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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^Dig aa kaa buxaa, means your such a qabiyaliste, maxaa adeerka sankaa naga soo gelineysaa..erm those are xiin's words [as I understood]..Lol Astagfirullah! Jokes!
  2. Ngonge,dacayadaan aad wadaatii maa kaa daysiid sheikha..Lol Hilarious,masking your criticism with humour huh?
  3. Look at what you lot have done to the pretty,erm handsome boy's article-thread? Masha'allah@ the brothers accomplishments. Trolling is forbidden in Politics!
  4. I must be suffering from 'snow blues', I am actually irritated by the sight of snow.. :mad: *sigh* exhale..pheew! Hello Trollers, ii waramaa?
  5. Male friends are fantastic for the ego,but..I mean what hot blooded male would hang around a non muharam sister and not be tempted?? kaasii waa miid nooq kalee,cold blooded C&H,you remind me of Johnny Bravo the cartoon..Lol "Oh mama! they want me"..Lol
  6. Oh No! What happened to the best hiden African Democracy?.. Odayguu wants to be a life time ruler,if he had a choice too it would have been a one party rule too..Lol African leaders! :rolleyes:
  7. Apparently that is not the last we have seen of snow,there might be more tonight or tommorrow..[please God make it snow tonight and tommorrow,4 days weekend would just be so nice]
  8. Malika


    Originally posted by cynical lady: Explain what?@malika And yes we did, we wouldn’t be good friends if we didn’t and she knows it. I mean we are comfortable bunch to make fun of each others and being mean to ones new beau is part of the territory especially when they have defaults; seriously we all have chickens that are going to come home to roast one day and believe me she will relish when the day comes. But that’s besides the point she will get over it because she always does and we all well when it happens to us, but the point is the man has boobs/hips that sway when he moves (you should have seen our faces when he stood up to pay/omg he even paid for us god bless his dear socks) and I reckon it’s a B cup even though someone else is swearing to a C (we are contemplating she puts her hand on it to weight it or even hand him her bra and see how it hangs) Anyhow- you still haven’t answered the question my dear so stop dancing around and just vomit it will’yah. ^ Astagfirullah,Lol..Alright,its not in my preference,but I wouldn't interfere with a friends choice
  9. ^It took me back home,once I figured out how to post pictures will post some amazing scenes of the rift valley just by my ayeyo's backyard. Interesting,even on the highlands of the Tanzania,where the rift valley passes Qaat grew,although not as effective as the Ethiopian and Meru Qaat this one was mild but nevertheless it grew there..
  10. Originally posted by underdog: Let's back it up a bit. What's considered Cheating? If your significant other confides in a someone else of the opposite sex more than you, would that be cheating? is that forgivable? What about an online relationship? he/she is always chatting with someone else online...what do you do? Hell Yeah!,confiding with another female while am alive and kicking?? What would be the point of our relationship if he is having little te'te with another woman..That will be emotional cheating.. He chats all the time online with a female,hmmm I would sure like to know what is so interesting,and that again would be emotional and psychological cheating..He is having way too much fun with someone on the cyber,intuu aniguu iguu soo jeedi lahaa and talk to me,play with me..waqtigisaa oo daani he is online?? baciisaa madoow would be by the door for him to collect.
  11. Malika


    ^Good lord,you do not want him to explain that do you? CL.I am assuming you all made nasty comments about menboobs/hips hence why your friend is avoiding you lot..She is just hurt that you lot look down on her choice,so why not approach her and tell her that it is what makes her happy that you all want..if its the manboom/hips man or else. As for the manboob/hips its sure is better then man with big butt[miskiin]
  12. Malika


    LOL.CL,she is probably feeling embarrased and ackward now as perhaps at some point she too found manboobs/hips to be an off put. But nevertheless,it is her choice,and she needs to be matured about it. Honestly,I have never done the summing up of a fellow for a friend,and I never allow anybody to sum up a fellow I am interested in..So this whole thing of grilling and approving someone elses beau is very alien to me.[i know am anti-social].. , But let me ask this,so if the friends disapprove the dude is gone??
  13. I would say,Sh.Aweeys @ Ngonge's last comment.
  14. ^So what was it you wanted to ask the ladies,as a lady has turned up.. whats happening in Dublin,some rock festival? ps.Check nuune's location
  15. ^Paying far too much attention to what the so called leaders want,why not for once have the interest of the poor people caught up in this madness. For the love of GOD who cares what those few men want and dont want..It is time to stop this madness,and let the people have some peace..arg! Advocating for more chaos,war and the continuity of the destruction of our nation is pathetic to say the least,toloow when will people stop standing behind these excuses of leaders and actually demand that peace must prevail for once and for all.
  16. Lily and Ngonge, For the love of afsomali,thanks for the corrections Now would you two like a mug too?
  17. Bless the head,he has let us go home - school closed down at 12pm..I am comfortably at home drinking shaax[eat your heart out Ngonge]..
  18. ^Your playing outside? :mad: , enjoy yourself dear. How deep is the snow where you are? Its melting where I am.. :mad:
  19. ^You think of what I am thinking,if so ..Ibti haa uu bixiin islantuu she came to check you out..Lol. Abwaan,am still at work..Hoping they decide to send us home by lunch time..
  20. ^*Buuxo* you were not formarly known as Cabdiyo Cabdi?. 'me'lucky you..From my office window I can see the snow pilling up and more dropping..I hate snow! I would hate it much more tommorrow when it turns to ice..argh. Where is A&T,since he has become the manager,he probably now can afford a maid,I might just apply.
  21. ^Lol..possibly,wilku uu cuntoo badan yahay..Lol Morning Ngonge Hey Buuxo,apart from being cold all is well.
  22. ^War warkii aad noo heysee medeey? Oh,boy its cold.
  23. rest aa? war waqtii loo mahayoo resting,we got to start throwing the rotten eggs at the man..How dare he go to Addis? How dare he shake hands with collaborators[African leaders] and the neo colonists[Western Aid Providers] dare he?? Power has already gone to his head,attending an all HEAD OF STATES meeting? muxuu ismoodee sheikhuu.
  24. ^Your home? I hate everyone that is home..I got to work at 7.30,it was snowing and it is still snowing,so I wonder how I will get home later on,more so how will my baby get home..I should have faked an illness..arg
  25. ^ ,let me ask you this;- 1.What were your expectations of the man and his position? -I clearly remember a whole thread dedicated to praising him,not so long ago in this section,what has changed? 2.What were your assumptions as to how he will start picking up the pieces of a shattered,knee jerked bare stomach of a country? Didnt you know the 21st Centrury is the African Centrury?.. The man is going to need support,and it will have to come from the neighbours+international community to help him restore not only peace but rebuilding the infrastructure/economy of the country...Maa keligii kuu nool baad rabtaan inaad noqotaan? ,as I said somewhere else,we are not an island in planet Jupiter. Whats wrong in seeking AID? Are we self sufficient already? Would it have made a difference if he had gone to the Arab league meeting[if one was going on]?