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Everything posted by Malika

  1. Looooooooool@nuune,waryahee qaxigii kumaan jiriin lakiin dadkii soo qaxee baan arkeyee..Lol Buuxo,sis I was basking by the indian ocean berigaasi,lakiin qaxiigaa aniguu sidhaa uu aqaane started in 1988,markaa waa 20yrs ago,when Somali refugee noogu yimi Zanzibar.
  2. JB,Waar qaruur meshaan majoogto,they will tell you I was this age qaxigii and somehow they are still in their 20's, twenty years later...Time frooze,when they got to the immigration centres..Lol
  3. ^Not really,nothing planned as such, just allowing life to lead me wherever this year.. Looooooooool@Blessed,why not a stove or a sink,an ironing board..Loooool..fridge aa?..Lol Buuxo, I too can not go out without my eye liner,and days I feel extra good,I put on some eye shadow,perhaps a bit of foundation or powder..
  4. Asalaam Aleykum, Question to the sisters; What does it means to you being a woman of faith? Are you able to distinguish between the ‘traditional role of women’ and the religious requirements and obligation of women within your faith? How does your faith impact on your way of life, achievement and success?
  5. ^I have a thing about bra's, could they really sum up my womanness?..Hmmmm.
  6. Laba mshamboo[Africans] aa tihiin,there is something called the PM[Private Message].. Now we know BOB is alone,A&T has been provisionally A&T,you know one cant do the mashxarad while thirst,hayee maxaa isoo direysaa?..Congrat dear!
  7. ^ As for the topic,whats the big deal? Dont you all speak different languages? Even back home afaaf kalee laaguu hadhlii jiree,that didnt make anyone special. :confused:
  8. LOL@ning',OZ we are at work and are supposed to be working. Actually cricket is one game,I never understood and never tried to understand. Jac,xiliib kamaa dashiid hedee? Farancab,how did you know it was one of my fav tracks?.. How does one console a 'crying male collegue' without touching them,I have those long ruler perhaps I should use that to pat him on the shoulder or head..hmmm
  9. @A&T, must have been a creamed cake..astagfirullah! A&T,I think wifey should definetly insist you go work in Saudi,waax aad dawaatiid markaa aad weydoo,you might be healed..Lol geesii baa tahay,to tell as it is. I laughed at the wife calling to remind you of caanihii haylawiin..Lol so typical!
  10. ^Morning dearest, God lord,that is one annoying song,am gagging! Hayee maxaa laa guubariyee[sp]?
  11. ^Yeah,maxaa soo koordee maanta,oh it must be pay day? This song is stuck in my head,causing me to get all sentimental about nothing.. :mad: "Baby think twice for the sake of our love,the memory.For the fire and the faith that was you and me"..blah blah blah "Dont say what your about to say,look back before you leave my life" more blah blah.
  12. Originally posted by underdog: If you're in a position of weakness and rely on your spouse financially, emotionally and psychologically, it would be in your best interest to take the hit, shut your mouth, forgive and convince yourself it was probably your fault. But, you'll never trust her/him again and you'll probably have to figure out how to live with the doubt and suspicion. If you're in a position of power and you're independent, confident and capable, you'd probably be better off kicking the cheater to the curb and starting fresh on a new canvas. Hope you have faith to trust again. Either way, you're screwed! ^ Your right, many people get hung up on the trust issue.But isnt that a waste of time and opportunities to yet experience love again? To move forward after a disappointment,will require strength and belief in one self,its too sad to see people waste their lives holding on to a past mishap..Life is too short and he or she isn't worth it,a mere weak human being waaye. I think it's important to let go,once someone has shown themselves to you, believe them. If possible and able move on,they will never change,if its not cheating it would be something else.
  13. If there were items,that represent you as a woman, what would they be?
  14. ^True,I have seen children just arriving from Mogadishu with a very good educational back ground and motivation. I am very impressed by a couple of new arrivals this term.Despite what is going on in Mogadishu,it seems there are some that are triving in education and life in general. ps.They are not sons of a warlord
  15. ^Erm,you do know that Zanzibar isnt a monacy? The Sultan,left like so long,and its part of the Tanzanian Republic.. Ya all have a nice weekend now.
  16. ^ I am sure you have heard of this saying ' Your ears must have been burning', it means the same thing as 'dhagta is qhabo' Lol@telling off Jac..
  17. ^Ambaa waa kaa shakiyee this Aaliyah,the usual Aaliyah,says Salaams ama waan ii soo duceneyaa, wamaxaay cya?
  18. Ibti,yummmy! please do. Now you got me thinking,chocolate,chocolate..hmmm,that should serve as a soother this weekend,as I have no plans whats so ever,and that is depressing. Lily,Ah!the maxi dresses, I love those,just makes one feel extra segsi.. Ms DD, hayee near to a millioneress?
  19. ^Lol..I am jealous Serenity,Africa at this time of the year,sounds fab! @ Lily,fruits are the way to go,in my house we are hooked on fruit smoothies. So what will be on 'fashion wise' this summer yaa Lily? Ms DD,W.C.Salaam habibti,intee jiirtee ?
  20. ^4 months till summer!..whooooa! Hello Lily! Care to share,that chocolate bar?
  21. ^Indeed,Samir iyo Imaan. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'cuun.. O' Allah! Your slave,the child of your slave is in need of your mercy,and you are not in need of his torment.If he was pious then increase his rewards,and if he was a transgressor then pardon him. Amiin ya rabi alaameen!
  22. ^Lol@ CL,hujui kama mimi ni mganga wa kienyeji,mulize nuune..Lol Hey nuune,intee jiirtee maanta hee? CL,did you leave important work until last minute? Ibti,had enough of politics? soo dhoow,the place missed you.
  23. ^Loooooool,mashetani ya wapi yamepanda leo? Wa pwani ama wa kisiwani?
  24. My man! Ducaysane,waar meshaan adigoo oo kalee majiraan.Your an asset to this joint,too serious baa dadkii noqdeen,the joint is getting boring..Dee marmaar soo booq hee..Lol
  25. ^Loooooooooooooooool,Looooooooool, pole pole basi,hatutaki tukuone umetupa nguo..Lol