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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Would the experiences of Refugee camps in the west count to something? I too,sat in our front porch somewhere near the Indian Ocean.When the first flock of refugees were telling us,about the seemingly exciting adventures of their experiences of the horrors of war. Somalidu waa survivors wallahi,honestly when my aunties and uncles whom had to walk across to Ethiopia and then later trek across Kenya to reach Tanzania seem to have overcome that horrible experience and became rather sucessful ..Mashaallah,the resilience in our people is just admirable.
  2. ^They sure do look like they are having a good time,reminicing on probably an illusion of love and what not..heh,the one gacamahaa tagtageyaa is a hopeless romantic, inuu duulo ayuu rabaa baa..Lol
  3. Asalaam Aleykum Sh.Nur Inshallah, I would like to read upon number 1,2,8,9 and 10.Please,shukran! Jazakhallah Kheyr.
  4. KK, your Loooooooooool,triggered my Looooooooooooooool..alhamdulilah! I was in need of laughter..hehe
  5. ^Looooooool@ waxaan horay ubaran waayay maanta kaliya ima dhaafeyso Indeed KK. Now,you can put your feet up and have a hot cocoa.
  6. Lol.GJ isnt a tad bit too early for you to be thinking of chicken Farancab, Eedo yaa adigu kubaree waxaas..yaa? Girls,anyone know a good detangling shampoo?
  7. LOL..Ibti,is that why CL is not here,she is dolling her self up to meet her " old man"..Lol Now whom make you guys laugh? [as in a comedian]
  8. ^Why dont you also go home? Anyone watched the Royal variety show? Some of these British Comedians are hilarious!
  9. ^May we be nosy enough and ask,what is this decision you got to make yaa Ibti?
  10. ^ , Where you fidgiting with your bag as they stared at you? Morning all.
  11. ^I am back!,had a strange day so far. Now,tell Eedo Malika what happened to you?
  12. ^Heh,as the girl said,she is refraining from making any further comments,clearly she knows more then we all do..Hmmmmmmm..Lol *A rumour in the making here*
  13. ^I dont think its haram to receive presents,if so I have eaten all the chocolates and worn a scarf that was given to me..Oops![repeanting time] Morning all!
  14. Malika


    Originally posted by AAliyah416: Malika thank you not only sweet in your book, but thoughtful too awww hada walaalka soma isiinasid Indeed,without any hesitation. Yaan soo weydinaa hadhaa? You know tii minweytaa ayaa qaati ugaa joogna,'we' would like to replace her with a new,sweet and nice young minyaro..What say Aaliyah? But,just so to warn you , my brother is seeking his fortunes[chasing the dream of finding the King Solomons Mines] somewhere in the jungles of Africa,if your game..'We' shall recruit you.
  15. Malika


    ^Hello you Had you not noticed how sweet and thoughtful our Aaliyah is?
  16. S*S..Erm,your still here did you forget to take your baac madhoow, am sure you will find it by the rubbish bins! *Good luck!
  17. Malika


    ^ , a sick moment bee heed Ibtiyow! @Nephiso, the beauty of aging is you start caring less of what folks think of you..You just let it all out!! erm,including the huggable folds dee..hehe Aaliyah,your so sweet.
  18. CL,do tell. What else must he possess,its apparent the adams apple is the winning I know,I am going to get fried by him,the man looks like a bull dog and charges like one Ah,well I shall shudder my shoulders and give him the 'I dont know ',me don't understand English look.
  19. ^Loool Mpendwa. This adams apple has been driving you crazy since yesterday, have just found out what rocks your boat girl..embrass it! Lool. Hello Ms DD,Ibti and Sheh. Nice ya all came out to play, am actually hiding from the IT technician,he is going to tell me off for doing something rather naughty by accident.
  20. ^Toloow,mexee noo shegaan,some how the place is empty without
  21. ^Indhii baa casaateen sidhaa uu dawaneynee the so called 'volatile situation',looks like its a favoured situation. Back to square one.
  22. ^Lol. Where is everybody? CL,you killed Ngonge there..heh
  23. Dire twist of events, only in Somali politics.It doesnt take long before shit hits the fan again and again and again. An interesting game played here by A.Y, IGAD,UN and AU.I am interested to know why,the old man has turned against the same forces that escorted him to Villa Somalia. Is his new confidence has any thing to do with his 'visit' home recently? And what does this mean,in terms of the peace caravan yaa Xaji Xiin, is the Good Sheikh still in Mogadishu?
  24. ^Lol,gabdhaa haiguu, haye, considering what?
  25. 60&55 waa daa yar waan isidhee? Lol. I dont think they are perverts, men dont age even in their 80's miid yaar beey iskaa gursanii karaan iskaba daa iyagoo 55 or 60,they still in their prime. am sure you ladies are just in the right age for these 'old men'..