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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Indeed, Alhamdulillah! So are you all back to work?.. Ah,joys of working for public services one reaps the benefits!..
  2. ^He has already made his intentions clear,as far as he is concerned Hamaz are terrorists and the Palestinians deserve what is happening to them,thus they harbor terrorists. The homicide of innocent people is oppressive and unjustifiable,despite of what Hamaz does..I mean how can they justify the death of 280 Palestinian people,for a mortal that perhaps just wounded one Israeli?
  3. Norf, Welcome to the 30's club,as they say your as young as you feel,believe me there is some truth to this saying...The Peter Pan syndrome.
  4. ^Loooooool, KK That was a classic post by the said so imposter Red
  5. ^You got to understand where Xaji Xiin's stern beliefs come from as a believer I don't think he believes in despair and hopelessness. He knows there will come a time,when the voice of unity will speak and declare to the people[somalis], which will declare with unfaltering voice a unity through GOD and brotherhood of men[somali].Hence his belief the Sheikhs would be those whom will deliver this peace eventually. As for old Somalia,it sure was a far better Somalia to the Somalia of later.
  6. ^Hmmm, I suspect they found oil in our sea shores.. hence this pretence race to guard the ship routes. Anyone seen Rat race?
  7. Lol@Ducaysane and say Wallahi Jac,war iska seexo. Aaliyah,sis am good and so is the little madam.
  8. ^Maxaad Sheegtee Eedo?...Salaams hunno
  9. ^Ah,How exciting!.. ,as for you being here ,it would have been more then nice. Stoic,Salama mzee. CL yupo around. Geel Jire, Alhamdulillah brother no complains.
  10. ^Hello dear! So what have you got planned for the next couple of days?
  11. ^Ar suuqa haanagaa xidiin But again,I havent cooked anything today, would you be kind enough to pass the take away and bring some food with you? Erm.Dont forget Ice cream too.
  12. ^I am not working but would have rather been at bored!
  13. Mabrook Hunguri..Congrats! ps.Ngonge,this explains the smiles..heh
  14. Ngonge, I always thought you were good at reading between the lines..Hunguri smiled at every other sentence, hinting on the oodkaa and honey adiguu naa you sankaa kaa gelineysaa shiisha.. Hungiri, am kidding yaa, am sure its all about Oodka and
  15. KK, am so aware of your self confidence,haguu uu daaqaqii lahaa dee! Val- Those kind of proposal are rare now days, most couples iyagaa melahaasi iskuu helaan,so the meeting with family is the next step forward to getting the deal sealed or just to formalise the process.
  16. GJ@A whole year balaa sugaa? :eek: ,I thought a month is sufficient enough time to give the dude to make up his
  17. ^The proposing? Is that how you proposed Ngonge? I honestly cant remember how mine was,who did what and when,it just happened. We were childhood sweethearts,and at aged 20 no questions asked, love ruled. Ah! memories.
  18. Originally posted by Ms DD: Sometimes I wonder whether Ngonge was a woman in previous life.. The dude is Gooorjos for sure. That is what I meant. He is surely wasted on singing for blokes in such close proximity.. It's kind of interesting how they are sitting so close,while so high and in reminancing of love too!..Belo!..heh So your into pretty boys huh?
  19. ^Well,lets hope we shall be there to offer a hand to lift you off the ground without the usual,I told you so look or say.
  20. ^Do we call anything and everything that hasn't worked a mistake or was it a mistake from the beginning? Hmmm. But Ibti,some "mistake" you make while your young might haunt you for ever, so I don't see it as simple as that, but again it all depends on the "mistake".. Again, Life and living is always about learning,new learning curves are always formed as long as your alive.There is a Swahili saying, "Hujafa hujaumbika- Your not fully formed until your dead" either be physically or mentally one is not fully formed until they are dead. Now,live young lady.. ,fall and stumble,get up and dust off and move on.
  21. ^What a taboo of a story to tell! Interesting though, is there more to come?
  22. Originally posted by sheherazade: too much hurdo is bad, bad, bad. Madaxaa i qarxi rabo(DD, is this how you would say it? lol) I second that,I have been waking up the same time as if I was going to work and finding myself back in bed as I have nothing else to do,there is so much cooking and cleaning one can do..argh.
  23. ^What??? How am I a qabiyaliste? :mad: I said "our people",that includes all "Somalis", my uncles and aunties are just an example dee,waa kuu sidee xaji?
  24. ^ :)Your alive sister,alive and kicking as they say. Its good to go through these times,when you have to be battling yourself to make the best choices, you know what kind of life you want to lead and by the graces of Allah you shall make the best choices. Changing lifestyle?..Hmmm,is it for the betterment of you? or would this be the down fall of you in the long run? The future is not our to determine, we can prepare but we can never know what is installed for us.Life has its wonderful surprises,when you think you got it figured out,something is thrown in the midst for you to sort,then its either your going to swim or sink bee shekaduu noqoneysaa..but nevertheless,with faith in Allah nothing is an obstacle. Increase your nightly prayers,sometimes only when we are in trouble we face Allah,its good even in good times to face Allah and pray for his continues support. Inshaallah kheyr.