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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Masha'allah..A good feeling indeed,stay with the thoughts that brought that calmness. Interms of books,I have this very old masxaaf which goes into details on every surah,it has been very useful. Have you noticed, sometimes when your reading quraan-with translation for meaning,a certain ayah just feels like it was meant for you for that particular moment?
  2. Ah! its morning. Good Morning Ngonge, "the ugandan"..Lol
  3. ^Wasnt the Northern Island conflict one of religion?
  4. ^Why leave Lily out? Haye, maxaa laa shegeey?
  5. Afro, you will need to differiate between ISLAM and actions of some individuals. Actually,these labels on Muslim/Islam is getting out of control really. I mean were the terrorist in Northern Island ever been called Christian Terrorist,is every practising protestant or catholic called an extremist? It's a shame we ourselves have fallen into the trap of labelling,witch hunting among ourselves. As for the young men,making those decisions to go back and blow themselves..Subhanallah! they sure dont represent me as a Muslim nor as a Somali.
  6. A whole month? How will you survive fridays? Lol. I haven't eaten meat for 6 months now, I miss it.
  7. ^Lets wait for Ibti,the girl knows every corner of London. Had chocolate today?
  8. I cant stop eating,been nibbling all day and am still at it, must be the cold weather.. Alhamdulillah. Hello Sayid. Lily, google darling google!
  9. Sheh,sorry to hear about the job. Read Surah Al-Hadid,it usually helps me focus,when am in doubt. Insha'allah kheyr. Salaams Folks!
  10. Malika


    Masha'allah *Hayat* , May you never trully experience what a " bad day" is really like. Be humbled dear,that was so minute of a dilema.
  11. Lily,shock and horror I know how you look,coutesy of FB.
  12. Mwaaah CL,mpendwa! Ms DD, I used to think why ayee dadkaanu ugaa carara camerada,now I know..Lol BUT,apparently there have been inquiries made..Loooooool Cabdiyo,they have already sent the darn thing back home,well I just will have to explain myself when the time come.If only I was there would have hiden the old ladies glasses. I imagine this " taan qawaan waa aayoo,bisinka bisinkaa gabdhuu weey waasheen" only to realise its their own daughter..Looool
  13. Ms DD,suuro walla guu garanayaa abaaye[Qadho]! Ngonge,thank god for that..but the thought of people seeing what I saw of myself freaked me out wallahi,NO MORE DIRAC to weddings.
  14. Oh,well if your meant to live you shall live Ms DD. ps. Have you ever watched a wedding video,upon seeing yourself wished you could go back on that day and wore an abayaa rather then that revealing dirac! I cant believe the wedding video I saw yesterday will be shown to my ayeyo and hoyo..Alla baa ayeey! pss.nuune waxaan oradii lahaa,for her to spit on her hands after reading the fatixa then rub on her tummy,three times. Inshaallah, mashaallah kheyr.
  15. What happened to the jimicsigii waax kastaa laa guu bogsaneyee? yaa Diktoor Nuune..hehe Afternoon folks!
  16. ^Hellooooooooooooooooooooo! Mpe mpe zake, huyo. God,they have made work today,arg. I hate bidding for funds,its like being a beggar.
  17. ^Huh? Help me here,did the article mention this kings involvement in the greater Somali politics or was his coronation a mere traditional one? Hortaa! why should everything Somali/a should be politicalised?
  18. What are people arguing about here; a] The ceremony of a new "traditional" king? b] The word D? c] Abdillahi Yussuf ? d] The later political sistuation in Somalia? :confused: As for the ceremony,Ah! am a sucker for cultural tradition, by the way did I ever mention am a great grand daughter of a Suldaan of reer hebeel,yeah I am. Now bow down my loyal servants. Jokes aside,arent we still bound by our traditions,even in the west? I mean,when there are dispute,dont folks go to the 'elders or aqiigii reerka' to sort out things? I believe their[royals] strong point lies in their effectiveness in managing the grassroot politics,and their role should be modified to make them less visible at the centre of national governance.
  19. Loooooool@ A&T,maa diicii kartoo,you did what?? Yaa,sheekhadi Ciilmi Bodhari baad ii kentee hayee! Walle,waar baad heysaa. What was it that got through you? The way I or or .
  20. Malika

    Way Duushay!

    ^Me too,with great anticipation I awaited for him to tell Ngonge where to get off!..I am disappointed ya A&t,now be the warrior you are and tear him apart! [am in the mood for blood testing] Edit: I was joking. A&T,waad salamatahay!
  21. ^Jazakhallah Kheyr Blessed. " O you whose hard hearts is as dark as the night,is it not time that your heart was filled with light and became soft? Indeed it is and time should always be made for doing so.
  22. Nephthys, your my kind of girl,fear of rejection has no place on a warrior dhe. After all the cries of equality,why do women take a back seat to the most important task of selecting a mate? Why,allow the male ego to rule this game?
  23. Malika


    Che, Thank the lord for Nyerere's socialism,growing up in a socialist country,where all is one and one is all,the cuqdaad thing hasn't made much of an impact,but am very aware of it. But,there was no escape from the Somali pyche even if your generations born outside Somalia,we felt the impact straight away,as members of the family came to find refuge in our homes. The close knitted Somali neighborhood,was immediately divided into groups.