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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ ,the entertainers of this place,thanks you made me laugh with your last statement
  2. ^Yeap, hence my dreading going there in the winter time. Jac,what's the new look? The place looks the same to me..adaa waar hayaa hayee maxaa cuusub?
  3. Subax wanaagsan akhiyartaa SOL.. Nuune, there is no adventure in cold conditions,I am dreading going to Oslo this Dec,if only I didnt have to.
  4. ^ but still :mad: @drolling over kids
  5. They look like 14-15yr old,walle raguu hunguuri godaa laa yabaa..bisinka![i am disturbed by the drolling of grown men over these young girls] ciyaalka hanagaa cuninaa, :mad: :mad: Now,back to the pictures,I always assumed Berbera beaches had white sand,maxaa dobadhaan?
  6. ^Thanks Sayid,that sounds good too,but being the cheap so and so,I would go for the £10
  7. Ibti,Looooooooooool, belayoo sisterhood, was born alone will die alone.. , there goes my sisterhood membership too. Oh,thank you CL,that will really suit his hippy nature too..
  8. Ibti,he was not only asking,he was making a whole lot of assumptions.. ,now bite him Morning Sayid.
  9. Salaam Ibti. Morning Sheh. Woow, Ngonge what's up doc?
  10. Jac,was these pictures meant to show us the berbera beach or cars/girls? :confused:
  11. Amiin to the dua's. “O Allah! The Lord of the people, the Remover of trouble! (Please) cure (Heal) (this patient), for You are the Healer. None brings about healing but You; a healing that will leave behind no ailment.” Amiin. Insha'allah Kheyr Aaliyah,stay strong young sis.
  12. ^The man is an artist, a poet and an execellent English teacher, you say I print him a card of the net? Jac you cheap so and so..Lol Johnny, a razor you say , hmmm that will definetly suit my tight budget..
  13. ^Or it could be something rather more nasty, me think! Morning folks! Need an idea on a birthday present for a male collegue,he is a good friend but has everything now what can the poor me buy such a man? ps..He is married to my other very good friend,so no naughty suggestions there JB's.
  14. Femme, Make sure you make wudhu before you go to bed,read the last 3 surahs of the quraan,the first and last verses of surati baqarah,Ayati Kursi[as if recited,one is protected by Allah until dawn],sleep on your right side.. I know surati baqarah is long, but its believed if recited in a house,no sheytaan will enter that house. Increase you dhikr,make dua...Inshaallah kheyr. ps.pheeeeeeeew! so there is few of us out there experiencing this,I was about to admit myself at the local psychiatric ward
  15. Originally posted by cynical lady: Mpenzi we need to cut your monthly subscription to Mills & Boon.. *I choose to share the rest of my life with him, not give up my life for him* and that has nothing to do with being compassionate/ understanding nothing what’s so ever. Women/wives and mothers are historically the bearers of the sacrificing/compromising why? It takes two too produce a child/ hold down a marriage and its high time the men/husbands and fathers own up to their share of the sacrificing/compromising. A woman should not have to give up her career regardless of the profession her husband inhabit and the issue should never be an either/or question, I am a confident believer that a woman can have her cake and eat it. HaHaHa@ Mills Boons, how did you know I spent a chunk of my teen hood reading those books, dreaming of a segsi geel jire with his white horse sweeping me off my feet to the Comoro Islands. Hunno,am all for empowerment of women, nevertheless I don't see a staying at home woman as an oppressed woman. Its all a matter of choices, indeed one can have it all, but personally I think its over exaggerated this 'having it all' phenomenal, there is no such a thing as having it all, something will give eventually,if its not the career then its the relationship/kids etc. I also believe everything has its time and come in stages in life, when one is studying , working and having a family.Once a husband and children come into a woman's life, however, priorities change. As I said its all in the matter of finding a balance in life,what works for moi,might not work for another woman..[in other words,I would kindly obliged to him going to work and moi to enjoy the fruits of his labour] Ibti Struggling to thrive in education/work shouldn't be a hinder to being a mother or a wife, these all serve a purpose in a persons life.Unless one is saying,once educated and with a career,one don't need a man/child. Wouldn't that be cheating oneself? ps.CL,am no sell out,will still be attending that 'empowering women and overpowering men meeting next week.
  16. ^ Yes indeed, wasnt there recently a discovery of bodies without their tosso, a very common vodoo practice is Africa on the outskirts of Hargeysa? I have heard of a town on the outskirts of Mogadishu famous for these extra curriclum of the Africans.. Ibti,We need to take you to Africa,for you to see first hand the savagery that occurs there 'sometimes'.. Have you ever seen thief being beaten,torched to death? Have you seen a child raped because they possess the ability to cure an old man of a sexual disease? My dear its not about the western media's perception of the African embarrassment but the reality of going ons in Africa. Take time and watch Nollywood movies, you will get an insight into the African pschic without BBC telling you what is what. Read their literature etc etc. ps.The oppressed people mentality is getting old,for example in Tanzania Education is free and everywhere even the remotest villages you would find a school.The 'White'missionaries had churches in every corner,the Islamic influence is everywhere but yet they are in need of education? I am not saying they are not still bound by their traditional way of life ,but if its modernization how many more years do they need to be 'modern'? Those whom practice this barbaric acts are believed to be those in modern cities,educated and the elite.
  17. ^I know, I also remember there was a time raping babies was also popular,believing it cured AIDS..subhanallah! Africans! :rolleyes:
  18. ^ , just like MMA and his SomaliEnglish written style so mahaa? Cadaan is there a new sijui in town? You seem to be into swahili/sijui these days.. Oz..Why ume mention Tanga, unajua WOL is from there and hutaki kumwuzi someone from Tanga do you?? [Astagfirullah]
  19. ^It is cold Norf! @ Ibti @look and stay with that geel jire..Lol Sometimes its overated being here, when I go home am usually so jealous of those whom have made their lives in Africa..They some how seemed more happy despite the hardships. Indeed this place is starting to wear off its appeal.., so you say there is a geel jire at the Hargeysa air port? Walle miid jooga Hawdkaa ayaa ii ficnani leheed aniguu.
  20. We recenlty were discussing this issue with my mother,it has been happening in Tanzania too. What gets my blood boiling is the savage behaviour of Africans and their ****** beliefs in witchcraft. How barbaric! When others in the world are developing state of the art technology to assist bettering their lives the africans return to savagery! :mad:
  21. ^Salaam Ibti..I am too coming down with the darn flu or cold. You would think its January! Morning other trollers!
  22. ^Ofcourse dear,the man you choose to share the rest of your life deserve,your consideration , your compassion and understanding and vice versa. It all depends on what 'they' agree is a good quality of life, if both of them are working long hours and there isnt a balance in their lives, then a decisions has to be made especially if kids are involved. If the decision is based on the husband being jealous, or just wanting to control the woman then there are more issues in that relationship then who works and who stays at home. Faynus you didnt tell us, what is asked in details..Can the woman work part time or do volunteer work?
  23. @Sayid , mayaa aniguu kudowaan mayoo,ileen am supposed to be sophisticated,and should not get involved in mud wresting and bringing down the bull. Ngonge,I agreed he was wronged,nevertheless rest assured he isnt absent, because we were too harsh on him.. I better go do some work..laterz amigos!