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Posts posted by Malika

  1. ^Heh. I know, kind of reminds me of the inhouse slaves iyo outdoor slaves mentality - waanu kaa faneynaa, kuwi systemka kalumeen. Illahi na cafi.


    As for the young dudes, waa expected dee. Am sure there were ciyaal xafadhaa back home - unfortunately here, they are expected to be black and bad.

  2. Maandeey - waan ficanahay, illahi mahadisaa! hope all is well with you.


    How come it looked really easy for our parents to be a parent - ama the enviroment made it seem so easy, one had all parenting them..I thinking parenting in the west is the hardest job!

  3. ^Why worry about Ngonge, iyo wuxu yahay. Adigu where is your two pence of worth on these so called discussions your on about?


    Chimera, needs the likes of Ngonge to sharpen his ideas. His topic tend to be unrealistic, he talks of building cities, when the nation is still fragmented not only at national level but to neighbourhood level..Nevertheless, his posts are positive and do offer an insight to what could be if we ever sort our differences out.

  4. I am sure between you and lady - you can take the dude out. No self respecting woman would allow a random guy put his hands on her - with her stilletos and your fer am sure the guy would learn a valid lesson..Lol


    Or you could do what Swahilis do - With your voice raised so loud, issueing all sorts of threats to him, whilst asking folks to hold you back - cause you might just cause some damage to With all that commotion am sure the meaty dude will back off..