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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika

    Today I....

    ^really,'who made you angry' = 'Yaa waysada kaa jabiyey?',hmmm... Well,I didnt know waysada can be broken by getting angry? oh,well one learns something everyday.
  2. ^Sure Ms DD, is the bone juicy or dry bone? Hmm,you got my number girl,call me. Back to your dreams,sounds scary!
  3. ^ , They say pain isn't love, the pain must stem from somewhere else masking it self as pain out of loving someone, it could be one is hurt by the rejection,abandonment, loneliness and anger at themselves. Honey&Choco, indeed we are told never to cry over a man,but our mothers forgot we are human. It sure does hurt, I went through a period in my life, breaking people's hearts, until my world was tossed upside down, when it was my turn to have my heart broken. I spent months/years trying to overcome the disappointments in 'us'. You see when one commits they also assume their dreams/hopes will manifested one day, only to be shattered by a person that one trusted/loved/cared for.. Anyway, life goes on and got back on that road once traveled to break more hearts..
  4. ^Hello Ms DD. Interesting dream,so the male jinns spoke to you?
  5. Malika


    ^Dont be quick to judge said a SAD sufferer.. ,walle if I show you the list of tasks I under take in a day you wouldnt call 'us SAD people' Mayyac-garoor[whatever that means though] Its a sydrome only in the west,ofcourse only the privilage suffer of this..
  6. Afternoon Sheh. They compasate the dhabar xanuun with chasing /shouting to any non hijabi girl,they call it preaching but in my world it has another name..The hassle,I received from them as a teen..LOL,I was so into pop then,would they let me rock my wavy curls in peace..Nah!
  7. ^Indeed its beautiful during the summer or even winter,somehow I could tolerate Stockholm's winters. Hortaa do Somalis still stand around in the T-Centralka?
  8. CL,dont tell me your from the highlands know as Iringa/Mbeya? [God you made me homesick] Nuune,Gothenburg is,how can you compare to Stockholm[erm tensta and rickby]..Gothenburg residents are reer badiyow,they will peek through the windows,stare at you
  9. ^Aaaaaaaaaw,I knew Jac would be the kindest of you all. Lol@ Johnny,Waar iska haysoo shaahaga,will probably choke while drinking it,those semi blue eyes can be dangerous.. CL,kamweni,twa masiku?
  10. Morning Jac Morning Ngonge Morning Nuune Morning Nor1 Morning Johnny Morning Sayid Morning Ibit and finally Morning Mpenzi CL Pheew,now can one of you get Eedo Malika a cup of tea please!
  11. ^Are you questioning the news or the poster? Jac,you always forget to add the source..
  12. Malika

    Today I....

    ^ :rolleyes: , Excuse me? I know you're just fooling, but you really offended me with your strange insinuation :confused: .
  13. Malika

    Today I....

    ^Its one of those days darling, darn its guilt trip day in Malika's world.
  14. ^ adaa Africa uu doow, baal start beating the drums,waarka aa kaa LOL@ma xabad yar,haa a minyaro number 4, mashaallah.
  15. A question for the ladies,have you noticed a pattern of when it happens? E.g, does it happen when your about to get your period or other times,apparently hormones can cause a whole lot of havoc with ones mind too..
  16. Malika

    Today I....

    Today I feel useless, a lousy mother
  17. ^You need to invest in jungle drums,the only source of communication where BOB is..
  18. ^Astagfirullah,kulaha friend of Cara,that got me laughing , maaa intaan ala maqneed beriyahaan?
  19. ^Hello Che Lol@teasing myself..I like this Sheh today, jazakhallah you have made me laugh more the once Hortaa why are you girls still at work at this hour?
  20. The point, Why shut the sister up? Has she touched a nerve? isn't the state of Somalia solely the making of Somali men and their inabilities? Blah Blah about external forces causing blah blah and some blah blah..Just being in a room with a bunch of Somali men, one will realise why Somalia is in the state it is, they talk shiid...uuf!
  21. ^What is the alternative?, we seem to be going in circles just creating more and more impossibilities rather then possibilities. Allaha ha u naxaristo.
  22. Loool@Sheh..Hilarious wallahi, you made me choke on my own saliva!
  23. ^Lol,I think so dear,but at least if it was a shukansii session but this wasnt you know..LOL I am bored and its only Tuesday the 7th of October!! *sigh*
  24. HaHaHa,Ibti a typical encounter there.. LOL@my afsomali being bad, the dude was trying too hard to sound posh,on the other hand I was dropping Somali here and there,hoping he will just relax..argh!
  25. Where is everybody? Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh,was on the phone with a Somali dude,he insisted on speaking in English,what's up with that? :confused: ,