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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^A week or two? Oh boy! It sure is effing cold. I just hope it snows heavily tonight,so everything comes to a stand still in the morning-No going to work!
  2. Boohoo..cry babies! Sometimes I wonder if Somalis think they are an Island in planet Jupiter..Lol He is the 'Head of State' of Somalia,Somalia is a member state within the African Union.All the head of states are to meet from 1-3rd of Feb..That's all,before you all start chanting burn burn him!. Che,I am sure he would have liked nothing more then grace the people with his presence in Mogadishu,but he has got to come back home with goodies dee..Lol..
  3. ^The one from America,I liked his little speech..Its about time the oldies let go of power. I know I didnt answer your
  4. ^Are you sure,I thought they have the used Honda at home,and fancy themselves an expensive motor,hence why men droll over cars they might never get the chance to drive..e.g the Ferraris..heh[Astagfirullah]
  5. I almost feel sorry for him,May Allah SWT guide him and us.. Amiin. ps.Looking at his hands,he seems anxious,uncomfortable..illah haa uu gargaroo Sheikha,he sure has alot of work to do.
  6. ^Have you ever thought of becoming an "agony uncle"?
  7. Message from the Ambulance Service We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency) Campaign. The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE' ( In Case Of Emergency). The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as 'ICE'. Please forward this. It won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest. For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc PLEASE PASS THIS AROUND AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE AS THIS CAN HELP IN AN EMERGENCY
  8. 1.Khadija Khubra[Khadija the Great]- "When none believed me,Khadija did.She made me a partner in her wealth" - these are words of the Prophet Muhamad[sAW]..What a woman!! 2.Nana Asma'u -From a lineage of women scholars,Nana was a product of the 19th Century Sokoto Jihad.She was a scholar,poet,community leader,political commentator,and socio-political engenieer whose mountain of knowledge could not be compared to her contemporaries...[Who says,equal rights is a modern/western phenomenal?] This morning these two ladies,are my inspiration..
  9. A&T,adigoo hadhoow oraneysaa,I dont want war with you LG,yalaa guu arkiin..
  10. ^This,is self advertising.Wilku is saying he is all that and plus..Now ya all form a que please,no need to cause a riot in here.
  11. ^Lol,probably the same really,..did he smell divine too? Oh,I would have stumped on his foot,elbow him on his ribs and spat at him as he bends down in pain. , maybe,maybe though..
  12. CL,Yeah!funny kind a way, maa qosool gariirtee..Lol,was it a tingly kind of laugh..Hehehe.. What??????????? You didnt pepper spray him?? Girl,I need to see you pronto,to go through the 'keeping safe on the streets' manual for women.
  13. Aaliyah416, Yaarisee,Masha'allah aa tahay, Ilahaay haa ku dayoo….Amiin dheh!! "Shan iyo toban geela niman baa ka shubi lahaa Kun baa loo diidey boqolbaa berriga fadhiya Adaase lagu qaadi waayee qalbiga ku hay Oo gabadhu caynkay tahaan kuu cadaynayaa Casaan weeyaanoo midabkeedu waa cajiib Casarkii ma wareegto oo waaberi lama celcelin Timaha ma casaysan oo baarra kama cashayn Kuwa cishaha dheelmadana caado uma lahayn Waxaa dhalay reera dhiirdhiiran oo kulkulul Dheregna ma ay waayin guri dheelan bay ka timi" Daq Daq Daq Daq, waaka ,wakaa![trying to dance,buranbuur in my mind]
  14. It’s pretty rational to think that those who start name calling when they don’t like what someone else says aren’t that bright themselves.
  15. Looooooooooooool,You havent said that in a long while. Jimicsi wayahay! ,you and Jimicsi,Aaaliyah and Dua's..maxaa nagaa maqaan baa! I better get some work done..ciao!
  16. ^Tough love at its best dhe!, I better shape up[some how the song in Grease comes to mind] Inshaallah.
  17. ^I know,actually I wanted to pull nuunes with his,maxaa laa shegee salaam. CL,If it wasnt for my daughter,I probably would have already done that myself..Lol She looked horrified, when I said that one morning..Lol I wont harm a God's creature @ Ibti..Loooooool
  18. ^Aaw,thanks Jac. I needed some 'male'sympathy,darn nuune iyo Ngonge weey ii isdegaa tireen.. CL,alxamdulillah all and everyone is good.
  19. nuune, 1.My head hurts 2.I have no money 3.My car,needs an MOT 4.My wardrobe door need fixing 5.The bloody cat from next door keeps pooping on my door step..[planning to poison the darn thing] Should I go on?
  20. ^BANG!!!, Die woman!. I agree! it is their personal choice to wear whatever they like,and thanks for the slap on the wrist, lakiin next time use a feather,not your hard hand.
  21. Morning Mpendwa & Haji Ngonge Farancab,good for you. Daqaan ceeliis baad uu bahantahay..kuyee 'I have been abducted'waar do not got around Jigjiga[assuming this is where your going] saying that,geed xoostii baalaaguu ,thats the special treatment for mentally ill.
  22. No wonder,I woke up with a headache and back pain,it must have been Ibti's habaar iyo qaylo..Naa hedee,taar tiib dee,you were disappointed,noted.The rest of your rant,was just blah blah blah, the usual self rightuousness drivels of SOL... :mad: I still find,the colour combination and man shoes with white socks a ghastly look[MY OPINION]..Now sue me!
  23. ^ @ your signature. Modestynimadaa laa isumaa hayoo,am talking about the bright colours,designs etc, you missed that bit huh?..Nevertheless,everyone has their style of hijab,and perhaps this is the Somali style.
  24. Come on guys, I mean an orange umbrella like jalbaab and a green skirt/dress under it,with man sandals and white socks is just an eye sore...ghastly![says the fashion police] Masha'allah, Somali women have taken wearing hijab to a whole new level with this jaalbaab but surely wearing attention grabbing colours is not very islamic.A garment which is intended to conceal a woman and her beauty from public view cannot be a thing which enhances her beauty. Therefore, the garment should not contain bright colors, bold designs or reflective material that draw men’s attention to the wearer. Imam Adh-Dhahabi says in his book Kitab AI-Kabalir (The Book of Major Sins): " Amongst the deeds which a woman is cursed for are displaying the adornments she wears, wearing perfume when she goes out, and wearing colorful clothes " Hence, the Muslim woman is encouraged to wear muted, somber colors and to avoid bright designs, patterns and colors. Now stop ganging up on Marx, the Nazi Solers..
  25. ^ , they would be there in a jiffy tooting their cumamadaas, hadee maqlii lahayeen.