well,you will be rewarded accordingly and vice versa. So you can imaging the fingure pressing that went on in the mosques..Lol A child's imagination eey!
  21. ^Inshallah! It is narrated in Sahih Muslim that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam used to bring himself to devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than any other times. Indeed we should take advantage of these blessed ten days and nights.. Sambusaa hadhaal keduu weey daftee..
  22. ^Morning CL[mpendwa]! Ngonge pole mzee. A&T, [shssssh dee!]
  23. Yep..The thought of being in the same room with the likes of you,Ngonge,Johnny and Nuune ..a girl might just have to fake a faint!
  24. Uuuff! What is that smell around here,ah must be the overwhelming testosterones in the air! *brought with her uunsi iyo cadaar* Morning folks!
  25. Hello Sayid, Alhamdullillah,life is threating me "okay"[ the self human being I am,I do not truly appreciating the blessings], how am treating her is a complete different issue.I am actually underestimating ,and not fully enbracing her "life"..Lol[ I bet you didnt expect a long winding response..heh] Ngonge,he just seemed a tad bit too happy for the miserable me..astagfirullah!