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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika


    Che, It's part and parcel of a prolonged civil war,instability of relation among Somalis right across the country. 20yrs have taken its toll,on all Somalis,either we see ourselves as one with cuqdaad or others but nevertheless it has slipped into our consciousness,the mistrust. How to eradicate this poison in our minds? I believe its an impossible task as of now,there is more propaganda to divide then to be of one.
  2. ^Erm,Insha'allah will do. Ngonge, Kii hooyadhii uu soo dhuceyee won.
  3. Ngonge, How could you,telling all like that? :mad: ps. I am taken,walaa ii xereeye already.. CL, mwaah girl!,all is good here too.
  4. ^No need for whooping you Ibti,even women of substance e.g Khadija [RA]took similar initiatives,landing herself one of the most important men ever. So dont,go thinking its not cool approaching a MAN[heh] I dont mean random picking up men on the streets,you got to be more creative. One goes into a selective period,who is in town,what does so and so do,what kind of man so and so is and if they are appealing,you create a plan and prosecute it, which ever way it comes out,your a winner[i mean an active human being]
  5. Malika


    ^dat's sick man!
  6. ^Like everything else in life,if one wants to achieve and sustain a fulfilling life,they put much effort including seeking the MAN![i know that sound so alien to you,but one day Ibti,One day! you would tell me different, I hope]
  7. Ibti,girl who hangs around bus stops? Most women are more resourceful then men,you don't need such an approach but one creates situations when one can have access to the one , one has her eyes on. Be it you accidentally bump into him at the petrol station and need help with your tires[if your lucky he is actually good with cars,hadhii kale you have just put him in a situation which will undermine his 'manhood']..Lol Lol@the random pick up.
  8. So this is what a shared rule mean, 275 [tfg]and 275 [lslamist courts], knowing Somalis every tuulo or qabiil, sub-qabiil will want a seat or else!
  9. Morning nuune Where is rudy? ya all so rude,ignoring his abaayooos call.
  10. Malika

    Way Duushay!

    I would urge Jac to bring back his old avatar,I mean that chap with a hat on and a smile suited Jac very well. Jac,congrats said with lots of Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
  11. ^Faheema,gets married off every week on this thread..Lol Sema mpenzi@ CL Waad salamatihiin kuligiin!
  12. We live in a different world my dear,to the days when xaji Cumars son came with elders to ask for the hand in marriage of binti Axmed's. Saying that,it all depends on ones views on this matter and themselves. Would a man think your cheap and desperate if you approach him ,then perhaps you got it wrong in your choice of the kind of man that would suit you.I believe if one has confidence in themselves,know what they want and go for it,then there is no desperation in it at all! I don't see a problem if a woman approaches a man she likes,there is no shame in that in my books.Its taking initiative,control of situation one wants to change. Apparently am told men,do not like to be the prey. In other words for them to chase,hunt is all part of fun in seeking a life partner..Go figure!
  13. Malika


    ^@ the end of the day,your talking nonsense,your just getting your knickers in a twist for nothing.. camaal , got it@ Norf.
  14. ^who knows, Jac baa waar haya.
  15. ^He has consulted some people and they predicted the man wont agree to the divorcing tonight. nuune,am right?
  16. Jac,never get involved in married folk squibles, adiguu uun hakuu ceboobin beritoo,when she goes back to him.
  17. Afternoon fellow addicts I was told am sick by a student,I got annoyed but only to be told it means one is cool.. :confused:
  18. ^I think what Cadaan means,is your talking ill of this person for their misconducts[as her being moral snob,yet while gossiping], hence not being different to bella post.
  19. ^Same article was posted by someone couple of days ago.
  20. Malika

    Weird dreams

    ^Hmmm,Pheobe must be a jinn,toloow mexee idhiiga rabta. A freakish of a dream. ,must be my subconscious telling me something.
  21. Morning all. I hate Mondays!
  22. Haneefa, I believe the sister forgot that a true Muslim has a good attitude, he/she should be humbled and soft, gentle in his/her speech. He/she should not use bad language nor insults others. He/She should be patient, gentle, forgiving, tolerant, cheerful and sincere toward others. Moreover, each one, man and woman, will be held responsible for their his/her individual self. No need to get worked up about someone else misconducts, if unable to advice, pray for them. May Allah guide us on to the right path…ameen!
  23. ^Loooool, will keep you in our ishaa prayers Jac,iska seexo!..Loooool fuley! B.G, ah! karibu kwenye familia Diig cabtoo waayee vampire.
  24. ^Lol,kadaa he is already avoiding going to sleep. Stoic my sijui brother,don't let them get to you,your afsomali is good,better then the above person in his own statement.
  25. ^Looool, fuley! maa baqatee? I would too. Lol, Grant.