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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Wcs Wr Wb @ Jamaal. Something isn't right about this farewell message,actually its rather concerning. Are you leaving Sol or Duniya ? Nevertheless, let me say a dua for you. "May Allah make piety part of your journey, forgive your sins and fulfil the purpose of the journey" Amiin
  2. Malika


    ^Lol,her motive is understood,but my sick mind baa iga yabiiyee,how could I be so silly and envy a sick woman? , am still laughing at myself.
  3. If you can read this you have a strange mind. Can you read this? Only 55 people out of 100 can. I couldnt believe that I could actually understand what I was reading..............etc etc. It's simple Sayid,once there is context which formulate a meaning,one can over look spelling mistakes..Well, I do.
  4. Malika


    It's not at all dignified I tell you! ...but what can you do when the green-eyed monster strikes? Oh,well I had my encounter with the green eyed moster yesterday. When a collegue/friend was telling me all about her weight loss. She went as far as lifting her blouse to show me how her ribs have all been dented by the chronic couphing she has been experiencing.I should have been sympathetic so mahaa? but I wasnt,I was actually jealous of her weigh loss,I stood there nodding but meanwhile I was busy observing how her trousers and jacket just fitted her perfectly. How her slender little hands looked all dainty.. I mean how could I have been so cold? and worse so silly ?..Darn!!
  5. ^Helloooooo! ati nikampa vitu adimu,hehe.. I loved that. Huyo ni Mkenya,was trying to appreciate what Kenya has to
  6. ^ , I just wonder why all of a sudden its TOP secret.. Ibti, Its a privilage dear,an absolute privilage folks feel they can tell me important stuff about themselves and some times nonsenses. Anywho! did you check the link?@ CL
  7. ^Looooooooooooooool.. and then :mad: , your calling me a busy body? :mad: :mad:
  8. ^ , if your hands are tied,baal let me call you. You can tell me by word of mouth so mahaa? Aaaw,you lot had fun by the sound of it!..I am jealous
  9. ^Indeed and that can be said for anyone that has the privilage. But your failing to understand 'The stigma about single mothers' isn’t one based on their lack of education, wealth or professional standards but of a 'family structure',keeping in mind what is norm and approved. Despite what societies say,these women remain Mothers and the skills of being a mother doesnt require a Phd nor does it require one having a hefty bank balance,it just requires determination and dedication and I believe most of these women do their best to raise their kids in all type of circumstances. Life isnt a text book dear!
  10. "He said: “Aiko doesn’t need holidays, food or rest, and will work almost 24 hours a day. She is the perfect woman.” " Ah! The purnishment for such a statement should be electrocuting him by his balls. :mad:
  11. ^Morning xabibi, mpendwa..mwaah, mwaah! Can I adopt you?
  12. ^, Oh no! I have faith in the girls[The Warriors ]to come out here and confess they chickened out!
  13. ^Lol,do you think they chickened out as it was suggested by Conspiracy in the women thread? I am sure Ibti will be here any minute to tell us how it all went,erm how she never made it to the chater
  14. Morning folks! Hayee gabdhii maxaa kaa war aa?
  15. I had to come to work today,but am planning to go home and not come out until Monday. Just the thought of that duvet,sofa,heater and tarmuus shaah,is keeping me going at the ofcourse and you lot! Anyways,ya all have a nice weekend now! As for those jumping off the plane,have fun!!
  16. Aaaw,KK was that a mixed tape laguu siyee?..Lol Honestly looking back at some of the lyrics of songs that were so popular you wonder what in the god's name was that all about!
  17. ^Loooooooool,scarred a poor stranger for life,now he would keep well away from ladies who Darn,I am so sick!
  18. ^Loooooooooooool..mad woman! You should have offered him a lift.Should have rolled down your window and go " babes' whats up? Where you heading? Waa kusidee! Heh@Ngonge..He would definetly be lying,who looks good in a bright yellow top? Again I would suspect he was staring some place else instead of keeping eye contact.
  19. Ngonge,I dont know about honesty and men go together,if he throws in an eye wink wabaa kaa sii daraan! Lol..nuune,is that so.
  20. nuune is that so,bees waa iskaa ceyshanayaa my smile.. , bilaash foqol bilash! Looooooooool@Ngonge,wink at them kulaha..hehehe, it all depends what kind of person your talking to..hehe
  21. ^You havent seen my smile brother,just flashing my teeth around the campus has been enough for me to sustain my bread crumbs. They didnt bother when it was EID markaa maxaa igaa galee Christmas. I never do cards nor presents.
  22. DOBBS tell me about it! I had received so many cards am yet to give any,they can forget about presents.Although I accept theirs..Lol Ngonge,is this joke true of men?-: What's a man's idea of honesty in a relationship? -Telling you his real name. Lol,reminds of a conversation..heh
  23. Malika

    My Jan/Feb trip

    Originally posted by Ms DD: My next trip would be all east Africa. Wonder if any of the SOL gilrs will be up for it Come back in one piece,if you hadnt been kidnapped,or married to my uncle in Hawd by then Inshaallah you can come with me to TZ in July/Aug.Where you can have the time of your life dear,lakes,rivers,mountains and sea..Did you know the 16 wonders of the worlds are in Tanzania alone?.. Check them out! ment/in-tanzania/
  24. Morning fellas! Ngonge are you back at work?