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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ Once you have a family,you and what you want becomes secondary.Your first priority is the well being of your family. So yeah,there is a lot one has to sacrifices,adapting the selfless attitude is paramount. Me believes! So if I wasn't doing what am doing now, by the way I love what am doing, and the balance it has offered in my life. I like people, and doing humanitarian work would have suitable me, so perhaps I would have been on the front line at a war torn country, running a rehabilitation centre for those whom have been tramatised by war. Ms DD and SS, I wanted to share this extract from a friend's shared thoughts; "Muslims that were blessed to be born in a Muslim family, especially the sisters, at times they forget how good they have it. What I am saying here it could seem strange to another Muslimah that maybe was brought up in a strict household but to me this is a kind of a luxury that unfortunately Muslims take for granted, and sometimes wish they could escape, but it is something that new Muslims like me miss out on. Usually when someone reverts into Islam they already lived part of their life differently, made already mistakes and burned many bridges at times involving family ties which usually deteriorate by becoming a Muslim. I know that a few of us sisters at the moment are looking to get married but are finding this very difficult as I feel there is no protection, no guidance, no parents to watch out over our shoulders and guide us to make the correct decision. What I find generally is that prospective brothers find this like and "easy ride" in a sister who does not come with "inconvenient" strings attached, no family to investigate who he is, what he does and what he had done in the past. This is why personally I think for us new Muslims nowadays finding a spouse is itself like a Jihad that can make or break our lives and cause some sisters to find happiness or sometimes stray in the opposite direction. Personally generally speaking I think there should be more sisterhood around between reverts that will involve the sisters "parenting" each other in the absence of the relevant authority figures that would warn us against bad decisions that our gullible and naive minds might take." It looks like its a shared dilemma,huh?
  2. What is the punishment for those who kill day and night under different banners every day??? Illahi haa unaxaristoo this woman, as he is the ultimate judge of her.
  3. 'O Allaah, Sayid's father is under Your care and protection so protect him from the trial of the grave and torment of the Fire. Indeed You are faithful and truthful. Forgive and have mercy upon him, surely You are The Oft-Forgiving, The Most-Merciful’. Sayid Walaal,dimashaduu waa xaq. May Allah increase your sabr and imaan on these times. Amiin
  4. ^Good..Alhamdulillah! ii baashaal Eedo.
  5. Insha'allah. Lol..yaa? maa didee inaa Eedoo kuu noqdoo miyaa? Dont you dare,refuse my eedo status.. My head hurts,am out of here! Have a nice weekend folks. Salaam
  6. ^ iiwaraan Eedo Its afternoon for me dear,how is your relative getting on?
  7. Ibti, It's quite an accomplishment young lady.I admire your dedication. Now the fun begins! You have to remember us,here on SOL that supported you,in some ways while trolling.
  8. Heh.Kaashif,what a name! Yeah,I know he walked through that one,markuu dawr jeer kuu celceliyee romantic iyo romance iyo daad isku degaan..heh Nuune,indeed tommorrow night is the night where I get to party with my students..heh,how sad!
  9. LOL@nuune and romance maanta,how many times had you mention that word?..Heh,it friday night,o' what a night!
  10. ^Salaam Ibti. I have found myself three boys to adopt,well if their parents allow me to.
  11. ^City dwellers uun baa waxaas arkaan,I saw horses,sheeps and birds on my way to work and they were not in a romantic mood.. Nevertheless it's FRIDAY!!.. Jumaac Wanagsaan trollers!
  12. Ms DD, am envious.I need to revamp my shukaansi skills..Ngonge here getting one over me,is unacceptable! Was Sayid's hyperactive behaviour all due to you? Hadaa waxaad isheegta,Where and when do I come for the tutorials?
  13. ^Your mighty kind,would you post them to me and we..erm I shall meet you outside the Hall. In the back seat kulaha! maxaa umadii illahi nadabadigee,xagaa horee inaa fadhisanoo wayee.
  14. Looooooooooooool..astagfirullah! Erm,erm the intention was never to bring you two together anyway.Alas! I have successed in my plot! Haye maxaa heysaa @ Ngonge Sayid..Yeah right.
  15. ^So I should tell her 'we' miss her?
  16. Sayid need to be sat in a corner,hyper iyo nuus! Is it possible to miss,someone you hardly know?
  17. ^Now you could have just told him,its a name of the studium in Buenos Aires!..Lol Oh is that A&T?..If so salaam.
  18. Waar Jac,your no help..that was a scary woman/man maabaan sii egiin ba...eew!
  19. Lol@can feel CL walking into the thread. ,ah! tera ladoo kya he? By the way,I am seriously thinking of getting a cat,the child insist I get her a car or a baby...Now what breed should I get,I want a home bound cat.
  20. I am so hungry that mushaali sounds delicious@Ms DD,okay yanaan kuu cawriin..Mashaallah. Lol..Nuune,erm am an expert didnt I not mention that before? Well now ya know.
  21. Lily, I hear you sis..Insha'allah Kheyr. Ms DD. One will look like a swim wear model,hehe meaning the darn thing is so transparent, one will have to wear a camisole within just to be decent. Nuune,bashbash iyo barwaaqo..Alhamdulillah!
  22. I am out paryting this saturday,actually just attending a wedding of a former student,she is only 17 maxaa waalee! Anywho,its in a fancy hotel and Ms here has a knock out dirac to wear.
  23. Lily, A natural desire at some points in our lives sis,sheydankaa iska naar and trust in God,all will be well.Insha'allah! Salaam people.
  24. Sayid,you have an interesting way to express your sense of humour,intaa qabadha aad caayii leehed..quit!
  25. ^ , astagfirullah! Anywho, what a tale!