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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ :rolleyes: ,shaaqo laan! You want to be a witness miyaa to his innuendo's so we can stone both of them miyaa? Maskinadaa hadhee oo ganii leheedh she is a topic on SOL,miyeensaan qosool iyo kiss kusinii leheen @ Rooble.
  2. Afternoon folks! Ms DD,has anyone told you,you look like that Ruth girl in Ex factor? Hello Geeljire!
  3. oo taa nafta geeli soo noqnoqoshadaa nacsinimoo hamodhinii ..darn! It Saturday night and sad to report it was a boring Saturday. G' what happened to Saturday nights fever!! Oh yeah, I remember I became a warya. darn darn.
  4. The troll thread is that way>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see the newbie is shy to tell you lot to move it! Welcome Abu J.
  5. ^ ,weey kuu waa reerte,this Taleex vs Qardho business. Ms DD,wrong thread hunno..Lool
  6. Malika


    Nuune,with your looks and skills you would make a bundle,cummaad iyo qamiis hadaa xiraati bees,your good for business.
  7. Sayid,sorry to hear that. Stress is overated,privilaged people get stress.. Now smile,and drink some red bull.Its unusual for us not seeing you bouncing around the place..
  8. Malika


    Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Have you ever employed the power of magic? ^Only to those whom looked deep into my eyes Sheh,You sound spooked I better quit this summoning of the unseen,my street has like a million cats and those creatures do freak me out!
  9. Waryaareen idhikaa igu daraan.LOL@the excitment in some people.
  10. Waryaareen idhikaa igu daraan.LOL@the excitment in some people.
  11. Now,Ibti must everything be about SL?
  12. Malika


    Originally posted by sheherazade: A day in the life of Nuune. Nothing bothers him. Or Malaika by the sounds of it. Yeah,its kind of nice to be walking on cloud nine daily..Heh If only you knew. Surati Baqarah on a continues mode for hours on end around the house.. ,throw in the 100 times a day ayati kursi,iska daa the 3 last surah's in the quran read over and over. I have seen the effects on those possessed,its no joking matter.
  13. Now,if only this was for adults only,I would have made a comment..but alas! I keep ,whatever knowledge to myself.
  14. "He told the court Ms Rafei had not worn traditional head coverings or dress while she was teaching." Oh,so the hijab in court should mean what? Hijab wala bila hijab,muslimah or not. No adult should be messing with kids,I knew of a person[a hijabi muslimah]whom used to have the msn addresses of some our pupils.I scared her off,by telling that is a breach of some policy, to stop her chatting to students after work. I mean,as a parent would I want some Male teacher,contacting my child outside school via email or phone? Oh well,Caabiyo do let us know the outcome of this case.
  15. Originally posted by AAliyah416: Hey I found taleex as well. oh my god taleex is in SOOL region. I should be ashamed of myself... salaam ^ ,that made me laugh.Shame on you Aaliyah. Now you know there is more to SOOL then Lascanood keliyaah?
  16. Malika


    Aw-Dhubad, That is among the questions asked by any 'jinn riding'wadaad. Do you have dreams of you being intimate with someone that you cant really recognise?..scary business.
  17. Malika


    Nuune, Caudhuu billahi minasheytaani rajiim,waar waa kusidee,'hooking' up means a whole other thing to being a witness to some bizarre event. Ibti,I dont want to freak you out,but it is true,every person has their own jinn,every household has its own jinn occupier too.There are good and bad jinns,muslim and non muslim too! They can fall in love with you,they can be envious of you..hence surati falaqa and nas. Ayati kursi,is also a good protection for humans too.
  18. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Malika - i am sorry - i can put you in 2nd - only if feema accept. don't be upset - No1 - is occupied by the TRUE wife, besides she is irreplaceable. :cool: Huh?? :confused: ,whatever! :rolleyes: , I see somebody needs a sense of humour transplant.
  19. Malika


    Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I should have said sijui girls don't count. Kuwa shiikoyinkan waa u xanjo... Wait for Malika to come and tell us about the one that lived in her school garden or something. ^ , How did you know? Actually,we had a Baniyaani[Hindu]neighbour,his garden used to be a no go area,he would actually come and tell my mum not to allow us to play in his garden as thats where his 'gods' come and stay. So there were times he had offerings under the large scary mango tree which had an old well next to it.Some nights we would hear bells jiggling,a womans cry,there were more then two dozen cats looming around that garden and all sort of other scary sounds.The strangest of all would be his strange looking sister's whailings for days,then someone in their building would die the following week... My encounter with a possessed person was when I was about 14, my aunty was very upset by something.The next thing I know she is shaking violently,she seemed like someone passing out.So me and the shaqaalo lift her up and sat her down,the next thing I hear is this man's voice coming from her demanding I bring her[him]riverdour perfume[we all knew that was for them],once I hand her[him] the perfume,she opens and drink it like it was juice,she burps.Once she had done that,the male voice continued talking,telling me they[as there were more then one jinn in her]were not happy of so and so's treatment of their chair[my aunt],as he continues talking another one takes over and introduces themselves as so and so from so and so area..She too isnt happy and to tell so and so to be very afraid. After that warning,they left,my aunt just slumped over,like someone whom had just runned a marathon,she was extremely tired that day. Do you all want to hear more?
  20. ^Mwaah!,now tell me all about bongo! I am tempted to go this Dec.
  21. ^Who is tell you to drink water,waaryee maa keligaa baa shekeeneya? voice in the head huh yaa Jac?
  22. ^Maa aragtee,instead of going,aah! one only wants to strungle him. :mad: @Sayid,huna adabu, try translating that into a language you understand.
  23. Malika

    Today I....

    ^Well done you! Today,I am excited.
  24. ^Haye the aristrocat of Qardho. Sayid,I want to know why you posted this thread and what was the aim of it,adigoo qaylineyaa uun baan kuu arka dee.