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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Lol@ most addicts call their dealers good I am dreading winter - Its already too cold.
  2. ^What does F all, mean? Morning folks - maa hadhaa soo gasheen? Ibti, that sounds like a good
  3. *Walks in, pull the blinds open, open the windows in troll for some fresh air - switches on the coffee machine* Subax wanagsaan akhiyarta SOL - hope you had a great Eid. Mine was quiet and time seems to be running from me these days - wax baa qabaan karii wayee..
  4. Malika


    ^Haha, oh. I thought he got it finally. Oh well.
  5. Malika


    Why do hurricanes have female names? This is sexist, we females dont destroy, we build..heh
  6. ^Haha@destroy them - bisinka. What you can do is, start buying clothes and stuff earlier - a size bigger for each, ciyalku wey when Eid comes your not sweating soo much. ps. Norf, masha'allah that age girls are just so chatty! - I remember mine at that age, we went to a family friends house, as soon as we entered the house - she turns to the lady of the house and say 'aunty, why is your house so messy?' I wanted the earth to swallow me...the lady of the house smiled but apparently took issue with that behind my
  7. Mid-life crisis baa Jac kuu
  8. ^Hehe.. "La abuudu maa tacbuudu - You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe' It wont be a bad idea, perhaps it will teach Somalis to not only learn to respect each other but be tolerant of each other and mostly so to value life.
  9. Hehe. Tell your friend to sling her hook else where as you say she is hot,young and whatever else - why is she settling for the left over of the so called buur woman? I am sorry to say this, but women like your friend are sad and pathetic. They listen to any nonsense spewed by some man - kulaha he doesnt love his wife..haha, maskiin sana gabadhuu, whatelse did she expect him to say when he wants her to drop those knickers? heh Naivitity isnt an excuse, honestly - I cant stand silly women.
  10. Malika

    A lil Secret!

    Puppy love indeed. Narniah, by any means you should not feel obliged to ease his feelings or desires - you owe him nothing. If you like him too taasi waa sheeko kale if not, tell him to sling his hook [in a nice way - perhaps not so nice, some men kind of confuse niceness to 'jump me']
  11. ^Thats a good idea, you should do it. Even in a small scale and get a sister to run it for you. Chimera - thanks, heh.
  12. Illahi hadhuu naftaa ii daayo, next year. I would have loved to be there, but ...
  13. Baashi, I see Oz around, lakiin Legend laa waa beriyahan - send Oz a pm.
  14. Subax kheyr all. Juxa, rest your voice as much as you can - taasi wey igu dacdee two weeks ago..for days, I was voiceless, then sounded some farax with a groggy voice..heh Ibti - so whats there to have if one craves sweets in H town?
  15. I am sure, there are. Oz iyo Legend weydii.
  16. ^wanagsan. Anagu wexey no tahay late afternoon. The amount of attention Alpha gets no wonder waabu isku dare..heh I need a lifestyle change - perhaps a move to some remote island would be good...
  17. ^Lol, mar dhow naa adigo meel fadhiya ayaa seexaani - old age indeed. Morning all.
  18. Damon, why would you even ask Somalis what to do on a weekend..haha, war we do nothing. I apart from sitting either drinking shaah or gossiping or fadhii ku diriir - all these activities involve sitting around doing nothing constructive. You got the net - search your interest in London. London is a happening place, there is all sorts of activities to suit all interests.
  19. ^I believe this is not the Old Oba, qofkan hadhaa magacaan wata is totally not the original Oba.
  20. ^Oh you got there before me - I shall still ask. Oba, soota adiga dadka ugu wacda 'nicca' - are you Black American wanna be? SOL is going downhill fast.
  21. ^I was just wondering too..muxuu sameyee?
  22. Afternoon all! The British weather is definetly like a woman's mood swings!...shaley iyo maanta kala dhera.
  23. ^Eeww. I dont have problem with lifts, just the other day caught myself checking my gums on the lift mirror only to realise after I got off, that there is a camera in there - glad it was only my gums I was checking out and not adjusting anything else..heh