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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Subhanallah,inaalilaahi wainaa ilehi raajicuun!..How sad to see,the sheer disrespect of maaidth..subhanallah! maxaa lagaa sawireyaa baa? Alhamdulillah!
  2. KK,'me'wants to know if he could set up 'pirating business'while doing his day job too..Lol
  3. Blessed,the need lays in being taken care of, you know how men love to be taken care of like little weaklings..Lol I cant remember where I heard this,but they say,even if you [a woman]is walking in front of her brother or any man that is muharam to her to remember calling them 'walaal','abo','abti' etc just so to remind them,to eliminate any undesired thoughts within them.I hope you got my drift with this in the case of the maid around the are creatures of wonders wallahi!..damacoodhaa ayaa iska weyn. Now is this a coincident or what, why are all the married women in this thread?..Loooooooool, maxaa laa baqaneysaan? yaah..hehe
  4. ^There is something alluring to men about a woman whom is tending to their needs hunno. In these cases a maid,I know of a person whom after a long holiday in UK,went back to find the maid is the new Mrs.Her husbands response was,she has been more then a wife to me,she feeds me,clean for me and above all is very attentive to me and my needs. So no maids girls if you want to keep your There is alot to learn from our elders,I dont know if you remember whom used to serve your father even if there were hundred other people in the house.
  5. I would never forgive him,there is no forgiving someone whom deliberately went out of his way to cause pain and a possible destruction to the family.. What's money or children, if the core foundation of the relationship between the wife and husband is rotten? You see so many living in lives of qiyaani, and one wonders what is the purpose of such a life/marriage?
  6. ^Maa saas baa,haye will it be a long distance via the internet sort of marriage? ..erm,one of the requirement was she is computer literate.. ps.The porridge wife is xalaal too,wexeey iska dideyaan to commit zina during ramadan hence marrying only for ramadan and then back to sheydanimo after that..Lol[i know its is jahiil-Ibti before you waste a minute to respond to this madness]..Lol
  7. Congratulations A&T! is it a boy or a girl? AND I have printed out your ad,will stick it at the local Somali Shop,dee mahaayo that many Somali friends [oo desparate aah]..Lol As for this kind of marriage,waxaa laga arkijiree Swahiliga,there is a rare Swahili tradition of marriying each other only during ramadan,they call the wife "mke wa uji"[translated as Porridge wife]..Lol, hadaa adiguu your looking for temporary umuul wife miyaa? Looooooooooool@ am not stingy..loooooooool walle you got jokes!
  8. Malika


    ^Dont forget to post links here too, I am just learning to appreciate Dhaanto,after nothing else was played at this party I went too. maxaa laa ciyaare,islamihii yaa fadhisiin habeenkii oo danii they were on their
  9. Understandably she feared marriage,if what she only saw was abused of the married women,but what I dont get is,if she is a burden to her family what will a 100yr old man do to help,isagii baa tisaa haya. It's a bit too late to enjoy the fruits of marriage..
  10. Ibti,if I had like 5-6 kids,I would be given at least about £500 a week and that exclude the housing benefit/council tax..markaa walle,am in the wrong career..
  11. @ Ibti.I knew you would come back with that,girl your too perfect! , baal iga leexo let me go check my email,my heart missed a beat there just the thought of what awaits for me in that email,a response from a lovey dovey email sent earlier.. Lol..A&T,is walking through memory lane sakaadhan..Lol nuune,adiguu waxaan miyee kuu soo mareen?
  12. Amiin@nuune&Ibti. I feel Norf, I too will like to quit working all together the idea of popping some babies and claiming benefits looks appealing to me hadhaa.
  13. ^Your not one for imagination,I see,perhaps even not one for literarly romance too..hehehe Forget about the love bits dear,do you want to tell me,you have never been touched by someones words even here on SOL? Tell you what,I have never met any Soler,but there are those within these forums, whom I have utter respect for.I have come to like them ,not because I know them personally but all through their words on the screen[as to borrow,my fav soler's words].. ps.baal orood ee read some Mills & Boons to understand and let us rejoice in our once upon a time cyber love affairs ..loooooool
  14. ^Lemon cake and tea?..yummy! mashaallah yanaan cyberka kuguu I have been up since 5 am,was on the phone as my dear ayeyo is seriously ill. ,these are the times one wishes they never had never moved and left parents in far lands. ps.Wcs wr wb.
  15. ^Loooooooool.maxaa isku deex qortee..Lol@maharaga leo..hehehe Subax wanagsaan Nuune,how was your weekend? Where is Ngonge this morning? tolow he is pretending to work miyaa?
  16. ^Morning mpenzi..sabax kheyr mpenzi waonaje haliyako?
  17. ^I suppose there will be a time,when they will have to speak on the phone.I wonder if he will still use the interpreter and how will this work?..ah! maskinka I feel for him now..Lol Tell me about internet love affair,it sure is exalurating! The email crossing cyberspaces caring literary quality,electrifying messages enhanced with verses,virual gifts or self images..Could any heart with romantic inclination resist that? ..Oh, reaching for the mouse with sweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach to look in the in-box for new emails, smiling while reading,gazing into space visualising,how and when..There is no escape, love has arrived via the cyberspace..Lol PS.Salaam A&T, waad kaa bogsanii dontaa jacylkasii,it doesnt last long like all missed opportunities,one tends to wonder what if...
  18. ^ , Now is she advanced or her circumstances are advance?..Hmmmm.
  19. ^Lol,she would tell him where to get off,dating for 4yrs!..xaram,xaram! A&T,goormee noqootee Agony Uncle?..Loool. As for the topic,maxaan dahna dee! What was your aim in forging this lasting relationship with the sister if marriage wasnt in your mind? You must be a member of, gabadhaa hadaa niyaad uu heysaniin let her go hadhii kalee niin rag iska dig and follow the guides of our deen.Make an honest woman of her and save yourself in the process,xarantaan aad wadantaan iska dayaa hee..[taasi waa iga taloo]
  20. ^Jazakhallah Kheyr for the post,this was one of the dua's memorised since I was seven.The dua is so complete,subhanallah! What does one really want in this duniya ,akhira and qabri,if not the mercy of Allah! Blessed sis,As long as the intentions are sincerely and solely to please Allah.He is forgiving and will accept our deeds as long as there is sincerity.Allah is merciful,with his mercy we can prosper in this Duniya and Akhira.Dont let the sheytan caste doubts within you. ps.This dua has made me rather emotional tonight,as my grandmother is seriously ill and the last I spoke to her,she said she wasn't fearful of death but of the qabri.I pray for her,steady recover.If this illness is the sabaab for her,may Allah make this process easy for her..Amiin.
  21. Hello Ms DD,few are missing.Jac iyo Ibti and their qaylo. Ya all have a nice weekend now,mine has just began.. *off to seek spiced barbequed chicken to start off the evening*
  22. ^Hello mpenzi. This was a hard week for me,after two weeks of lay in's..argh Lily!! You have surfaced,erm very predictate on a friday too!..hah,are you having chocolate?
  23. ^ ,intee qaa dacdee Ms DD? ps.No one is hating you dear,there must be room for individuality people.
  24. ^Ya Man! waxaas aa jacely yaa?..Lol Thanks Nuune,will listen to it later I'A. ps.I knew you will be THE man to ask,adaa aduunyoo waar uu hayaa maa istiriid nuuney..