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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^ , was that you today mpendwa?
  2. Zafir, Can you post FB's picture so we can judge for ourselves ,if he looks like Obama or not.
  3. ^Dont mind us dear,the anti socials , In all honest,there is nothing so valuable then the bonds I have with my few friends.There is something special about our sisterhood,despite our individualism,which is shaped by our different life experiences,goals and talents etc.Yet we are there supporting each other in our daily trials,joys etc, where would I be without my co-mothers,advisors,beauty consultants,etc. Godbless them! Ibti,I have banned my friend from talking to me about her farax for a month.. [Am just jealous of her, I dont have a farax that is so annoying and whom consumes so much of my time]
  4. ^I have seen it,but cant remember what it was exactly I remember correctly,one of the cast's husbands cheat,and she fells apart,her friends do the usual 'lift up'routines..It was rather,boring. Actually,it made me look at what,me and my girlfriends talk and deal with most of the times,and YEP! it was MEN..argh :mad: ,pathetic!!
  5. Yep,time for fun..Maxaa laa degeeystaa beriyahan@ nuune iyo Jac..
  6. Such is life,so fragile!@ Ibti On my early morning walk,I stopped and looked up at the new moon,surronded by dark clouds as dawn approaches..Thoughts of death,and perhaps not ever catching such a glimples of the world around us,overwhelmed me. Came into work,and was informed of a collegue whom has been in hospital has been taken into a hospice,to await death..subhanallah!
  7. Hi Lily! , long time no see ukhti. Jac,Will PM maarkaa soo dowanayoo Hargeysa,aad ii geysiid to this Obama restaurant. peasant,its just names dee,your not accusing them of Farancab,waa afsomaliga ii jilcii
  8. Loooooool@Obama restaurant,that reminds me of those little cafe's in Africa with colourful drawings and funny names ..I bet there was a big mural of Obama on the walls..Lol Mpendwa, alxamdulillah,am good and you? Peasant, like who? Salaam Farancab..Eedo
  9. There is a 'yes we can' restaurant? Hello my people..AND mpenzi CL.
  10. @ Rudy,that made my morning..LOL.
  11. ^Happy Birthday Norf,and nothing happens now,but a continuity of your life..Live it good brother!
  12. nuune,alxamdulillah waalaficanyahay[is that a word]. Farancab,diniic waalbaa walagaa qatee salantaa!.. Nuune,sheeko aan kuhayaa,lakiin wexeey ficnanii leheed, if I had your digits to tell you..Lol Hayee meyeen dadkii, Ngonge works hard beriyahan so does CL,iyo Ibti!..mashaallah
  13. Alla naftaan saani radhaa! Afternoon folks Haye, maxaa laa sheegee?
  14. My hero/s, are the people that have impacted on my life directly.Those whom have lead me to sanity,shone a light when there was darkness. God bless them!
  15. Malika

    Go Geedi Go...!

    ^ Quite a contrast,from the Somalia, we see on TV,daadkaan dereegsanaa!! These people live in Mogadishu? As for Geedi,Somalis must be given an award for the most comical politicians awards.
  16. NG,for now, but perhaps once the dust has settled and every one feels justly treated we can start moving toward perhaps to more advance governing system. Perhaps,geel jire laws will always be appealing to Somalis even in the 21 century.
  17. I wonder if they will view a Somali born outside Somalia a foreign and pay him/her the same salary as the ajaanabi doctors? Horta,don't we have architects in Somalia, why are all the new buildings look the same? Mashaallah
  18. ^Waar Google him,you will have all the links to his works. Ibti,I first read one of his books when I was a kid,and boy! was that an eye opening..Lol I learned Somalis were humans!..Being raised in a very conservative house hold,one assumed Somalis were the most godly like people..Lol He is my fav author..and yeah,he resides in SA now! Oops for the topic.
  19. ^The man is alive and kicking in South Africa,I mean Nurudin Farah the author.
  20. Alxamdulillah, its nice to see pictures of smilling kids, and optimistic elders! RESPECT to the men walking on the path of God, subhallah! We owe these men so much,they have held our chaotic country together by ways of charity, businesses,education etc.. May Allah be with them in this testing task of delivering peace!..Amiin.
  21. A good move, if these bad habits are crippling the state then it is his duty to declare the ban, I know it could have been done by the health minister but heck its Africa!.. This is a bad habit which has no boundaries when it comes to Somalis,it effects each and one of us,either from PL or SL or KL, or the last two are made up states..heh I believe this is a move toward bringing development, regenerating the people in order for them to be ready to handle what ascertains to trully bring change and development - In this case staying SOBER!. Maa waax kastaa laa guu murmaa? cajiib!
  22. You lot leave Aaliyah alone,let her with her dream dee, wamaxaay this niya jeebiis aad laa so orodeen. Amiin to the dua.
  23. ^Now am so curious at where she is going too..Lol Salaam Ibti!
  24. 'Boqool Son', baan islamaha kaa maqlaa, I dont know his real name though. He seems to be very influential to the elder generation.