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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Nuune; They looked so embrassed already, inaan kuu si wadhoo in af somali would just traumatised
  2. ^Why dont you educate us then? :confused: ,without shouting at us.
  3. ^Waar meeshaani kaa caraar,SOL creeping into your dreams should be a wake up call! Morning all! Had to cover a lesson on reproduction this morning,to the shock and horror of couple of little Somali boys..waxaas laga maa hadhloo,says one..Heh,poor kid!
  4. ^Okay! Now,tell us the historic significance of the place , buuqa iyo qaaylo nagaa jooji.
  5. ^ :rolleyes: Maa taleex baad kaa timid?
  6. ^LOL,honeymoon somali style dhe! Ngonge,shaash saar is an initiation of the young bride to the status of a 'married woman'. If you remember in the past young women didnt wear scarfs,only married women did.Traditionaly the shaash is only worn by married women,and during this initiation,its only those still married to their first husband get to be the first to put the scarf on the young brides head.Raaliyo kind women are encouraged to put scarves on the bride,and those two/three time married are no so There would be buraanbuur singing,eating of xalwo iyo macmacaan..oh,also some uunsi burning session,pleanty of dua's. Ibti,do reer burco do the xeer fuurka so mahaa? How do you feel about that one,I actually think that one is more explicit and rather rude.
  7. ^Maya. Well,I found myself in a shaash saar on Saturday night,nice food and atmosphere. I am sure the family was wondering who I was,especially how anticipative I was on the dance floor. , I just tagged along a friend's friend. Oh,well.
  8. ^Lol. I better get to work,those midnight phone calls in aid of my afsomali tutorial wont pay the rent. laterz folks!
  9. ^Morning Nuune. Waar magacaaga iga qosliya,nuune kuye! goormaa nuune stage kaa bixii? Jac,maxaad kaa wadaa A&T style, waar ninkaasi maa anaa gari kaa raaya! Ninkaasi wixiisaa waa first class iyo unique. haa biqiin,sheeko xariir baan soo waadha.
  10. ^Looooooool.indeed,that will be nausiating in reality. Ruuntaa aa ficaan,one will get suspicious and think..Hmm tolow muxuu kaa wadaa waxaan oo compliments aa!..LoL. One will assume he is guilty of something.
  11. LOL@CL, naa iga leexo. Jac,waar sootan afsomaliga weligaay kuu so qori jiree? Mid xariif aa baa beriyahan macalin ii ahay, markaa iska jiir,yanaan kaa badinin. CL,before you have a heart attack am not resigning from my sijuiness..
  12. Red Sea, You only need to be accustomed to the Islamic Manners, in its legislations, which aims to produce a well-balanced individual in every way: psychologically, spiritually, and materially. You dont need an Andrew whatnot to tell you how one should be.Many of Islam’s injunctions are specially intended for producing peace and spiritual contentment,once there nothing will be a problem,be it people or situations. Oh,I meant to say,being nice,thoughtful,respectful and patient is virtues that are encouraged in Islam.
  13. Lol@ tell me about it,kulaha! hayee gormee noqoote dear aunty suzie? I knew that would get your ears all up and ready for some gossip..nah! waan kaa diide. Morning CL , whats up with the rolling eyes? Lol
  14. ^ ,ma ila aragtee,anigii baa iska yabee,even my thoughts are in af somali..I blame,that late phone call.
  15. Waaqtiguu orood badanaa! Morning, subax wanagsan trollers!
  16. Masha'allah ladies,looks like you all had a good time too! Ibti,congratulations dear, job well done by the sound of it..May Allah reward you and all whom took part. Ameen.
  17. Hello @ Che. How did you manage to pass the security guard?
  18. Why is Che in here? Cara,that sounds like a good deal to me.. who got the time to wash his socks,cook his meals and whatever else 'married with kids wives' do.The part time xalaal lover sounds rather fetching me thinks!..
  19. ^ 'drop it like its hot' is stuck to my head,got the urge to do the dance move ,although yaa ii kiciinii if I fall flat on my a*s.
  20. ^A fool aa? Afaar ayaa loo baneyee,AND knowing the nature of 'Men pychic' a husband is yours while at home,markuu banaankaa mareyaa naa he is anyones. CL,Kanga,vitumbua,kashata and mabungo ama mabuyu..nothing else will satisfy the cravings for home. Wlc back mpendwa,you were missed.
  21. Erm@the second hand bloke,unless you find one that is a virgin darling all are second hand. As for married men,if he is doing the chasing perhaps,but if your to do the chase..Nah! not cool. CL
  22. ^More like so we can share the lime light.
  23. Oow, so the world recognise Taliban leaders as what? ***AFGHAN TALEBAN SPOKESMAN QARI YOUSUF AHMADI "There is neither joy, nor sorrow among our ranks by the election of Barack Obama. "The question is not about a change in the face of the American President, but a change in American policy." I like it, rageedi!
  24. A&T, Waad mahadsantahay salaantaa qaliga ah. My dear friend, you have the right to criticises him as a leader as much as I have the right to praise him taasi iskumaa haynee hedee. My understanding of the man is he was never an army commander nor a Politician, but a mere teacher whom took upon himself to set the wheels of justice which ignited the desire among many of us to say, enough is enough. I trust you my friend to have the understanding that this man like many other ‘Somali leaders’ lack the leadership training as perhaps their counter parts in other parts of the world. Many criticises him for lacking substance, but is there anyone else out there on the ground that has what it takes to lead us from this prolonged nightmare? Perhaps, you can see in you to forgive him for being a human and making a mistake. Now roll on those sleeves and help him push the stuck caravan. He needs support not criticising.