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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Malika

    My Jan/Feb trip

    ^Somaliduu wexee iradaan,dumar qabiil iyo diin maleeh, in other words you being a female your not a threat to any self respecting Somali man..So dont worry,you wont come to any harm..Inshaallah. I request you go visit my ancenstal home towns of Lascanood,Berbera and Burco. If in need of testing the Hawd life-style just holla! but be wary my cousins might just kidnap you,but again why would any woman refuse a man on a horse tooting a gun and cumamad? If I had no strings attached waan kuu racii lahaa.
  2. I am going home now,every part of me hurts. Walle,hadaa odaygi jamac kuuti iska gursanii lahaa berigii,hadaa waxaan joogii lahaa Garisa, with my herd of camels, basking in sunny Garisa. see ya all!
  3. ^LOL. Good luck girls! The trill seeking of now days,in my era it used to be jumping the tall gates to go clubbing..
  4. ^That's a cute smile .. , hayee you found five pound note on the ground sakaa?
  5. Sheh, For a dreamer like me,that sounds like a good plan.. Ms DD, Sagootii party for a cold? Thats new,but again any reason for a party eey!..Lol
  6. ^Thanks dear. How is the job hunting going? @ sheh Jac,I would need evidence you actually had spent time with the family for me to award you..
  7. ^I like that,you should be awarded for the best father award markaas..Lol I am in the mood for Ngonge's humour and A&T madness tolow meyeen?
  8. Hi Jac - CID. I am trying to stay awake,I took some medication but I just wish I was at home tucked under a duvet,catching up with day time tv[erm sleep] Waaw,hagee adeysaa marka? You know we have become so westernised,all we think about is our next holiday iyo meshaan adhii leheen..heh
  9. Where is every body today? I am so sick, but had to come to work as I took Monday off! argh!
  10. ^ Hunno,mothers ARE backbone of any society,either married or single. Have you noticed,those much praised "involved" fathers,sidhaa loo aamanoo you would assume he has invented the cure for,kalee araag,waa niin fariid aa,sidhuu ilmihisaa uu waad waado,wth! isga dalee,mothers do that every waking moment of their lives. Or those very few single fathers,how adored they are by society! Single father are adored,praised AND single mothers are condemned,degraded and dehumanised..why o' why?
  11. ^I wonder what is their definition of "gaalo"? It's an absolute tragedy,when brothers turn against one another,while the enemy continues its spree of killing them. Maa common ENEMYGI baa hadhaa laa isku hayaa,whom is a better Muslim to defeat them? :confused: Ummad baas! :mad:
  12. ^Must be the recession,that two shilling was worthless. I am assuming your not familiar with the norms of Somali culture, Islamic tradition ,the will of Allah etc etc.. Anywho,back to the topic. What happened to the men that fathered these children,these women didnt just happen to have these children without contribution from the men. So women are penalized and stigmatised for being the only parent to these children? This is just another form of Women oppression! The funny thing about men and their views on women is they just seem to contradict themselves over and over.In all wanting what suits them best..e.g A woman working is somehow a social problem - neglectful of her duties blah blah. If she stays at home - she is a burden to him and society,but he doesnt complain of all the labour work his woman performs around the house.Actually he would probably complain she isnt throughly enough when cleaning or washing.. If a woman is educated,oh boy! their little male ego's get all intimidate,but dont fear boys. Women are still underpaid,so no worries there,she isnt suddenly going to be the boss of you.[shock and horror of it] If she has children,its a problem.The self centred so and so need to be looked after and their slave is too busy looking after their children - strike that her children,he just released the sperm in pleasure time,does not concern him the out come. Behold she does not have children,oh the barren woman what to do with her,she is useless! chuck her out,next! Men! :mad:
  13. ^Baal maxaa keene emphasising on the BIG sijuiness. , Is he from Sweden? Horta are there any mariin or dark skinned xalimos left in this world?
  14. So finally the peace caravan has set foot in Mogadishu,ah! Inshaallah Kheyr baan uu rajeneyaa Sheikha and all those working toward bringing peace to Somalia. ps.It's rather concerning how we have turned our chaos/dilema/struggles to SOAP OPERA kind of discussion.
  15. Is it me or this years winter is harsh.It's so cold!
  16. The Haka shaqoo laan baa sakaan kuhayaa. As for BOB being a Zulu,taani ina googol la guu digoo wayee,xaal inaad bixisii weyaan..meel baad kaa dacdee wilku. He will be going deep undercover now,maa PM uu dirtii wilka hadaa saas urabtaa inaad aragtiid?
  17. ^Hi Val , reading about your illness has made me feel ill. Suddenly I have an ear ache,general aches. It reminds me of a aunt of mine,if she visits a sick person,she is most definetly will be ill the next day - describing the sick persons symptoms..Lol[there is a psychologial reason I hear,but we just used to laugh at her] Hadhaa anigii baan sidhii noqdee,am feeling the flu creeping on me as I type. Now,a girl like you must have many at your beck and call..just lift that receiver
  18. Loooool@short man accessing SOL,you should have added wearing a khamiis. Val,your having a "wish I was there" moment,hayee all these questions about A&T's holiday..heh
  19. ^Did you pour the soup on them? I would have..Lol
  20. ^Aaw,I did,Eid started on Sunday, went to a Henna party. So I was all dolled up with henna patterns, new abayaa for prayers but was abandoned by family as they were all travelling to another city. I spent Eid morning alone,but made the most of it during the afternoon till late night visiting friends and gate crushing their family
  21. ^Isku diirkaa maficnoo yaa Ngonge,..but that was naughty of xiin. My fav bit was "Allow alshabaab iyo Sharifka kaa rabtid guullee, Laakiin Allow xukunkoodu uusan PL (iyo koonfurta) soo dhaafin"..Lol
  22. Welcome aboard Mr Abu Diaby. Morning Ngonge , Loool at falling down,it usually is such a shock as you grow older..heh CL mpendwa sema? What did you have yesterday, I over ate, am sure the amount I ate could have been a whole week worth of food. Nuune iyo jimicis! Ina Cabdiyo,maxaa karisee shaleytoo?
  23. ^Yep. No rest for the wicked they Actually I could do with another day off.
  24. Kan naguu aasa saaqee tolow muxuu yahay?
  25. Asalaam Aleykum wr wb. I wish you all, a joyful and blessed Eid. May Allah[swt] accept our prayers,dua and the Hajj performed by our brothers and sisters. Eid Mubarak! Farancab.