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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Touche' @ Ngonge,by the way it looks like it was the case of a blind,leading a deaf . Unstable.
  2. Ma dayuurada qaraxee baad garaan weydee yaa
  3. ^Hold on! A racing outfit aa? Baal ii suug, i thought one can race in a baati and gabasar.. seriously one must have a special outfit? Okay..Go Karting it is then.
  4. Thanks for the "Somalia will follow soon" joke!,Insha'allah being the word.Waar Hindiguu meel foog bu jooge maarki hore ba.
  5. ^Bless,much improvement there nuune on the swahili.. I woke up in a bad mood anyway,and being around selfish people just made it worse..Perhaps I care too much.
  6. ^Hmmmm Anyways,Morning people. I hate my boss.
  7. Malika

    21 Oktoober

    ^Nagaa dayaa this childish tit for tats.. Now,was this song sang in the parades, "Gulwadoo siyaad abihii garashaad,gebigaa yagoo, la la la.. I remember as a child made to wearing 'sunday best' to attend parties at the Somali Embassy on the 21st Oct..Ah,the gone by days aye!, now our children barely know their history,actually they would rather not know with all the negative images of Somalia and Somalis.
  8. I have a sneaky feeling,as some Somali women had raised their profile in masjiids,asking Imaams to find them husbands.Which makes me believe these kind of events are being organised for to meet their needs. I remember a Nigerian brother telling me,there was a rush among other ethnicities to marry Somali women as they were readily available in the masjiid matrimonial lists. What do you all think?
  9. Ms DD, Not in that sense sweety,being my mothers daughter I wouldnt dare! Hayee,waxaad tirii there was 50 somali women there,looking for potential hubbies..Oh dear! I am sure if the organiser had thrown in free khat,music and tea there would have been pleanty of Somali men there nacaasiyntaa.. Ibti,they call them trophy wives,unfortunately some men and women get a buzz from their partner being sexually admired by others.
  10. Oh,Ngonge am the wrong person to ask,some how Arab tv is something you will never find me watching,but if you ask me who is that hot Nigerian presenter or South African I might just know
  11. ^You must remember,Ngonge was an adolecent in Arabia,ofcourse he would like the look of Arab women,maa isgaa garaneyaa wax kale astagfirullah! Now, Afternoon trollers,am so full.Its a crime am at work,would have loved to be home and snuggled in bed watching something s t u p i d on TV.
  12. I know Ms DD, loosing my touch walle! but neverthess the way the English bath its definetly Eewwwww!
  13. ^ Caudhubillah..Looooooool,astagfirullah! anyways thank god my version was so innocent. .
  14. Share a bath? Eeeeew! but cuddling up Hmmmm nice!
  15. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote: The Somaliland government considers these Somalis refugees and according to the citizenship Law they are ineligible for Somaliland citizenship. We're being tribally profiled in our own country. That is pitiful. Your words reminded me of a prominent Somali nationalist,Mr Michail Mariano whom once said to the British 'The Somali people are one and the same yet you are trying to divide two brothers with these lines, I assure you that nothing will stop them coming together' Ah! What happen to the much bigged up democracy? :confused:
  16. ^The guys jokes and giggles, reminded me of school boys, giggling behind the class because the teachers bra string was I got the first joke,the sheikh had a wedgie and one of his pupil kept unwedging the macawiis for him every time he stood I right @Ngonge
  17. SS Indeed,a diverse approach in teaching style to cater for the different learning styles of the learner is something that is seen as of great importance in Education.But it is not necessary implemented by teachers as it requires extensive planning.Most teachers find it daunting task to differentiate for various needs within a class of 30 pupil. If you look at research done in US and UK,you will see how the Chinese and Indian pupils excel,more then their counter parts. As for the Indian and Chinese parental involvement in the education of their children is very important. Expectation to sucessed is high too, hence the parents and children viewing Education as highly important and do their utter best to obtain that sucess.
  18. Monday afternoon,and it already feels like friday afternoon.. :mad:
  19. I am not an expert on child development but there might be a link on how we raise our children in effect to their development. We naturally think of height and weight,but from birth to 5 yrears,children should reach milestones in how he/she plays,learns,speaks and acts.To achieve this a parent is required to engage the child in various activities and a learning process so the child is able to reach his/her potential as early as possible. A delay in any of these areas could be a sign of a developmental problem, even autism. So how many Somali parents have you seen,playing or engaging in a learning activity with their young children? Well its not all gloom and doom,the earlier it’s recognized,the more chances to help the child reach his/her potential by interventions to bring their development to speed. Perhaps,raising this issue in the community and help set up parenting skill classess??
  20. ^Being a Somali,three course meals are alien phenomenal,waax naa kama garaneyoo. Being winter,perhaps soup for starter, Fish for main course and hot puddings for desert? Will look into it,Insha'allah before Wednesday.
  21. Yeah. Ibti,have you decide what food to serve,on the 8th? ps.Where is Lily,the trend setter.I need to find dressess to wear to couple of on coming family weddings.I am tired of dirac's and it will be freezing cold anyway.Now I need to know where to go,either online or at a shop.
  22. ^I had a restful weekend!..Stayed in and pampered myself.
  23. Ibti you slept at 4.45am and woke up at 7.30am, Masha'allah the joys of youth. I slept at 11 pm and struggled to wake up at 6.30am. Morning trollers and Koora[a newbie on troll]!
  24. Alas!they developed conscious,after how many years?..I hope it does continue to grow this "continued concern", nevertheless its time to increase the awareness,though a channel that now days control the thinking of the people in the west,its Media!.
  25. ^What will guarantee you in Duniya and Akhira,if your from Bani Hashim? Surely your devotion should be only toward ALLAH and not to a Sheikh Fulani bin Fulani.